Chapter 3

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Jimin, Taehuyng and Areum were on their way to the house of the woman who will teach Jimin and Taehuyng about the various household chores. After a ten minute drive they arrive at a sweet old farmhouse just on the edge of the town. They knock and the door is opened by an older woman.

"Good morning Halmeonim," Areum says politely and bows. "Good morning, my queen," she says back. "There is no need to bow, please come in," she says, stepping aside for her visitors. "Let me first introduce myself, my name is Kim Na-ri and I am 70 years old. You can call me Halmeoni." She looks at her visitors with a smile and continues to the kitchen. It is a cozy kitchen with a kitchen unit and a cooking island with luxury appliances. There is also a large round table with chairs around it. "Take a seat and I will make coffee and tea in the meantime."

When it's ready, she puts the coffee and tea on the table and pours something for everyone. Next to it is a bowl of home-baked cookies. "Okay," she says, tell me in honor of what you have come to visit me for. The queen clears her throat and starts to talk. "These are my sons Prince Jimin and Prince Taehuyng. They will start their military enlistment in a month. Now in the palace they are of course used to everything being done for them, but that will not be the case on the military base and they will have to fend for themselves. My question to you is whether you can teach these two boys the household chores in the coming month," the queen concludes her story.

Na-ri looks at the boys. "Hmm," she says. "That means they still have to learn everything, I understand," she asks, looking back at the queen. Areum nods. "They are hard workers and I am sure they will try very hard," she says, looking at the boys. "Yes, Halmeoni," says Jimin. "We would like to learn everything from you." And he shows his most beautiful smile. Taehuyng, next to him, also nods in agreement.

"Okay," says Na-ri, "I'll take up the challenge. I have two spare bedrooms upstairs, you can put your things there." The queen stands up and bows to Na-ri. "Thank you for helping us with this. Of course, you don't have to do this for nothing and we will send you a payment," she says. She turns to the boys and gives them both a hug. "Okay guys, behave and listen carefully to what Halmeoni is telling you." They get their stuff out of the car and after a last kiss on their cheek, she leaves for the palace.

"Come on guys, we'll go to your bedrooms," Na-ri says and she leads the way up the stairs. Both rooms have a bed, a wardrobe and a desk with chair. "The first thing that needs to be done is making the bed." Na-ri takes some bedding from the cupboard and gives both boys a set. "Go ahead," she says to the boys, who look at her questioningly. Na-ri laughs. "Go ahead, make your own bed."

Both boys walk to their own beds and look at what they have gotten their hands on and where it should possibly go on the bed. The pillowcase is not that difficult and the boys have done it in no time, but what should they do with the other things? Na-ri sees them struggling with the sheets and decides to intervene. She shows how it should be done and then the boys copy it. In no time, both beds are made and the boys are proud of their first task that they have learned.

"Thank you for your help Halmeoni," Jimin says softly. "Can we do more for you?" Na-ri looks at him with a smile. "Yes, later we will be busy in the garden, but for now I would like to first give you a tour of my farm, so that tomorrow you know where everything is and where you can find the things we need for our household chores." .

She shows them the bathroom and where the towels and such are located and then the three of them walk back downstairs.

They start in the cozy living room where there is a large sofa and a TV with a DVD player in the corner. Through the kitchen they enter the utility room where the washing machine is located. There is also a large cupboard with various cleaning supplies. When they continue walking they enter a large room. Na-ri says that this used to be the stable and that it was converted into a studio after her husband's death. This contains everything related to pottery making. This is a big hobby of Na-ri. The room also has shelves on the wall with various pots on it and further away there is a small counter with a cash register on it. It is her own little shop from which she can still earn a living.

They walk back to the utility room and now go through another door and arrive in a very beautiful flower garden. Jimin looks around in delight. He is so used to regularly walking through the garden at home and letting his thoughts wander that he is happy that he can also walk into the garden here to enjoy the most beautiful flowers around him.

Na-ri sees him beaming. "Do you like flowers Jimin?" she asks the prince. "Jimin beams at her. "Yes, I really love flowers and plants. At home I also like to walk through the garden and have my favorite spot to enjoy everything or just to sort out my thoughts." He decides to walk extensively through the garden later.

"Come on guys," says Na-ri. "You've seen everything now, it's time to prepare lunch, would you like to help"? The boys walk inside and in the kitchen Na-ri takes the ingredients and starts telling the boys how to make the tastiest sandwiches. She shows one and then the boys copy it and in a short time they have a bowl full of sandwiches. They put the bowl on the table and Na-ri grabs some drinks and cups and then they sit at the table. Taehuyng takes a bite and groans "Mmmm, this is the best sandwich I have ever eaten," he says and immediately takes a second bite. Jimin is also enjoying his homemade sandwich.

When they have finished everything, Na-ri takes the boys to the garden. She gives them gloves and tools and tells them to remove the weeds from between the plants and shrubs. The weather is lovely and the boys soon take off their sweaters and continue working in their t-shirts.

"Halmeoni, do you always have to do this alone," Jimin asks as he hoes between the plants. "No, Jimin, normally someone always comes to help. It's so much, I just can't do that anymore," she says with a dreamy look. "My husband always used to help me. We could spend hours in the garden making everything tidy and enjoying all the flowers and plants, but also the various animals that live here in our garden."

Jimin sees her sad look. "Halmeoni, may I ask what your husband died of," Jimin asks softly. Na-ri looks at Jimin and sees his sympathetic face. "He was seriously ill Jimin, he had cancer. But when we found out, there wasn't much time left. We enjoyed each other as much as possible until the day came that he breathed his last," she says.

Na-ri feels tears sliding down her cheeks and Jimin walks over to her and gives her a hug. Taehuyng also comes to the two and gives a hug. The three of them stay like that for a while.

"Thank you guys," she says, wiping the tears from her face. "I think he would have loved it that there are now two princes here in our house," she smiles.

He was always a big fan of your parents and I am also very grateful to the king and queen for letting me continue to live here in our house and continue to run my shop. They have helped me a lot and it is an honor for me that I can now help them guide you. And I'm sure it will turn out well," she says happily.

They work hard in the garden for the rest of the afternoon and Na-ri tells the many stories of what her husband and she have experienced.

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