Chapter 22

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In the last weeks before the big practice fight, everyone is busy practicing. Naturally, Jimin's team is the busiest, because there will be double training again these weeks. The same goes for today.

Jimin's team and instructor Chan's team are in the practice field doing target practice. Of course they have already had the necessary training under the guidance of instructor Jung, but with instructor Chan's team they work even more intensively and are engaged in various types of shooting exercises.

After a few hours of training, there is a short break and instructor Chan calls everyone together. While everyone has a drink, instructor Chan explains what they will do after the break. They have to walk some kind of course. First run for a while until they reach a point where they have to shoot five cans away. When they're done, they run on to the next point, where they have to hit the bull's-eye. Then they run to the last point, where five signs with people on them are set up. By shooting at a specific point, they fall over. When all five are finished, you quickly run to the end point

When the break is over, they walk to the start of the course where they first do a short warm-up. Once the muscles have warmed up, they take to the course one by one. At each point they are given five minutes to achieve their goal. Then they have to move on, whether they made it or not. This allows the next soldier arriving at the point to begin their exercise and the other soldier to run to the next point.

It is not an easy exercise, because they have to run first, they arrive at the point panting and have to start their shooting exercise immediately. For this they especially need concentration. Stay calm and focus on shooting. Instructor Chan is satisfied with the end result when the last one arrives at the finishing point. Everyone did their best, even though an exercise here and there was missed. But they still have time to practice properly, so instructor Chan isn't worried about the group at all. There is good cooperation and everyone gets along well. The young soldiers pay close attention and listen actively to what is being said and even his own soldiers learn something here and there from the group of young soldiers.

"Alright soldiers," calls instructor Chan, "it's over for today, well done. I'll see you all again at the end of the week." They all salute and then they walk back from the training field to their own dormitory. Once there, instructor Jung tells them that they can freshen up and eat and that they are expected in the classroom in the afternoon for Professor Namjoon's lesson.

Jimin, Taehuyng, Yoongi and Jungkook gather their clothes and shower supplies and walk together to the washroom and meet in the canteen. Jimin takes his time and is the last to finish. He dries himself off and gets dressed quickly. When he is ready to leave the laundry room, the door suddenly opens. Soobin stands in the doorway, blocking Jimin's way. "Look who we have here...all alone," Soobin sneers. Jimin looks at him boredly. "Could I pass by?" he asks and pushes Soobin aside.

Soobin grabs Jimin's wrist, stopping Jimin from going any further. Jimin sees a guard from the palace across the street to intervene and Jimin unknowingly lets him know that he has seen him. Then he looks Soobin straight in the eyes and Soobin continues talking. "Just a few more weeks, then your last hours are numbered. Then I'll finally be rid of you and I can finally start enjoying Yoongi, without you interfering every time." Jimin remains calm and looks at the satisfied face of the person standing in front of him.

"You're playing with fire Soobin, you have no idea who you have in front of you. And I warn you that you will regret what you want to do to me, it will cost you dearly," Jimin says. Out of the corner of his eye he sees something moving, but Soobin is already moving on, so he looks back at him. "What do you mean, are you a special boy or something and he laughs hysterically. Well for me you are that annoying boy who always gets in the way between me and Yoongi, but that will end soon," Soobin says with a grin on his face.

Before he can continue with his threats to Jimin, Yoongi suddenly walks into the laundry room. "It's enough with your threats now. I don't understand what's wrong with you and what you're doing, but this has to stop," Yoongi says angrily. "And if it doesn't stop, I'll be forced to go to Instructor Jung to report it," he adds. Jungkook and Taehuyng are also standing in the doorway and Jimin sees that the guard has disappeared. Soobin glares at everyone and decides to leave. "As long as you know that you are not rid of me yet."

After walking out of the washroom, Yoongi turns to Jimin. "Are you okay Minnie?" he asks worriedly and Jimin nods. "Just hold on a little longer, guys, and luckily we'll be rid of him and I hope never to meet him again," says Jimin. "Let's go to the canteen for something to drink." Jimin walks outside towards the cafeteria and the others follow him. Yoongi walks next to him, but is in his own thoughts. He thinks about what he just heard and what he heard Jimin say, but he doesn't understand it. What do you mean it will cost Soobin dearly if he hurts Jimin. Yoongi has no idea and it gives him the feeling, just like during the leave in Busan, that Jimin is hiding something from him.

They arrive at the canteen and sit at a table with their team members and have something to eat and drink. Jimin and Yoongi are both silent and thoughtful. Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other and worry. But after dinner they still have some time left and they decide to play a game of uno together. They laugh together a lot, which quickly improves the atmosphere. After half an hour it is time to go to the classroom.

The afternoon in the classroom passes quickly. Professor Namjoon has dedicated the entire class to recaps on all the information they will need for their practice fight and everyone is paying close attention. After the lesson they are expected by instructor Jung at the obstacle course. To make it a little more difficult, instructor Jung has decided to give everyone some extra weight and that makes it quite difficult for some. Jimin's team in particular is having a hard time because they already had an intensive training that morning, but they are not showing themselves. They encourage each other and therefore everyone manages to get through the obstacle course quite quickly. Instructor Jung is satisfied. The last five who took the longest are taken to the kitchen to help with dinner. The rest of the soldiers are allowed to freshen up and then go to the canteen for dinner.

After dinner, the boys decide to go to the dormitory to read something or chat with each other. They are tired and Jimin decides to brush his teeth and crawl under the covers. Yoongi soon follows after him and when he crawls into his bed, he turns so that he is on his side and can look at the bed across from him where Jimin is lying. Jimin looks at him too. Jimin's eyes slowly close. He tries to stop it, but he's too tired to keep his eyes open any longer. "Good night Minnie," he hears Yoongi say softly. "Good night hyung," Jimin mumbles softly before disappearing into dreamland.

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