Chapter 1

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It's the end of the summer, the beginning of august, and Prince Jimin is running along the gravel paths to the clearing in the middle of the palace garden.

Prince Jimin is a son of King Park Ji-Hoon and Queen Park Areum. At 24 years old, he is the eldest son of the Park kingdom in Busan. Prince Jimin is a gentle, cheerful young man. His chubby cheeks are red from the outdoor air and his black hair bounces up and down as he runs.

When he arrives in the middle of the palace gardens, he sees his mother already sitting there with his younger brother Prince Taehuyng. Prince Taehuyng is 22 years old. The brothers initially look a lot alike, but whoever gets to know them better knows that Prince Taehuyng is a bit more outspoken, while Prince Jimin is a bit more shy. And where Prince Taehuyng has a more masculine build, Prince Jimin has a more feminine appearance.

"Hi mom," Jimin says as he hugs his mother. "Oh, hello son. Good to see you here," says the queen and she gives him a kiss on his temple. Jimin sits down next to his mother on the bench and enjoys the peace around him. He often comes here, alone, when he wants to sort out his thoughts.

Especially in his younger years when he was still at school, he was regularly the center of bullying. His feminine way of walking and the light makeup he wore caused him to be called a fag. While he didn't even know whether he liked girls or boys. Later, after dating a few girls and boys, Jimin noticed that his preference was mainly for boys.

After he came home from school, he would usually walk to the palace gardens and sit on one of the benches in the open space. Then he let out his tears and asked himself if it was so bad that he likes boys instead of girls. Taehuyng would often follow him and sit next to him to comfort him.

His father and mother also saw the sadness in his eyes, but did not know what was going on. Jimin preferred to keep his problems to himself rather than bother others with them. But after they found out what was going on through Taehuyng, his mother immediately went to Jimin to tell him how much she loves him regardless of the fact that he is gay.

Jimin was initially angry at Taehuyng for telling his secret, but was ultimately happy that he can now be who he is at home.

Now Jimin and Taehuyng have been out of school for years and have to help out in the palace. Jimin is mainly the one who blends in with the population. He has a heart of gold and his gentle character has attracted many residents to their hearts. He would prefer to help everyone with his or her problems where he can. He mainly does this with his mother, who is also very popular among the residents of Busan. Together they regularly mingle with the people to hear their stories and where any pain points are in the town.

Taehuyng is more concerned with his father's work. Of course, they hear from Areum and Jimin where the problems are and together they start working to see how the problems in the town can be solved. Sometimes together with the residents themselves, but sometimes also with the help of other kingdoms in the area.

The inhabitants are happy with the help of the king and queen and their two sons. The residents regularly treat them to delicacies or the latest gadgets to express their gratitude and appreciation to their king and queen. Naturally, Ji-hoon and Areum are very happy with this and they hope that their sons will both find a good partner with whom they can further build the kingdom and maintain good ties with the inhabitants.

"Why did I have to come here, mom," Jimin asks his mother. Areum looks at him lovingly. "There is something I need to discuss with you, darlings," she says and Taehuyng also joins his mother and Jimin on the bench. "As you know, all men between the ages of 18 and 28 must register for military service. Now we have spoken with the government to see if an exception can be made for you, but actually your father and I think that you two should set a good example. Even though you are princes and live in a palace, when war breaks out you will also have to defend the inhabitants of your country," she concludes her story. You will go together and use the companion system. This way you stay together and can support each other where necessary.

Jimin and Taehuyng look at her in shock. But what about you and Dad, when we are not there, you have to do all the work alone," says Taehuyng.

"Don't worry about that, honey," his mother says. "When you were at school, we did everything alone. I think we will be able to survive the year and a half that you will be away."

She wraps her arms around both boys and gives them a loving hug. "There is just one thing you need to do before you start your enlistment," she says and Jimin and Taehuyng look at her questioningly.

"That you will learn how to do household chores and how to cook. When you are there, you will have to do everything independently and there are no maids to change the beds and wash your clothes for you," says Areum, laughing as she looks at the shocked faces of her boys. "Mom," Taehuyng groans. "How on earth am I supposed to learn all that before we go there?"

"Oh son, that's going to work out pretty well. I met a very nice grandmother who would like to teach you everything. We are going to meet her tomorrow and we will go shopping for normal clothes and things that you need when you go to military service," says Areum. "I have agreed with her that you will live in her house until military service and help her with the household chores that need to be done."

The queen stands up and gives her boys one last kiss on their heads. "Don't worry too much guys, everything will work out fine and before you know it your military service will be over and we can focus on the future." And with those last words she walks towards the palace.

The boys are left behind in the clearing, both deep in thought about what their mother has just told them. Jimin is worried. What if he starts being bullied again, just like at school? Of course he won't use his makeup there, but still.... What if things don't go well, is he able to survive those eighteen months, he thinks as he fiddles with his fingers.

Taehuyng is also in his thoughts, but he senses his brother's nerves. He turns to Jimin and puts his arm around his shoulders.

"Jimin-ah, don't worry too much, everything will be fine. Together we are strong". Jimin looks at him and tries to hide his fear, but Taehuyng knows him too well and knows what's going on. "We are together hyung, I will protect you," Taehuyng says softly to his brother. "And maybe military service isn't that bad for you at all, then you'll immediately learn how to stand up for yourself and be able to defend yourself against any nasty people."

Jimin is not yet convinced, but decides to let it happen. Taehuyng is right, maybe he can learn how to be stronger and show the world that he is no longer that scared little boy he was back in the days. He gives his brother a hug and for a moment they sit together like that. When they pull back, he looks at his brother "Thank you Tae, together we can take on the world."

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