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Today is my first day in the office. I am at an HR position but it's different from my other job. I am responsible for client relations and rapport. So any issues a client has, questions or concerns, I am responsible for meeting with them and helping them with anything they need. Plus I am not the only one here with this job so my work load isn't bad at all.

It's not an ideal position because I don't love talking to people and having to socialize all day but my Uncle offered let go an existing employee to give me my old position and I had to decline. It's sweet of him to offer but also really mean. I believe in Karma. No thankyou.

Anyway, so far my day is okay. I've just been in my little office going through client files to get to know everything before my first people task.

As I type, my mind wanders off to two nights ago. My run in with Griffin had left me uneasy and on edge. I still didn't know how he knew my full name or where I lived. I mean it might come up if he googled me but why would he do that?

I frown at my Mac's screen when my focus shifts. Should I google him? I mean if he did then it's only fair. And not that creepy. Okay maybe it's slightly creepy.

Before I can stop myself, my fingers are flying over the keyboard and typing in his name. I don't really know his full name, so I try Griffin M. Nothing.

I huffed, slumping in my chair.

"Hey princesspessa." My uncle Marco's large frame takes up my office's doorway.

"Hi Zio." I smile at him. He insists I call him that.

"Just checking in. I hope everything is to your liking." his thick Italian accent drawls, gesturing to the room.

"Yes, I love everything, thankyou, it's very cozy. I saw the assignment I have tomorrow, looks interesting." I strike a conversation as he settles into the chair opposite mine.

"Sí, they're very important clients. I think you'll find they have quite the influence in Italy. Infact all if Europe. They're the big fish." He winks. I laugh at his fun personality. 

"Don't worry, I'll give it my best. What are they looking into additional security for?" I ask, flipping open my note pad.

"They need tighter security for the building. They aren't the type to outsource security, as I am sure you'll see when you visit their offices tomorrow. But they don't provide it and Russo Security is the top company for that around the country. And thanks to your father, one of the best in North America." He says.

"Then why are they suddenly interested in hiring our services if they can get their own?" I question.

"They're important people tesoro, they recently had to cut staff for incompetence and suspected foul play. Im assuming they want guaranteed and competent people." He shrugs.

"Okay," I pause, thinking. "Do you think they're going to be hard to persuade?" I ask him.

"I doubt it, they chose us for a reason. I've never known the Moretti's for wasting anyone's time or theirs. Besides, you're just the HR representative going along. You don't have to do any convincing." he stands up, buttoning his expensive looking suit. "I'm just glad you decided to come." he ruffles my hair making me scrunch up my nose and duck.

"Hey." I whine. I did my hair this morning.

"Sorry princesspessa. Let me know if you need anything sí?" he asks. I smile and nod, thanking him as he leaves.


The next morning, I dressed in my favorite black dress for confidence and my black louboutins for some added inches.

My head was frazzled with nerves, this being my first meeting, I just wanted everything to go perfectly

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My head was frazzled with nerves, this being my first meeting, I just wanted everything to go perfectly.

I went into the office and collected my paperwork and not an hour later I left with two guys from Operations and and Nina from accounting to Moretti Imprese. Or Enterprises.

When we reached, one of the two guys walked ahead with Nina while the other one held open the door for me.

"Thankyou." I smile at him.

"You're welcome." he says. Im surprised by his emglish accent but I don't say anything. The office is pretty diverse. "Stefan Warren." He leans his head down as we walk, telling me his name in a low voice.

"Ariel Russo." I smile at him.

"So you really are the boss's niece." he says. My face warms. "Shit, sorry I didn't mean to say that I was just uhm," he trips over his words.

"It's fine." We walk into an elevator.

"No that was rude of me. I just heard something around the office." He says. "I really do apologize, this is not how I wanted to start off our conversation." He says. I look up at his slightly taller frame.

He's not bad looking. Tall, light brown hair and warm brown eyes. I shrug.

"Its no big deal. I hear stuff too so. Plus you apologized, can't ask for more than that." I give him a reassuring smile which he returns.

"Mr. Ferrari." A man clad in a dark blue suit approaches, shaking hands with the lead person on our team today. "Mr. Warren." he nods at Stefan beside me. He nods back. They introduce Nina and then me.

"This is Ms. Russo." He introduces. The mans eyes find mine, sharp and calculating.

"Ms. Russo? Russo Security's Russo?" he questions. I nod.

"Yes. Ariel Russo. Im with HR." I give him a tight smile. I don't know why it's so interesting that I work for my own family business.

"Very well. Please, have a seat in here." He leads us to a conference room, and we all take a seat around the table to start the meeting.

This is going great.

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