54• It's gonne be difficult

925 66 4

Agastya's POV

"Sir, sent you the live footage", My guard spoke.

"Keep your constant watch on him", I said and hung the call.

His father died yesterday and this man is going out of India.

Then my mind is diverting in the right direction, I guess.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick the call.

"Agastya", he said.

"Kashish, Since that day you left in a hurry so I couldn't ask, How did everything happen?", I asked with my eyes stuck on him on the screen by the live footage my guard was sending me.

I was sitting in my lounge and it was almost 10 PM, my eyes were stuck on my laptop's screen, showing me the live footage of kashish at The airport.

He was checking in.

"Umm, actually it was all too sudden.. we are still dealing with things. Mom is not in her senses", he changed the subject and didn't answer my question.

"Was he high on dr-"

"Agastya I'm sorry I really need to take care of mom, we will definitely talk later. I'm sorry", he again switched the subject as he checked in and was about to head towards the plane.

"Sure", I said and hung the call.

Motherfucker was lying all the fucking time.

I collected all the information and as per the data, Mansoor was in Delhi since the day Kashish came to our house.
So yes you can say that I basically wanted kashish to live with me.

Mansoor wasn't in Bhopal in fact, he hasn't been to Bhopal since Kasauli.
Kerani, his wife is in Jodhpur where they had their Mansion which belongs to his wife only.
I had all this information since we finalized our deal with Mansoor but I didn't bother to focus on that topic.
According to information, Kerani and Mansoor didn't share a good bond, they were only together because of kashish and also Mansoor was a bastard, his wife's family holds power, fortune and moreover his dynasty kashish so he didn't want her to leave.
Initially she gave him threats to give divorce but then they came on a mutual understanding but still kashish is more attached or we can say he's only attached to his mother.
I'm fuckin sure both the son and mother are indirectly or directly involved in the demise or murder of Mansoor.

Yes murder, I'm 99.99 percent sure that he's been murdered.
Now the only question that stays is whether he was murdered by an outsider or his son or wife planned his kill.

My phone again buzzed and I picked it up, "Say"

"Sir- the- fi-file-yoi got from- Italy. It's pictures- had been- le-le-leaked"

I threw my phone listening to this fucking shit, my fist clenched and with frustration in my mind, I punched the table.

Fuck off.

Who the fuck is leaking the data.
I checked my whole god damn team, each and every men I hired, every system, every chip and Pd's.. but fucking not.
No one from my team is involved than who the fuck is behind this and where they're that they have all my personal information which access is only to me.

With bigger steps I walked towards my cabin, I was able to feel the heated blaze coming out of my body doing with my face, neck and head all sweaty and breathy. My blood seemed to be lava while my mind was exploding like a bomb.

"Why the fuck these files are still pending", I shouted and everyone soul trembled, some of them dropped the stuff they were carrying in their hands, even when the AC was on 18, they all were sweating heavily but at this point my eyes weren't in the focus to see anyone but the sudden urge to draw someone's blood was increasing each and every second.

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