Chapter 10

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Weeks fly by and it is slowly approaching the end of the first six months. At the end of the first six months, everyone has ten days of leave and Jimin longs to see Halmeoni and his parents again. But first they have a show evening, in which anyone who wants can show their skills. Yoongi and Jungkook immediately registered, but Jimin is still hesitant. He could dance or sing a song with Taehuyng. Taehuyng sees his doubts and sits next to Jimin on his bed. "And do you already know what you are going to do?" Taehuyng asks his brother. Jimin shakes his head. "I want to do something, but I'm so afraid that I'll do something wrong and it will be a worthless performance," Jimin says uncertainly.

"No, you're the best," Taehuyng says, smiling. "I'm sure you'll be the star act of the show. But would you otherwise like to sing a duet together," he asks Jimin. "If you don't mind, Tae, I would like to do that," Jimin says enthusiastically and together they look at which song they want to sing.

Yoongi and Jungkook are also busy with their song. The song is called "Burn it" and is part rap, which Yoongi does, and part singing, which Jungkook does. They have sung it before during a festival in the city, so it is just a matter of practicing and then they are ready.

"Hyung, have you heard from Soobin, I think he's been remarkably quiet lately," Jungkook says worriedly. "No, luckily I haven't heard from him again. Although I must say that I also think it's a shame that Jimin has withdrawn more. We had such a nice conversation, but after that whole wardrobe incident he became very distant, like he doesn't want to hang out with me anymore," Yoongi says sadly.

"You know what I think," Jungkook says. "I think Jimin really wants to hang out with you, but he consciously keeps himself at a distance, because every time he talks or laughs with you, Soobin comes and messes it up and Jimin gets punished. I know from Taehuyng that he is very concerned about what people think about him here in the army and even worse, what his parents think about him being punished all the time. Now that Jimin keeps his distance, Soobin has no reason to complain either," Jungkook ends his vision. Yoongi nods, "yes, there is something in that. But that doesn't mean I don't like it."

"We can almost go home too, Hyung," Jungkook says enthusiastically. Then we see Appa and Eomma again. I'm curious to see how the collaboration goes between them and Chul, I hope they get along well."

"Aren't the parents and other family members supposed to be allowed to come and watch the show night," Yoongi asks. "Yes, I thought so and then we can go home immediately afterwards," says Jungkook.

The soldiers still have to work hard in the days that follow. They have the last school lessons and the last exercises and then the time has come, the last day has arrived. At seven o'clock in the morning there is a knock on the door with the order to report to the classroom after breakfast.

The boys jump out of bed, get dressed and walk to the breakfast room. They eat their breakfast and then go to the classroom and wait for what is to come.

Instructor Jung walks in and stands in front of the group. "Okay soldiers," he shouts. "Today is your last day for your ten days of leave. Enjoy it, because after that we have to get back to work hard and there will also be a practice fight on the program for the first time. We're not going to talk about that anymore, but know that it is coming."

"Your relatives will arrive here at the barracks this afternoon. It is not yet possible to speak to them, as you are still having lessons. In the meantime, we are giving a tour to your family members," instructor Jung continues. "You can enjoy some free time for now, perhaps you need to practice your act for tonight or do nothing for a while. I'll see you again this afternoon." Instructor Jung salutes and leaves the classroom.

Taehuyng turns to Jimin. "Do you want to practice again or do you think that is good enough. Jimin stands up and says "I think it's good enough, we practiced several times and it went very well. I'm going to pack my bag, then I'll have done that." Jimin walks to the dormitory and when he gets there he sees Yoongi sitting on his bed in thought. "Hee hyung," Jimin says and sits down next to Yoongi. "Are you happy that you can go home tonight?" Jimin asks, looking at Yoongi. "Yes and no," Yoongi says and Jimin looks at him questioningly.

Yoongi takes Jimin's hand in both of his. "Yes, because I will see my family again and I can decide for myself what I am going to do for ten days." He rubs Jimin's hand with his thumb and continues saying "and no, because I won't see you for ten days and I think that's a shame." Jimin blushes and Yoongi smiles. "We have each other's number hyung, we keep in touch," Jimin says and takes his hand out of Yoongi's. "I'm going to grab my bag, have you done that yet?" he asks Yoongi. Yoongi shakes his head "no, I didn't think of that at all. I'm going to do that right away." And together they get to work. Shortly afterwards, Jungkook and Taehuyng also enter the dorm to pack their bags. When everything is ready they leave for the dining room for lunch.

Suddenly instructor Jung enters the dining room. "Soldiers," he shouts in a loud voice. "Get ready for the obstacle course. In fifteen minutes, outside the dormitory in sportswear," he shouts and then walks out of the dining room. Yoongi lays his head on his arm and groans "No, tell me it's not." The rest burst into laughter and the four of them run to the dormitory to change clothes.

The soldiers walk neatly in line with each other to the obstacle course. Once there, they see a stand with their family members on it. "Oh no," Jimin mutters softly. When they stop in front of the stands, they all salute and then stand neatly upright with their hands behind their backs. Instructor Jung explains to the family members what the intention is and the group is asked to walk to the beginning of the obstacle course and line up there. The duos start one by one and every time a duo finishes, they receive an applause from the audience. When the last ones have finished, they all line up neatly again and receive one last round of applause. Then they can go to the dormitory and prepare for the show night.

Almost everyone participates in the show evening and it is a varied program with dance, singing, rap and comedy. Everyone enjoys and the performances go well. Jimin is amazed by Yoongi's rapping skills and Jungkook's singing, while Yoongi and Jungkook are impressed by the two brothers' singing skills.

Soobin watches it all from a distance. He just went to the changing rooms and took Yoongi's watch. His plan has started, now we just have to wait until the end, he thinks.

The show comes to an end and the soldiers can finally fly into the arms of their parents. Taehuyng and Jimin's parents were there via a live connection, but no one else knows that. Halmeoni is there to catch the boys and take them home. They embrace her and Jimin is happy to finally see her again.

Yoongi and Jungkook's parents are also happy to see their sons again and give them a big hug. The boys walk to the locker room and grab their things and walk with their parents to the car. "What time is it now," Jung-hoon asks and Yoongi wants to look at his watch, but sees that he is not wearing it yet. He feels in his pockets and thinks that it might still be in the dressing room. "Wait a minute," he says, "I have to get my watch." And he walks back again.

When he gets to the dressing room, the door is slammed shut and he is pinned against the wall. Soobin stands in front of him with a big grin on his face. "Were you looking for this?" he asks as he swings the watch in front of him. "Leave me alone," Yoongi shouts and Soobin starts laughing. "I just wanted to say goodbye to you, I have to miss you for ten days now," he says and comes closer to Yoongi, who is getting a little nervous. "I expect a goodbye kiss from you," Soobin says and Yoongi looks at him in shock. "I don't think so," Yoongi says, trying to get out of Soobin's grip.

Just as Soobin is about to kiss Yoongi on the lips, the door opens and Jimin and Taehuyng enter with their Halmeoni. Jimin looks at the scene in surprise and Yoongi takes the chance to push Soobin away and grab his watch. He runs past everyone outside. Jimin looks at Soobin, who gives him an arrogant look and calmly walks out. Jimin sighs and packs his things. "Let's go".

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