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When I got home, everyone bombarded me with every question in existence. About how the Hale's had called and said they were sorry it didn't work out and about how disappointed they were in me and questioning me about what had happened.

But I was too stunned. From the entire day of fussing over the prospect of marrying someone else, to then fussing over the prospect of marrying the reason I couldn't marry anyone else. And maybe because I had too much wine.

I was simply non-functional through the next day. I had stayed tucked away in my room till 4 in the afternoon and then, I made a slip for the front door with a bag packed of some clothes when Ava came to pick me up.

Ava wasn't able to get an off from work two days ago so she just flew in this morning. For me. I have the best friend ever.

"Is he insane!?" She screams after I finish telling her everything as we sit in a nice upscale restaurant, having an early dinner. "Who does that asshole think he is blackmailing you like that, I am going to kill him, I swear to god." She fumes.

"I don't know about all of that. But I only have till tonight and I can't think straight Ave. Like I physically don't know how to process this." I stressfully tug a hand through my hair.

"Ari." She says looking right at me. "You're not seriously thinking about doing it are you?" She asks me.

"What choice do I have? He said loud and clear that he would ruin my family's company. I can't let that happen." I bite my lip.

"You need to talk to him, he's being ridiculous. This is next level crazy ex behavior." She shakes her head. I sigh, looking up and around the restaurant but my eyes widen when I see him.

"Oh good god, why is this happening." I groan, putting my head into my hands.

"Ariel." His gruff voice rings through my body like a warm, lethal current. I look up and find him now standing right next to me.

Once upon a time, I thought it was romantic how the universe kept bringing us together. Now, I wanted Thanos to rule it into destruction.

"I have not yet received an answer." He questions.

Ava studies him, a fowl expression on her face.

"Well, I still have 3 hours." I look up into his green eyes. They soften for the briefest moment but he looks away.

"Very well--"

"Griff, I was- Ariel." Damon's surprised voice and face make me let out a nervous laugh. I stand and side hug him.

"Wow this is.. I didn't know you were back in town." He shakes his head. He looks over at Ava, and his eyes sparkle. "And who do we have-"

"Ah ah." She holds up a finger. He stops talking with a frown.

"How do you know the incredible hulk here." She gestures to Griffin. My eyes widen and he raises an eyebrow.

"The incredible.. oh. Right, I've known him since we were kids. Practically brothers." he smiles as if that would make her like him. "Im Damon Romano." He flashes a signature smirk.

"And Im disgusted." She retorts, disinterestedly. "Come on Ari, let's go to a club." She picks up her bag.

Damon looks greatly offended. Like a wounded wolf who struck out.

"I'm sorry, are you suggesting that you don't like this." he gestures to his Armani clad, very built, body. I hold back a smile.

I reckon Damon doesn't come across many girls who don't throw themselves at him as soon as he looks their way. This must be very hard for him.

"This?" she mocks. "What, you think you're Theo James?" She rolls her amber eyes. "I like my men a little more understated Mr. Romano. Not sex on stick." She smiles sweetly at him.

Damon's eyebrows furrow. "Sex on a stick?" he repeats, offense coloring his face as his jaw clenches.

"Don't worry, Casanova, it's more the company you keep that makes me queasy." She gives an icy glare to Griffin, who looks indifferent as always. "Like bad cheese does." She says, before grabbing my wrist and tugging me along.

"Where are we going." I ask her, as she drags me along. "I thought you said I should talk to him." I huff.

"Are you kidding? He's like an obsessed puppy. He's going to follow us there. I know it." She shakes her head.

There was a night club. Not the classy tame kind. The kind where the rowdy crowd bustled on the dance floor and the entire place smelled like booze and the bass vibrated against me like a second heatbeat.

Ava was wrong. I knew that already though, I knew he doesn't care enough to follow me anywhere.

Something was up. I believed him a hundred percent when he said he needed me to marry him for a purpose. And that purpose had to be work, I had no doubt about it. His Mafia was the most important thing to him in his life, I was living proof of that much.

Ava and I has a couple drinks together, after which a guy that she knew from school came up to her and they went dancing after I reassured her it was okay.

But it wasn't as okay as I thought because a very sloppy drunk guy had since been persuing me continuously for 5 minutes now.

"Come on. One shot. It'll loosen you up." The annoying guy next to me begs. I give him a side glance, shivering in disgust.


"Hey Ari." Ava slurs, stumbling into me from the floor. "The guy from earl--" she hiccups cutting herself off.

"Oh god." I hold her up. "How much did you drink, Ave?" I ask, worriedly.

"Uhm 'ts okay. Not alot." she mumbles, standing up straighter.

"See your friend is having fun. That dress wasn't made for you to sit at the bar alone." he grins suggestively.

I cringe. Ew.

" 'Scuse me, pervert. My friends been celibate for 2 years." Ava hiccups, holding up two fingers. "What makes you think she'll do it with you?" she snickers.

"Ava!" I say forcefully.

"Well then atleast we know she won't be loos--" I shudder in anticipation of his finished thought, but he chokes on his words, sputtering and his eyes bulge as a large hand wraps around his nape from behind.

The darkness of the club makes it hard but I spot a shadow behind him, then the strobe lights give way to dark, tense features and raging green eyes.

Oh for God's sake.

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