Chapter 5

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The morning of the entrance ceremony is there. It's warm and foggy outside. Jimin sits at his favorite spot to clear his head one last time. The day before, his parents had visited to say goodbye to Jimin and Taehuyng. Together with Halmeoni they had prepared a lunch that the king and queen were pleasantly surprised by. Of course they had missed their children last month, but are very proud that their sons are now independent men who can take good care of themselves and that gives Areum a good feeling. She knows about Jimin's insecurities and she hopes this will give him some more confidence and strength.

Jimin feels someone next to him and looks up. Halmeoni has sat down next to him and takes his hand. "We have to go soon, honey," she says softly. She squeezes his hand encouragingly. Jimin sighs "I'm going to miss you." Na-ri laughs "I'm going to miss you too, I've gotten so used to having you two around over the past month and I'm very proud of you both." Na-ri pulls him towards her and gives him a hug. "We have each other's numbers and if anything comes up, just send me a message and I will be there for you," she says and gives him a loving kiss on his temple.

"Come on honey, let's go to Taehuyng, he's waiting for us." They get up and walk back into the house. Taehuyng is ready between their bags. When he sees Jimin, he claps him on the shoulder and says enthusiastically "come on brother, before you know it we will be back in the castle and preparing for the future". Jimin laughs at his enthusiasm and gives him a hug. "Let's go," he says. They pack their bags, get into Na-ri's car and head to the military base.

In Daegu everything is also running smoothly. Yoongi and Jungkook also have their bags ready and are enjoying one last breakfast with their parents. Haneul looks at her sons and sighs "I will miss you enormously, do you take good care of each other"? Jung-Hoon takes her hand and squeezes it reassuringly. "It'll be fine honey, I'm sure they'll keep an eye on each other," he says softly.

Yoongi looks at his parents. He sees the love for each other in their eyes. One day he also hopes to have such a loving relationship with someone.

When they have finished their breakfast, they clear the table and do the dishes. Yoongi and Jungkook grab their bags and together they walk to the car to leave for the military base.

Upon arrival at the military base it is very busy. They are directed to the parking lot by someone from the army and when they have parked their car, the boys grab their bags and walk to the stands and take a seat.

Yoongi looks around. What he immediately notices is that there are more soldiers on the ground than normal. He once went along to see a friend off, but he really couldn't remember that there were so many soldiers at the time. He shrugs his shoulders and continues looking. There are a lot of people and of course most of them family to see their son goodbye, but he is still curious how many boys are in his group and whether it will be a nice group.

Jimin also looks around and feels the extra security on the floor. He knows this is for him and his brother, but he hopes it won't become too noticeable in the next year and a half. He wants to be treated like a "normal" boy and that no exceptions are made for them. Of course, King Ji-hoon has expressly indicated this to the military leadership and they have promised not to speak about it to anyone.

The entrance ceremony is about to start and everyone takes a seat in the stands. The participants are addressed and it is explained what awaits them. After the ceremony there is a brief opportunity to say goodbye.

Jimin hugs Na-ri and she notices that he is having a hard time. She pulls him even closer and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Taehuyng also gets a big hug from her and then it's time to let them go. "Go my boys, I have every confidence in you. Try to forget the nerves and also have fun with each other, that is just as important," she says lovingly. The boys nod, grab their things and walk onto the field to the other participants.

Yoongi and Jungkook also say goodbye to their parents with a big hug. One last kiss on the cheek and they also pack their things and walk onto the field. They are taken to the main building, where they are given their number.

With the number they can proceed to the next room where they have to fill in a medical form and their blood pressure is measured.

They then walk on to the next room where they receive their military clothing based on their number. There they are also told which dormitory they can go to and which group they belong to.

When they arrive at the dormitory, they start looking for their bed. Here too, the numbers of the beds correspond with the numbers that the participants had. So no personal choice. After Yoongi finds his bed, he lies down and sighs. Finally some rest, he thinks, but that was short-lived.

A instructor enters the dormitory and says in a stern voice that all participants have half an hour to make their beds, change into army clothes and tidy up their closet. Then they are expected outside. Anyone who is not outside in time can expect the first punishment.

Suddenly the dormitory turns into a chicken coop and everyone starts doing what is expected of them. No time to think, just do. So the boys get to work straight away and most of them are outside the dormitory within half an hour. A few people don't make it and they can immediately start with 50 push-ups. The tone has been set and the boys are taken to a classroom, where they are given an explanation of their class schedule and receive their teaching materials.

Then it is time for lunch and everyone is taken to the canteen. Here everyone gets their lunch and they can take a seat at one of the tables. After lunch they are taken for a tour outside. They get to see where the shooting exercises take place and where the obstacle course is, but also where the gym is for participants who would like to train themselves.

Jungkook decides to take advantage of this immediately now that they are done with the official part and they can use the rest of the day freely. He takes his workout clothes and a towel and heads out. Yoongi decides to lie down on his bed. He's tired of everything. He looks around and sees someone lying on the bunk bed next to him. "Hey neighbor," he suddenly hears a voice from above and he looks up. He sees a smiling face looking at him. "My name is Taehuyng and I am 22 years old and I am from Busan and who are you," Taehuyng asks curiously. Yoongi laughs "I'm Yoongi, 25 years old from Daegu," he says. "Hi Yoongi hyung, nice to meet you," Taehuyng says. "I'm here with my brother Jimin" and he points to the person on the bottom bunk.

Yoongi looks at the person next to him and meets the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. "Hi Jimin," he says and waves at him. Jimin blushes and waves back shyly. "Cute," he thinks and looks back at Taehuyng, "I'm also here with my brother, Jungkook is his name, but he's at the gym. Maybe it would be an idea to go to the dining room together later and get to know each other a little better," says Yoongi. Taehuyng gives him a thumbs up. "Just shout when the time comes," Yoongi says, turning onto his side and closing his eyes for a short nap.

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