25• Missing me?

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Agastya's POV

You know how it feels to wake up knowing the bullshit going in your life but unfortunately your hands are tied and the only option left for you is to be the part of that bullshit.

Today is my underworld deal with the Italian mafia don, Maximo costa. He's known for his underworld network.
His Great-grandfather started it and since then their family is one of the top most Arm dealers of the world.
Fuck that shit. I just want this deal for the sake of information about the network and Parth.

According to my information, Parth had a few Mafia contacts and thus, the reason is very clear why I chose this path.

I checked the work at my office and went for the meeting.
He rarely comes to India, only when the deal is crucial.
Now since he's here, I can't miss the chance to get the inn.

I reached The hotel and we decided to meet.
I avoid these types of meetings in public and hence, he asked me to come to his lounge.
Technically the Hotel belongs to Rathore groups, and since it's the top most hotels in Delhi so my foremost responsibility was to keep myself hidden and hence, I chose the VIP path.

I reached his room and opened the door, Maximo was sitting on his chair with a lady on his lap.
"Agastya", he mispronounced my name but I didn't bother so much because he has that Italian accent.

"Maximo", I forwarded a handshake.

"Finalmente ti ho incontrato, il re del mondo mafioso", he forwarded a smirk.

(I finally met you, the king of the mafia world)

"È bello vederti in India dopo tanto tempo", I said.
I know many languages and Italian is one of them.

(It's good to see you in India after a long time)

"ho sentito parlare molto di te, iniziamo con un drink", he said and we both went towards the bar.

(I've heard a lot about you, let's start with a drink)

"quindi quando hai canna l'India?", I asked.

(so when did you get to India?)

"Onestamente è la mia seconda volta. L'India e la nostra famiglia non erano così legate ma dopo aver sentito parlare di te, io stesso ho deciso di venire qui", he said.

(Honestly it's my second time. India and our family were not that close but after hearing about you, I myself decided to come here)

"È fantastico", I passed a smile.

(That's fantastic)

My phone buzzed, usually I keep my private phone silent when coming to these meetings but since the bomb blast, I can't take any chance.

I looked at the caller ID and it was Varnika.
My god.... distraction
No-no, it's actually my destruction.

"scusate signori, è una chiamata importante", I excused.

(Sorry gentlemen, this is an important call)

I picked up the call.

"Missing me already?", I said.
She can't even live without thinking about me.
I'm fucking sure about that.

Even me.

"Shut up and listen, Aunty asked me to make the list of the VIPs for tomorrow's Holi celebration, I've checked the list and forwarded it to you, check it and let me know", she said.

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