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"Hi." I hear a soft voice making me look up at the door to my home office.

"Alana? Something wrong?" I ask her, sitting, my paperwork lays forgotten infront of me. She almost never comes to my office.

Alana is my older brother's wife. And the future Donna. But she is like a sister to me, I can see my brother becoming less of an ass everyday he spends with her. Alana is pregnant currently, with their first child.

"Yes, everythings great with me, I just wanted to check in with you." She says, her eyes soft and empathetic.

Because it's mine and Elena's birthday today.

"I'm fine Lana, I am not as dramatic as Ares." I try to joke which makes her crack a weak smile.

"Well I know you don't like celebrating today, but I couldn't help it. I made your favorite coffee cake, it's on the kitchen island." She says sheepishly, as if waiting for me to be angry.

"Thankyou." I say which makes her slump with relief and smile.

"You're welcome, now I am going to lay down, don't forget to eat some cake before Carlos devours it." She calls behind her. I chuckle, staring after her retreating form. She just has a way of lifting heavy emotions.

I look back down at my paperwork, the bitter memories seeping in, hazy at best but they hurt the same.



"What the fuck do you mean! Where are the they?" Father roars at the line of men as Mama clutches me to herself, her body shaking.

"The future Don has been neutralized but we couldn't save Elena." the voice makes Mama scream out, loud enough to cause my ear to ring.


"Griff." I hear another voice, this time my brothers.

"Aaron." I address him.

"Uh, you are probably going to say no but, Carlos asked if you want to join us to the club, blow off some steam? We had a tough week." he says, his body rigid with tension.

Aaron doesn't know how to deal with emotions. He tries to keep it lighthearted and nonchalant so he doesn't have to talk about the deep shit, the toll this line of work takes on a man. He's an avoider.

"Yeah Ill go." I stand, closing the files and shutting down my computer. His face turns surprised before the mask of indifference settles back.

"Great. We'll leave in 10 yeah?" He says, walking off.

Not bothering to change, I re-tuck my button down into my slacks, and walk downstairs to the living room. I'm going out to drink my head straight, not look good.

When all three of my brothers make it to the front door, we silently walk out and get into our respective cars.

We don't take the same car because we don't know who's leaving the club with someone and it's fucking annoying when Carlos picks up a chatty bimbo and I have to drive them.

Ares doesn't have that issue anymore, the bastard leaves before midnight, running home to his wife. Which I respect. A woman like Alana deserves nothing less.

Me I don't care for indulgence in the physical act. Sex is like a transaction, a physical release that's necessary. It's exciting yes but nothing I would chase after.

I prefer working off my stress, and to occupy time. I don't know what I want with life, I go with what happens. There are few things I care about. My family is the entirety of it. Maybe my McLaren. But that's it.

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