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Waking up wrapped up in Griffin's arms was different this morning.

Unlike the past few weeks, I didn't feel wrong or like I was taking advantage of something would never last. Something that wasn't mine.

Usually, words were just that. Words. But Griffin's words were heartfelt and they had made me truly believe everything I could already see in his eyes.

I didn't know if the words should be enough to make up what he did, but they already were. He was sincere and more than his words, his actions were so important.

The way he stayed with me the entire time I was in the hospital, the way he was willing to let me go now that he knew he was wrong. The way he was still so supportive and compassionate about my mother, even going as far as moving her to the med wing here. When he didn't know whether I was even staying with him.

Griffin stirs in his sleep, tightening his arms around me making me realize I had been staring at him for god knows how long. He opens his eyes, the cool green sleepily looks me over.

"Are you okay?" His gruff morning voice vibrates through me, settling somewhere low in my tummy.

"Mhm." I hum. "Why?"

"No reason." He leans in, placing a firm a firm kiss to my hair.

"Can I go see my mom?" I ask him.

"Yes, I will go with you." He squeezes me. I smile.

"Now?" I whisper. He looks down at me, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Sure baby."


"But why do you have to go?" I whine.

My parents give me challenged looks.

We had spent the morning getting my mom settled into the Estates medical wing, and by night time, the doctors here had prescribed medication and given her three green light to apparently travel.

"Honey, we're not going to go live there again. I told you, we want to move here, we just need to get some affairs in order." My dad says as he puts things in a bag.

I look away, wishing Griffin was here. I would make him talk to them. He had left after I insisted I would be okay for a few hours. Ares had called with a work emergency.

"But how can mom be okay? She was sick yesterday." I huff. "How will I know you're okay when you're on a flight for hours with no cell service." I frown at my mom.

"Well, I am sure you can handle a few hours honey, and I am fine, I promise." She smiles.

"Flights aren't that sick people friendly." I point out.

"Ariel, I'll be fine okay?" She squeezes my hand.

"Fine, then I'm coming with you. I still have so much stuff back home and I have to empty out my apartment before the lease is up anyway." I light up at the idea.

"That could work." My dad agrees. "Shall I book your ticket?" He asks me.

"No, Im gonna go home and pack a bag. And tell Griffin." I stand up, my purse in hand. "See you in a bit." I hug my mom goodbye and walk out of the hospital. Well med wing, but technically its a hospital.

I go straight to mine and Griffins room and start with my toiletries bag.

"Ariel?" I hear about 20 minutes later when I am in the closet, folding clothes.

I walk out with ny clothes in hand, seeing Griffin outside.

"Hi." I smile.

"Hi." His deep voice rumbles. "When did you get back?" He asks, just as I am walking into the closet again.

"Maybe a half hour? I just wanted to get this out of the way." I reply, coming out with a small suitcase and putting it on the bed.

"Are we going somewhere?" He questions. I look up to meet his questioning eyes.

"No I am." I tell him. "I'm going to California with my parents." I tell him.

His face blanches, all color draining from it.

"Oh." His voice comes out rough.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him, putting some clothes into the suitcase.

"No." His eyes darken, the red rimming them makes me frown.

"Are you sure?" I stop packing and walk closer to him, looking up into his eyes. "Did something happen at work? You look upset." I ask.

"No," his hand comes up and brushes some hair behind my ear. "I just didn't realize how fucking painful this would feel." He says, lower.

My head tilts.

"How painful what will be?"

"Not having you here anymore. With me. As my wife." His hands slip down to rest on my hips. My heart drops when I realize what he thinks. "I love you." His rough voice almost sounds like he could cry.

"Griffin." I quickly step closer, putting my hands on his chest. His heartbeat is erratic. "I didn't mean I was-" I sigh loudly. "I meant, I am going with them because I don't want to leave my mom alone for a long flight." His tense muscles relax under my touch. I smile at that. "And I have to empty out my apartment. The lease is up in a few weeks and all my stuff is there that I would like to bring back here." I explain.

He remains silent, just staring at me with those intense green eyes.

"And um, you know how planes are. I want to be there to help mom any way I can and not knowing how she is would be so upsetting." I ramble on. "Are we okay? I'm sorry I made you feel like I would just up and leave with no notice. I wouldn't do that, even if I did decide to leave. Which I haven't." His surprised eyes search mine.

"What are you saying?" He asks.

"I'm sayinh that you're right, it is painful to think about not being together anymore. I really don't think I could ever want to be with anyone else." His eyes darken as my heart pounds in my ears. "I love you." The words leave my ears ringing.

Griffin's face falls.

"What?" His shocked response makes me chuckle nervously. "Say that again." He walks closer.

"I love you." I whisper.

"Again." He almost begs. I laugh.

"I. Love. You." I say, louder. Griffin smiles wider than I have ever seen him smile, a dark husky chuckle sounds and he crashes his lips against mine, kissing me deeply.

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