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I was in my personal hell. I had died and was in hell, paying for everything wrong I had done.

I stare at the phone as Ariel's number goes straight to voicemail. Again.

I tried calling her 5 times yesterday, after I dropped her off. I left text messages. No response to any of them. It was now late afternoon of the following day and I could not take it anymore.

I stood outside of Russo Security, waiting for her to walk out so I could see her, hold her. Make sure she was okay.

If she was deliberately ignoring my calls then I had no idea what I did you deserve that. But the alternative was that she was--

She's not. She is fine. She has to be.

"Mr. Moretti." I hear a voice that makes me look up from my phone. I level Marco Russo with a stare, watching his face contort with fear, then anger, then determination.

"Mr. Russo." My voice comes out dark. If he wasn't her uncle, I swear on my car..

"You are standing outside of Russo Security Capo. Is there something I can help with?" He asks. He's playing coy. As if he doesn't fucking know exactly why I am standing here.

"I do not beat around the bush, Russo. I am here to see Ariel and you know that." I challenge him to say something. His face contorts into an ugly expression.

"She is not here at the office today. She felt.. ill today." He almost smirks. Bastard.

"I told you, she is a simple girl. She was getting looped into something she doesn't know anything about. Her father is here, and he thought it was important that she know exactly what we were." He says. My chest tightens, foreboding streaks my usually clear thinking. "We told her about the Mafia. And we told her you were the Underboss to be." His smile is condescending. "Capo." He nods, walking off.


My mind flashes with her beautiful soft face, her trusting eyes and smile. Fuck.

I promise I'll see you tomorrow. I'll even stay the night.

Cold, icy fury douses my veins. I dial her number again, straight to voicemail. My jaw locks with how hard I am clenching it, knuckles turning white.

She isn't taking my calls. She's upset. She is possibly thinking the worst.

I should have told her earlier. Fuck me.

The only thought now is how to see her, and explain.


I went to her house, her cousin said she was out. The tall brunette was being a pain, she said I should stay away from Ariel. Like hell that would happen.

The only mistake I made was delaying telling her. But I wouldn't give in like that.

I stand outside of the diner. It sounds fucking insane but I wanted to see her, and I had a sixth sense I would find her here.

This was the only place in the city that reminded her of home. She'd told me she always went to the diner when she was upset. I could not think of any other place I would find her.

Just as I get out of the car, I see the small figure stumble out of the diners glass doors, her steps are slow and she's looking at the ground as she walks.

"Hey! Miss you forgot your shake to go!" The server rushes out after her. She hands Ariel the paper cup with a straw, then runs back inside.

My girl looks down at the cup in her hands, they shiver around it then she drops it, and with a loud pop, the shake spills all over the sidewalk. I watch as her lip quivers, and a soft sob that claws at my heart breaks out of her.


I rush towards her, holding her shaking hands. Her head whips up, and the puffy, tear stricken cheeks blanch when she sees me. Shock and horror make a strange tango across her features, gentle hiccups wrack her body, while she just stares.

Her half-lidded eyes flutter, the color drains faster from her face, her hands are cold in mine.


But her eyes flutter closed, going limp in my arms.

"Fuck. Ariel!" I hold her up, quickly sitting her into my car. "Fuck, fuck." I mutter as I speed to the penthouse.

When I make it to the parking garage, I use my private elevator to carry her up and lay her down in the bed.

"Baby, wake up." I tap her cheek. "Ariel, wake up, come on." she mumbles, whining and pushing my hands away.

"'Mm sleeping." She groans.

I sigh in relief. Thank fuck.

"I know, micetta. But you have to drink this water, sit up." I wrap an arm around her waist, putting the glass to her lips. She drinks a little, sighing softly.

Her eyes open and she lazily looks around. Then they widen, and I feel her stiffen. She whips her head to me.

"What- how am I here?" She panics, scrambling to get out of bed. I let her stand up with me and she quickly puts distance between us. "Why am I here." she frowns, rubbing her temples.

"I saw you outside of the diner. You looked upset and then you fainted, I had to bring you here." I try to explain.

"I have to go." She shakes her head, going to walk away but I step infront of her. She stumbles back, surprised.

"I can't let you leave." My voice is strained.

"What? You can't keep me here against m-my will. Please, you can't. Don't hurt me." She shakes her head, whimpering and stepping back, pressing herself to the wall.

My face falls.

Please don't hurt me.

Her face reads genuine terror.

"You're scared of me."

I feel my heart cave. For the first time in over a decade, I feel it once more, hurting.

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