Chapter 19

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After their conversation, Taehuyng feels like they have become even closer. Jungkook hasn't talked to him about it anymore and Taehuyng has decided to leave it as it is and is happy that they can still enjoy each other.

He doubts whether Jimin started the conversation. He sees the insecurity in his brother, but cannot take it away from him. This is something where he will have to take the first step himself and he cannot help him with that.

Yoongi is also in thoughts. The four of them lie on a few mattresses in the living room in front of the TV while Na-ri has already gone upstairs to sleep.

In the morning he had asked Jimin if it might be fun to go downtown and stroll around, but he had not responded enthusiastically and more or less rejected the proposal. Yoongi has the idea that there is something there and sees his uncertainty, but does not dare to ask anything. His own insecurity arises and that makes them a bit uncomfortable next to each other.

"Hyung, can we cuddle?" Jimin asks softly next to him. "But of course Minnie," Yoongi says and Jimin snuggles close to him and puts his arm around Yoongi. "Minnie, if there's something wrong, you can always tell me," he whispers softly in Jimin's ear. Jimin looks at him and leans in to give him a kiss on his soft lips. Yoongi kisses him back and feels only love. After a while, Jimin pulls away and looks at him again with those beautiful brown eyes of his. "There's nothing hyung, I'm fine," Jimin whispers and then crawls back into Yoongi's chest.

When the movie ends, Jimin looks around and sees that Taehuyng and Jungkook's mattress is empty. He doesn't remember hearing them leave at all and shrugs his shoulders. He looks in front of him again and sees that Yoongi has fallen asleep. He snores softly and his breath feels warm against Jimin's skin.

He's ashamed that he doesn't dare to tell Yoongi who he really is. He runs his fingers over Yoongi's cheek. His skin is soft. He rubs Yoongi's lower lip with his thumb and he leans forward and kisses Yoongi gently on the lips.

He feels Yoongi kiss him back and feels his hands slide over his back. Jimin presses closer to Yoongi, feeling his excitement.

Jimin runs his hands over Yoongi's short hair. Yoongi licks Jimin's bottom lip with his tongue and Jimin willingly opens his mouth so Yoongi can enter his tongue. The kiss becomes more intense and after a while they have to take a moment to breathe.

"I like you so much," Yoongi says softly and Jimin blushes. Yoongi grins at Jimin getting all nervous. "I like you a lot too hyung," Jimin says and snuggles close to him so Yoongi doesn't see how red his face is. "Shall we clean up here and go upstairs to sleep?" Yoongi asks and he kisses Jimin on the top of his head.

Together they clean up glasses and empty chip bags and put the mattresses aside. Then they walk upstairs hand in hand. They get dressed, brush their teeth and lie down next to each other on the bed. Jimin snuggles close to Yoongi again and Yoongi wraps his arm and leg around Jimin and they fall asleep together.

The next day they wake up to the sun shining in their faces. Jimin opens his eyes and has to get used to the bright light. Once awake, he wants to get out of bed, but finds himself trapped in Yoongi's embrace. He looks at the handsome man next to him and thinks that he would like to wake up like this every morning, but soon the insecurities take over his head again. He sighs and crawls back into Yoongi's chest, where it is nice and warm, and starts to doze off again until he feels Yoongi move. Jimin feels Yoongi kiss him on the head and he looks up. "Good morning Minnie," Yoongi says in his husky sleep voice and leans over to kiss Jimin. Jimin kisses back and together they enjoy this moment in the early morning.

There's a knock on the door and Jimin shouts "come in". The door opens and Na-ri looks inside. "Breakfast is almost ready, can you come downstairs?" she asks and the boys nod. "Put on some old clothes, because we are going to start working in the workshop," she says and she continues to wake up the other two boys.

"To the workshop," Yoongi asks and looks questioningly at Jimin. "Yes, the workshop," Jimin says, laughing. "I think we're going to make pots, because that's what the workshop is for," Jimin says. "But I don't have any old clothes with me at all," Yoongi says. "Ah hyung, that's no problem, just borrow an old shirt from me," Jimin says and breaks away from the hug to start his morning routine.

They are met downstairs by Na-ri and soon Taehuyng and Jungkook follow and they all sit at the table in the kitchen and enjoy their breakfast.

When everyone is ready and everything is cleaned up, Na-ri takes the boys to the workshop where everything is ready. There is a chair ready for everyone at a turntable and there is a thick piece of clay on the platform. Na-ri shows the boys how it works and what techniques they can use when the platter is rotating.

Now it's the boys' turn and it turns out to be more difficult than it is. They laugh a lot at each other and eventually, with the help of Na-ri, they manage to make something that still resembles something. They had agreed that they would make it for each other, so that they all have a nice souvenir of this day, but also of each other.

When the boys are completely done, they clean up the workshop together and it's time for lunch. Na-ri lets Jimin and Taehuyng make the sandwiches, so she has some time to put the pots made by the boys in the oven. When she returns to the kitchen, the table is set and there is a large bowl of sandwiches.

They all enjoy it. "Why don't you go to the beach later," Na-ri says and Jimin looks at her in surprise. "I don't think it will be busy on the beach today, but I do think it would be nice to get some fresh air," she says, smiling.

When everything is tidied up, the youngsters put on some thicker clothing. Jimin puts his hat on his head and puts on a face mask, Taehuyng does the exact same thing and Yoongi looks at them in surprise. "Don't you want to be recognized or something?" he asks amusedly, but Jimin shrugs his shoulders. "I always walk through the city like this, it's nothing strange," he says and walks outside. Jungkook watches, he understands why they do that, but he also immediately understands that Jimin has not yet revealed the truth and therefore keeps his mouth shut.

It is indeed quiet on the beach and Yoongi understands why. On the way to the beach he saw several billboards about a festival in town, which was currently going on. As they stroll along the beach he asks "why don't we go to the festival, I just saw all kinds of billboards about it". He looks at the others and while Taehuyng and Jungkook look at each other and still think about an answer, Jimin already has his answer ready. He expected someone to ask about it, since the billboards were unmissable. "I've had some pretty bad experiences with festivals in the past and if I don't have to go to them, I'd rather not go to them," he answers and looks at Yoongi. Jimin hates having to lie and he knows he is to blame for this and tries to put his guilt aside.

Yoongi seems to accept the answer and puts his arm around Jimin. They continue walking on the beach and after a while they sit on a more secluded part of the beach to enjoy the sea and the wonderful autumn sun.

In the evening after dinner, Na-ri shows the results of the pottery making. Yoongi made a cup for Jimin. He engraved a heart on it and Jimin's name. Jimin has made a jar with a lid for Yoongi, where he can store something tasty, such as cookies or candies.

Taehuyng managed, with a lot of help from Na-ri, to make a vase for Jungkook. Then he can place a beautiful homemade bouquet in it. Jungkook also made a cup for Taehuyng and engraved a crown on it. The boys are happy with the result and the thoughts behind the different items, although Yoongi doesn't quite understand the crown, but he puts it aside.

While Na-ri packs Yoongi and Jungkook's items, the boys grab a board game to play together that evening. Na-ri also joins the boys and it becomes a fun evening.

The next day, Yoongi and Jungkook will go home again and a few days later they have to report back to the army base and start their last six months.

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