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"Follow me Ms. Russo." He leads me into the house- mansion, and I watch his back muscles flex with every step. I smile mischievously at my thoughts and in the most embarrassing moment of my life, I collide into said back muscles because I was distracted, and he had infact, stopped walking.

His strong arm wraps around me just as I am on my way to break a hip.

"My apologies Ms. Russo." He steadies me, pulling me to stand straighter. I look up at his taller frame, meeting his eyes with a sheepish smile, a hand on his chest.

"No Im sorry, I was distracted by the uh, the sconces." I grit through clenched teeth. Really?

The man smirks.

"Enzo." A chilly voice booms through the room, making Mr. Buzz cut stiffen, and immediately let go of me. Aw. I turn to the source of the voice and all thoughts of buzzed hair get thrown out of my brain.

Thick dark hair, tall, muscles, wide muscles and angry green eyes sitting on the most devastating bone structure I have ever seen stare back at me. In all black Armani, pure male satisfaction radiates off of him. Along with a touch of danger.

It takes me a second to remember that I don't like him. Although I am losing sight of why. He looks yum.

Jesus am I ovulating?

"Sí, Capo." The man says, back to his expressionless stoicism.

"Non toccarla mai più se vuoi conservare tutte le tue membra." Griffin's voice comes out ice cold and I shiver at the intensity. "Uscire." He says, a menacing look to his eyes.
(Never touch her again if you want to keep all your limbs. Get out)

The man literally runs out of the room, his formarly large and intimidating form reduced to nothing when I look at him pass by Griffin.

The tense green eyes find mine, the fire slightly cools as he assesses me from head to toe, lingering on my hand then back to my eyes. His leisurely perusing and cool demeanor make me want to strangle him. How does he always look so collected.

I look away from his eyes, down at my gift basket. Anywhere but at him.

"How is your hand." The question comes out gruff and commanding, so much so that it does even sound like a question. More of a demand.

"Attached." I smile to myself at the joke. Still not looking at him. I don't want to look at him. I feel like he can read my mind if I do.

"Hysterical. Now tell me how it is." He sounds closer. Is he closer? Oh god.

"It's fine." I mumble. My knuckles turn white around the baskets handle.

"Are you deliberately avoiding eye contact? Or is that book just more easy on your eyes than me." He says. I sigh, finally relenting and looking up. A soft gasp accidentally escapes when I find him standing merely 4 steps away. His eyes briefly flash an emotion before running cool again.

"I just don't want us to-"

"Ariel!" I get interrupted by a chirpy voice. "Sorry I took so long Ares was- Well it doesn't matter. Did you see the cake? It's so pretty, let me show you." Alana grabs my hand and takes me away before I even get a chance to glance back at her brother in law.

She takes me to another living room where there are some decorations, balloons, streamers. Very light and classy. The interior of the house was all blacks, whites and creams. Absolutely stunning in my opinion.

"Ariel this is Mama." Alana introduces me to the regal looking woman, dressed in a classy pencil dress. "I mean, my mother in law." She blushes.

"Mrs. Moretti, it is a pleasure." I smile at her. She returns it with a warm smile of her own.

"Oh likewise, dolcezza. It's wonderful to have you." she smiles. "We need more women around." She gestures to the six men standing around the room, all wearing suits. I snicker.

We talk for a while before Alana and her husband finally decide to cut the cake. They find the blue icing inside and the party poppers go off with blue confetti. I congratulate them after their family does and hand Alana the presents.

She gets preoccupied by her husband so I decide to go to the bathroom and then leave.

I walk around the giant house maze trying to find a bathroom but to no avail. Hmph. Stairs. I take the stairs up to another massive looking floor. But this one has more doors than it has open rooms. I walk further then make a right into yet another hallway. More doors.

Maybe I should just open one and check-

"Lost?" I hear the thick voice of dangerous allure. I turn to the culprit. Not much of a culprit if he looks like that. I sigh.

"No." I lie, eyeing him warily.

"Then what are you doing on the second floor?" he asks.


"Snooping?" He asks.

"I'm looking for the bathroom." I frown at his accusing tone.

"This floor is the bedrooms. No guest bathrooms up here." He informs. He tilts his hand to the door I have my hand on. "That's my room." He says, expression cool.

I snatch my hand away from the cold doorknob.

"I could tell by how cold the door knob is." I smile, tight-lipped.

"Yeah? Is that why you were about to go in?" he asks, his face turns amused when I scoff.

"Stop being infuriating." I huff, going to walk past him but he grabs my wrist, stopping me mid way. I suck in a breath. "What are you doing." I ask, twisting my hand in his grip, my back to him.

He tugs gently making me turn to face him but I stumble and crash into his chest.

"Ow." I rub my nose, looking up to find him looking down at me, our faces inches apart, only because of the almost foot long height difference.

My eyes dart down to his lips. Soft, prickly, dominating. I blink looking up to his eyes, that are darker.

"You were saying something before Alana came." His voice huskier because of how close we are. And how quite it is.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I look into his cool green eyes.

"You don't want us to, what?" he asks.

"I don't remember." I frown at his light tug that makes me step closer.

"To?" he challenges. I sigh.

"To talk. To interact. To see each other." I finally say. His eyes flash with something, his grip loosens so I step away from him. His panther like eyes follow my movements.

I stare at him. He looks.. offended?

"Everytime we have an interaction you shutdown. You act cold and distant. I don't know you well enough to understand why. And we never will know each other well because well," I try to explain.

Griffin remains scarily silent. I frown.

"I'm going to leave now." I whisper, stepping backwards.

"Because what?" He presses, stepping closer again. I frown.

"Because for some reason, you hate me." I whisper.

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