Chapter 4

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As the weeks fly by, the boys learn a lot at Halmeoni. And she is extremely satisfied with how quickly the boys pick up the household chores. She also notices that she likes having some help around the house and the company is especially pleasant. At least now she has someone to talk and laugh with.

The princes are both neat and polite boys and during these weeks she has mainly tried to give the boys some kind of normal life. Because in the military service it will be no different and if you pretend to be different, you will become the center of bullying, she knows.

She has noticed that Jimin is having a very difficult time with the prospect of having to serve in the military. She notices that he feels insecure and sees that he often finds himself in the garden, alone. When he returns to the house, he smiles at her, but she notices that it is not a sincere smile. She sees it in his eyes, which tell her everything he doesn't want to say. She feels sorry for him and decides to talk to him when he is back in the garden.

Today was a tiring day. It was especially very sultry. They had worked hard in the garden today and the shopping had to be done in the afternoon. Jimin was glad to be back in the cool kitchen, where he was busy putting all the groceries in their place. Meanwhile, Taehuyng was taking a shower and when he was done, it was Jimin's turn to take a shower. Meanwhile, Taehuyng helped Halmeoni prepare dinner.

When Jimin was done and came downstairs, dinner was ready and he could immediately sit down at the table. There was little speaking, everyone was tired and hungry. After dinner, they clear the table together and help Halmeoni with the dishes. Afterwards, Taehuyng decides to go to his room and listen to some music and Jimin walks, like every evening, into the garden to his favorite spot.

He is lost in thought when he suddenly feels someone next to him. He looks up and sees Na-ri. He has grown to love her very much these past few weeks. She is sweet, patient, but also strict. She reminds him of his own Halmeoni, who is no longer there. Someone he misses very much and with whom he could talk very well about his feelings. She was also one of the first, besides Taehuyng, who knew that he likes men and she has always supported him in that. And now there is this Halmeoni, who has welcomed him and Taehuyng very hospitably into her home and has taught them everything they need to know to be able to manage independently. He is very grateful to her.

She sits quietly next to him and looks ahead. Jimin clears his throat. "Halmeoni, thank you for all the lessons you have given us over the past few weeks, it was very educational," Jimin says softly as he looks sideways at Na-ri.

Na-ri turns her head to Jimin and looks at him. "No thanks, darling," she says, smiling. "I'm glad I can help you with this and if you want to know anything else, please feel free to ask. For me it is also nice to have people in my house again with whom I can chat and laugh. I enjoy your time here and know that you are always welcome here."

Jimin wraps his arms around her and gives her a hug. "You remind me a lot of my own Halmeoni and I miss her. I can always go to my mother or Taehuyng, but they don't always understand me and my Halmeoni always understood exactly what was bothering me and always knew how to reassure me and that feeling gives you too. Will you please be my Halmeoni," Jimin asks softly.

Tears well up in Na-ri's eyes. "But of course Jimin, with all the love," she says and kisses him on the cheek. "I really want to be there for you and I have sensed that you have been a bit tense the last few days. That's why I'm here now, to ask you if you're okay," she says and Jimin looks at her. A tear slides down his cheek. "No, I feel very restless and I don't know why." Na-ri presses him close to her. "Tell me my boy, what's bothering you."

Jimin starts his story about his orientation, that he likes boys, but that this is not tolerated in the army. That he is afraid that he will be bullied, just like at school. That he has Taehuyng next to him, but that he cannot always protect him. That he will soon have to hide the fact that he is a prince, because he is afraid that they will not treat him equally as the others. That he finds it all difficult and doesn't know how to deal with it and how he will have to behave in the army because of all the secrets he carries with him.

"Oh dear," says Na-ri as she gently rubs his back. "It will all be fine, just mark my words. You are going to get to know the other guys and they are all just as nervous as you are. Ultimately you all get to know each other and you will have to learn to work together as a group. There will be some that you have a strong bond with and there may also be some that you don't click with at all. Just like in real life," she says and kisses him on the temple.

Jimin snuggles against her for a moment and knows she is right. It's nice to hear these words out loud and he needed that, it reassures him. He pulls away from the hug and kisses Na-ri on her cheek. "Thanks Halmeoni, this was just what I needed," he says, smiling.

Na-ri looks at Jimin and sees his sincere smile on his face. She is happy that she was able to help him and decides to be there for him where she can.

Meanwhile in Daego everything is running smoothly. Jungkook has taken Yoongi to the gym for the past few weeks. Jungkook still laughs when he thinks about it. The first week Yoongi was mainly growling. He is not exactly someone who gets active outside of work. He would rather lie flat on his bed and watch a movie. But now he had to start working with a personal trainer and that was quite a change.

But in recent weeks he seems to be enjoying it more. He doesn't growl as much anymore and his body looks better trained. More muscles and his condition has also improved enormously.

But even though he feels a lot fitter and he went to the mall with Jungkook to get the necessary things, there is still that uncertainty. It gets in his way and he doesn't really know what to do with it. He has already read more about military service and now knows a bit about what is expected of him, but what if he is not good enough and cannot keep up with the group, what if he loses sight of his group and he don't know the way back anymore. Which of course makes no sense, because they will certainly be watched, but still that uncertainty keeps floating around in his head.

Haneul has noticed for a long time that her son is not feeling well. She sees the physical change and is proud of Jungkook for taking up the fight with his brother and that Yoongi now also knows that this is good for him. But she also sees the mental struggle and that hurts her mother's heart. Partly because he does not come to her to express these feelings.

It's a bit later in the evening and there are only a few days left before the boys have to go to the military camp. She knocks on Yoongi's door and after he shouts "come in", she opens the door and walks into his room. She sees him lying on his back on his bed and she decides to sit next to him on the edge of his bed.

"How are you doing son," Haneul asks Yoongi. Yoongi looks at her and she sees the sadness in his eyes. "I don't know, mom," he sighs. "I don't know if I can handle this, I'm so afraid that I'm not good enough and that I'm a nuisance to everyone. That everyone laughs at me when I do something wrong. That Jungkook, who chats much more easily with everyone, makes friends and forgets me and that I am left alone."

"Oh darling," says Hanuel. She opens her arms for Yoongi and Yoongi sits up and cuddles up to his mother. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him close to her. "Don't worry son, I'm sure the other boys feel the same way. You will not be alone, your brother will always be there to help you through this," she says softly and kisses his head.

Yoongi feels the stress melt away and pulls away from the hug. "Thanks mom, I love you."

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