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"I am glad you could make it." Dominic Armano says, greeting my brothers and myself.

He is a friend and business associate, and its the opening if his hundereth club. Or so it feels like because Aaron insists that we attend every single one.

"You've done it again Dom. The place is dynamite." Aaron says, making me hold back a scoff. I never will understand why he kisses his ass like that. What could Aaron possibly want from Dominic. And why not just take it instead of working for it.

'Dom' leaves after another minute or two, leaving just us brothers.

"Aaron, why do you suck up to Dominic?" Carlos asks the question hanging in the air. Aaron's eyebrows knot.

"What the fuck?" He grunts. "I do not suck up to anyone. It's being polite." He says.

"Yesterday you broke a soldiers arm because he almost closed the door on mama's hand." Carlos points out.

Aaron tenses.

"Well I was hungry and that insolent bitch could have hurt her." he grits. "Im going to get a drink." he stomps off. Carlos and I look at the bar cart next to us, then at eachother.

"He's lying." Ares throws his drink back. "And I am done here. Ciao." He says, walking down the few steps and out of the club.

"A slave to his woman. The tale of a Don turned whipped." Damon laughs at his own joke.

"I do not know why I am here." I sigh. Aaron comes back with a drink in his hand.

"Feeling better?" Carlos asks.

"Very much so." He gives a smug smile. "Tell me sweet naive brothers, do you know about Griffins new lady friend." he asks us at large.

I look at him, a snarl bubbling to the back of my throat.

"What!?" Carlos shouts, shock lacing his voice.

"I do." Damon says slyly. "She's great looking too. Not too shab-"

"Do not fucking talk about her. Not now, not ever." I snarl. They collectively smirk.

"Well at the risk of making you angrier than you are, turn around, experience this absolute act of God with me." Aaron smiles. My curiosity gets the better of me and I turn.

The sight is anything but an act of God. It's fucking delusional of whoever this fucker with his hand on Ariel is.

They stand together, too close, talking to Dominic with bright smiles. She laughs at something he says, her dimples deeper than I have ever had the pleasure to see them. With her hair up and her dress lacking sleeves, her slender neck is exposed, her complexion devine in contrast with the deep red, short dress.

I never understood the statement 'legs for days.' Now I have clarity with the finest example. I trace the curve of her thighs up to her lux hips, that narrow into a slender waist and a generous bust. Fuck she looks devine.

Too good to be touched by anyone. Let alone some shiny chump. My anger full throttles when I watch his hand slide lower on her side, then disappear behind her as she stiffens, her smile falling.

I growl, walking the short distance over to them, people parting the fuck out of my way on their own. My first eye contact is with whoever he is, and I put all of my wrath into the glare I give him. He stiffens.

"Griffin." Her surprised voice washes over me, something akin to relief mingles with her surprise.

"Mr. Moretti." Whoever the chum is next her, pulls away, taking a good two steps farther from her. Good.

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