Chapter 13

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It is now June and the soldiers are hard at work. They are doing target practice. Running through the field with their rifle in their hands. Various targets have been set up at the end of the field and they have to shoot down the target announced at the start. This goes back and forth several times until everyone has gone a number of times and shot different targets. The exercises are important because in a few months they will have their first combat exercise and in this they have to show what they do in certain unexpected situations.

After the exercises, they are asked to clean their guns and then report to the classroom. Jimin takes a seat next to Yoongi and Taehuyng and Jungkook join them as well. "How did it go Minnie," Yoongi asks. Jimin blushes, he likes that Yoongi came up with a pet name for him, but still finds it a bit difficult to deal with it. After all, they are in the military and gay couples aren't really appreciated there. "Okay, it was tough, but I hit all my targets," Jimin says proudly. "Then you did better than me, because I missed one," says Taehuyng. "Oh, don't worry Tae, it's just an exercise. Later in the practice fight it will be more important that you hit," Jungkook says comfortingly.

"But first we have another field training soon. I'm very curious what we will do this time," says Yoongi. "I don't think it will be much different from last time," Jungkook says. When they have all finished cleaning their rifles and the dummy bullets are back in the box, they walk to the classroom. Woozi joins along the way. "Hello everyone, how were you doing," he asks. "Good," Jimin says, "and with you?"

"It went a little less well for me. Running through the field was fine, but then I couldn't keep my rifle steady because my arms were shaking quite a bit. But in the end I was able to hit a few," he says. "Just keep practicing," Jimin says and gives him an encouraging pat on the back.

Since they returned to base after their ten-day leave, Woozi has often been hanging out with the boys. Soobin is nowhere to be seen, only at the lessons and exercises. Woozi doesn't mind. He is happy that he has been included in the group and that he at least has some people around him with whom he can have a chat and laugh.

Everyone takes their place in the classroom and the other soldiers, including Soobin, also enter. He sits down next to Woozi, but otherwise ignores him completely. Yoongi and Jungkook look at each other and shrug. They don't trust him at all, but have no idea what's going on in Soobin's head.

Professor Kim Namjoon enters and everyone sits up straight in their chairs and looks forward. The lesson is about the various ammunition used within the army. It's an interesting class and everyone diligently takes notes.

After class it is time for lunch. The boys walk to the cafeteria and each grab their lunch and sit at the table. Soobin also joins this time and sits next to Yoongi. "How are you doing, Yoongi," he asks enthusiastically. Yoongi sighs, it's difficult, but he has agreed with Jimin to remain as nice as possible so that Soobin can never do anything to him, but it frustrates Yoongi immensely that Soobin keeps bothering him. Of course he told the other boys what had happened in the locker room and that he was happy that Jimin and Taehyung came in with their Halmeoni, otherwise things would have turned out very differently.

"I'm fine," Yoongi says in a polite tone and continues eating. "How did shooting go on the field," Soobin asks. "I was doing so well, I hit all the targets," he continues arrogantly. "Who knows, maybe they will choose me to participate in the second practice battle with the trained soldiers," he says with a grin.

The others look at him and try to smile politely at him. "Well, who knows," Jungkook says and continues eating his lunch without paying any further attention to Soobin. He senses that there is more to it, that Soobin is playing a dirty game, but he can't prove it. He notices that Soobin is often away during free time. He has tried to see where Soobin is, but it seems like he has disappeared off the face of the earth during their free time.

After lunch they are expected on the sports course. Instructor Jung explains that they are going to do a relay race. Not with a stick but with a lead ball, slightly larger in size than a tennis ball. The ball is very awkward to hold and it is up to the soldiers how they solve it.

Instructor Jung makes the groups and explains the rules again. When the first soldiers are at the start, the race starts.

The ball does not make it easy, which makes it more difficult to run fast, but eventually the first soldiers manage to pass the ball to the next soldiers. That doesn't go smoothly either. Some of them dropped it and are now a bit behind. It remains an exciting race and the second runners have also completed their lap and pass the ball to the third runners. They also do their best and eventually arrive at the last runners of the group.

Jimin grabs the ball and sprints further, Soobin suddenly runs next to him and with a small push he knocks Jimin off balance and falls to the ground with the ball. Because he has the ball in his hands, he cannot catch himself with his hands and the side of his head hits the ground hard. Yoongi, who is running behind Jimin, can no longer avoid him and trips over Jimin and tries to throw his ball to the side so that it does not fall on Jimin. Yoongi manages to catch himself, gets up and quickly walks to Jimin, who is lying completely still on the track. There is a pool of blood next to his head and Yoongi panics and calls for help.

The soldiers from the infirmary arrive immediately, check his breathing and carefully put a collar around his neck. When it is around his neck, they can see that there is a wound on the side of his head that caused the pool of blood. They carefully place Jimin on the stretcher and walk him to the infirmary, where he is further patched up.

Everyone reports at the finish and hands in the balls. The boys are no longer interested in who won, they are concerned about how Jimin is doing. Instructor Jung sends away the soldiers, who had nothing to do with the accident, and is left with Yoongi. "Private Min," Instructor Jung says sternly, "can you tell me what happened."

"Yes sir," Yoongi says and he starts talking about how he saw Soobin push Jimin, causing Jimin to lose his balance and fall to the ground. That he couldn't avoid it anymore and also stumbled. But he also talks about the other incidents that happened with Soobin. Instructor Jung tells him he can go too. "Um sir," Yoongi says softly, "maybe I can go check on Jimin and see how he is doing." Instructor Jung smiles. "Yes that is allowed". He calls another soldier and asks him to take Yoongi to the infirmary. "Thank you, sir," Yoongi says and salutes.

When they arrive at the infirmary, the soldier takes him to a small reception area. There they hear which room Jimin is in and the soldier takes him there. The soldier says goodbye to Yoongi and both salute. Yoongi goes inside and sees Jimin sitting up in his bed with a bandage around his head.

"Hey," Yoongi says softly and walks to the bed. "Hey," Jimin says, smiling sadly at Yoongi. "He's done it again," Jimin says frustrated. "Yes, unbelievable," says Yoongi, "but this time I had to tell my story to Instructor Jung and I told everything I saw. And I also told what happened in the previous months." Jimin sighs in relief. "I hope instructor Jung can stop him, otherwise things might go wrong again."

"I hope so too," Yoongi says. "But as long as we stay together, I don't think he can do much." They look deeply into each other's eyes. Yoongi would love to take him in his arms and give him a kiss on his beautiful plump lips, but that's not possible. Yoongi takes Jimin's hand and squeezes it gently. They are startled by a knock on the door. The door opens and Taehuyng and Jungkook walk in. They look at Jimin in shock and quickly walk to his bed. "Are you okay?" Taehuyng asks worried and Jimin nods and smiles reassuringly. "One day Soobin will know who is standing in front of him and he will fall," he thinks.

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