30• Countdown is on

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Agastya's POV

"Mom I'm leaving", I said.

Today I have to leave for Qatar since the deal with maximo will be signed today.
This deal is a little crucial but I know I'm gonna get it.

"Okay beta, take care", she said.

I called Karan already to let him know I'll not be there in Delhi today.
After the Kasauli scene, I tightened the security more and about the office, I know karan will take care.

With my private jet, I headed to Qatar.
During the whole journey, the thoughts of Varnika kept moving in my brain.
It's been almost a week since Holi...
Since the long drive..
That day when I dropped her home, her eyes expressed something unusual, something which made me realise what I was doing.

I became so fucking selfish that I played those typical teenage games just to spend time with her..
How Fucking stupid I turned... I didn't even realise that just for the sake of my desire and feelings, I was dragging her to the place which is not at all what she deserves.
With her I do not hold the control on myself.
With her I became an unknown version of me.
With her I do not trust myself..
And hence, keeping these things in mind.. I decided to stay away from her.
Even though I break my heart, even though it hurts me, I have to do it.

Since that day neither did I tried to contact her, nor met.

Karan informed me the day before yesterday that she wanted to meet me regarding what I don't know... But I made an excuse and avoided it.
It's not like I'm not focusing on work or because of her I'm delaying my work but it's just that I couldn't focus on anything else when I'm with her.

Stop thinking about her Agastya. She's not yours infact she can never be.
You're a ruthless, inhuman, cold hearted demon and this is not even the last thing she deserves.

Keeping the non stop thoughts aside, the jet landed and as soon as I stepped out from my jet, I saw Maximo waiting with his guards.

"è fantastico mangiarti di nuovo, Maximo", I forwarded my hand.

(it's a great meeting you again maximo)

"è un piacere incontrare il re del mondo mafioso per la seconda volta", he said and I smirked with hubris.

(it's my pleasure to meet the king of the mafia world for the second time)

"Quindi, se sei d'accordo, andiamo direttamente sul nostro sito per la demo e solo da possiamo cercare le formalità", I said.

(So if you agree then let's directly go to our site for the demo and from there only we can look for the formalities )

"certo Agastya, andiamo.", he said and we both headed to the location.

(Sure Agastya let's head)

"Maximo Spero che tu abbia le informazioni pronte. Dato che non puoi accettare ritardi perché il traffico d'armi è lo stesso con me, voglio queste informazioni finali il prima possibile", I said.

(Maximo I hope you have the information ready. As you can't accept the delay for the arms dealing the same is with me, I want that final information as soon as possible. )

Money is the second reason to get this deal, the first one is information about The person or team behind my brother's death.
My team collected the whole data possible, and As I was thinking... Everything is pointing towards one direction only, today if maximo gives me the final file..... Everything will be crystal clear and with my own hands, I'll kill that motherfucker.

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