Chapter 14

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Six o'clock in the morning there is a loud banging on the dormitory door with the loud voice of instructor Jung "soldiers, get up!! I expect you within an hour with your backpack at the entrance of the dormitory."

Yoongi groans and wants to roll over again, but Jimin is already standing next to his bed and stopping him. "No, hyung, come on, we have to get out, we're going back to field training," he says softly, rubbing Yoongi's cheek. Soobin, who is just walking by, sees what's going on and then walks out in a fury. He is already angry because he is not allowed to go to field training, because of knocking over Jimin and now that he sees Jimin in front of Yoongi's bed, this only makes him even angrier. He wants and will get Jimin out of the way and then Yoongi will be his, he thinks.

Yoongi is now out of bed and after the boys have all packed their backpacks, they go to breakfast. There, Woozi joins them with another soldier named Jackson. One of the other soldiers is ill and cannot come along, so Woozi and Jackson are paired together for this field training.

At 7 o'clock they all stand at the entrance of the dormitory and are divided between the two army vehicles. Jimin and Yoongi are sitting next to each other again, but this time it is not as awkward, but they have to be careful not to look at or touch each other too noticeably. Taehuyng and Jungkook are also sitting next to each other again and the trip is going well.

They stop at the same camp they were at before and walk to the tent where the classroom is. There they will receive an explanation about the two days they will be there and what exactly they will be doing. Just like last time, they will first run a course with a weighted backpack on their back. This time the weight will be a bit heavier and the course a bit longer. Once again they go in pairs and can encourage each other to persevere.

After lunch they have another lesson from Professor Kim Namjoon. This lesson is a preparation for the practice fight that is coming soon. A bit of repetition about navigating the map, using a weapon and its maintenance and finally an explanation about how you can best position yourself so that an enemy does not see you and also what not to do.

After the lesson, they all go into the field to practice what was just explained in the lesson.

Then they have time off. Taehuyng and Jungkook decide to exercise and Yoongi and Jimin decide to go for a walk. Along the way they meet instructor Jung. "Soldiers," he greets them and they salute each other. "Where are you going if I may ask?"

"Uh," Yoongi starts, "we want to go for a walk." Instructor Jung looks at them. New love, he thinks and smiles. He has to think about his own boyfriend. It is sometimes difficult to work in the army and at the same time have a boyfriend, something he cannot talk to anyone about, because being gay in the army is simply not tolerated. "Don't walk too far, otherwise you will get lost and you will not have anything else with you," he says and salutes.

Yoongi and Jimin look at each other in surprise and then continue walking. When they are just outside the camp, they come to an open field with a small lake. They decide to sit at the edge of the forest where no one sees them and where they can enjoy each other for a moment. "I think instructor Jung is a nice man," says Jimin. "He is always friendly outside of class and now again, for a moment I thought we were going to get our asses kicked because we were walking around the grounds together."

He looks at Yoongi and sees him watching him. Jimin blushes. "Hmm, I think so too. He was also very worried about you when you fell so hard and really took the time to listen to me," says Yoongi. He rubs Jimin's cheek with his hand and Jimin leans into the touch. Yoongi leans towards Jimin and their lips meet. Yoongi gently moves his lips and feels Jimin kiss him back. It's a soft loving kiss. When they pull back, they lean each other's foreheads against each other. "If only we were at home, we could at least do fun things together. Now we have to be careful what we do," Jimin sighs. "Just hang in there love, before you know it we will be back home and our enlistment will be over and we can think about our future," Yoongi says and he gives Jimin one last kiss. "Come on, we have to go back, otherwise they will suspect us later," he says and pulls Jimin up. Together they walk back to the sleeping tent.

At night they are woken up and have to be in the classroom within 5 minutes, wearing army clothing and a helmet. When they enter, they see a vest and a laser gun on every table. When instructor Jung comes in, they all stand neatly along their tables, saluting. "Soldiers, sit down," he instructs and everyone sits down. "You all see a vest on the table and that has to do with the exercise we are going to do tonight."

"As you already suspected, we are going to do a laser game. We have marked out an area with tape and within this area two teams will play against each other. There is a flag on each side of the field and whichever group is able to grab the flag from the opponent first is the winner," he explains. "When you are hit, you remain where you are and one of us guides you to the side and the rest of the group continues. If there are no more questions, we'll go.

They all walk to the forest in front of the camp. When they stop, the soldiers are divided into two groups. Jimin and Taehuyng have to remain standing with their group and instructor Jung walks with the other group, which includes Yoongi and Jungkook, to the other side of the forest. In the meantime, Jimin looks around, he sees the flag, but he doesn't see much else. After a while they hear the instructor on the walkie-talkie telling them that he is on the other side of the forest and asking everyone to put on their vests and take the laser gun in their hands. Everything is activated and the game can begin.

Jimin and Taehuyng stay together for a little while until the group is forced to split. They make agreements with each other and keep a close eye on each other. After walking for a while, they signal to each other to sit low and keep quiet, to hear whether anyone from the opposing team is already nearby. It is very quiet, but suddenly there is the sound of a creaking branch and everyone is alert.

Jimin peers ahead and sees something moving. He points his laser gun at the point where he sees movement and shoots. A red lamp lights up and they hear someone cursing. Jimin smiles, he likes it a lot, but knows he has to keep a low profile now because they now know he's there. The group signals to each other again, that a smaller group is going forward and Jimin and a few others will stay for a while to provide backup.

Suddenly he sees a red light moving again and someone from their group has been eliminated. This means that both groups are close to each other. Jimin signals to the person next to him that he tries to go a little further along the edge. He has the idea that everyone is now somewhat in the middle.

He stands up slowly and makes himself as small as possible. He sneaks a little more to the side, where he sees the ribbon hanging, and goes forward that way. Every now and then he sees red lights flashing, so that means the battle in the middle is still going on. He concentrates and suddenly sees something moving in front of him. He quickly crouches down and shoots. Another light comes on and a familiar voice is heard cursing. Jimin has to be careful not to burst out laughing. He walks past the person he shot and whispers "are you also having such a great night hyung"? He hears Yoongi growling, but he quickly creeps further forward, after all he can't linger in one place for too long. Suddenly he sees the white flag in the corner of his eye. He squats down for a moment and looks around quietly. It seems like there is no one left, but he still has the feeling that someone is still there. Suddenly he sees someone moving next to him and recognizes Taehuyng. They signal to each other and agree that one will provide the distraction and the other will try to grab the flag. Taehuyng gets up and starts running towards the flag and suddenly Jimin sees someone moving and he shoots his laser gun, but misses. The other shoots at Taehuyng and he is finished. Jimin shoots again, this time hits the target and runs to the flag. He holds it triumphantly in the air and behind him he hears Instructor Jung saying on the walkie-talkie that the game is over.

The soldiers of the camp gather everyone from both groups and when Jimin also arrives at the point with the flag in his hands, he is cheered by his fellow group members. Yoongi and Jungkook look on in amusement. They all walk back to the tent camp to go to sleep. But throughout the game, everyone is wide awake. They chat quietly for a while until everyone eventually falls asleep.

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