24. You Are Now Entering the Twilight Zone

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She weighs in her needs, she weighs in Liam’s needs, and she weighs in the needs of her new relationship with Dan and is frustrated to note that the needs of her relationship with Dan (which obviously trump those of her relationship with Liam) tilt the balance in favour of another end to the texting. She once again makes the difficult decision to end her communication with Liam. 

Dan would have liked Eve to have defended herself a little more, for he believes he deserves her anger. He fears the anger she doesn’t express. Her displays of guilt also feed his hypothesis that there is something more between Eve and Liam than she lets on. Could they be falling in love? Now that is fucked up and makes him feel even guiltier for contributing to a glitch of such size. 

When introducing her plans to say goodbye, Eve tells Liam that a huge but unexpected wave has hit the bizarre relationship they both like so much. When Liam asks why, she lies and says she has been caught communicating with him due to a technology related handicap. He doesn’t believe her, but actually he should because she really is unskilled at technology, particularly at hiding electronic traces and blocking obvious notifications. 

Liam worries that something bad has happened and silently rejoices the possibility that Dan may no longer represent an obstacle to meeting Eve. The hope that Eve would want him rises to the surface and to let her know he is available, he reassures her that he is “with her”. 

Since when is he “with her”? It was a weird thing to write and a weird thing to read.

Even weirder is Eve tells him she has to choose, that a line has been drawn in the sand. It seems silly that she would have to choose between two completely different relationships, one camped in reality and the other in cyberworld, but Dan is making her choose. The obvious choice is reality, and particularly her family. She adds, “Despite how lonely I feel.” 

Liam is frustrated again. His anger has already been reduced to nothing more than a spark over the past months, replaced by sadness and punctuated by happier moments that seem to correspond with exchanging with Eve. He feels sympathetic to Eve’s story, to a woman who prioritizes her family over her own desires and needs, who tolerates such a jerk, and who obviously has lost perspective on what is good for her because of her tattered self-esteem. “It’s a sad story.”  Liam tries to muster another re-acceleration of the conversation, “actually, when I think about it, they must have become really close”. Liam knows that a goodbye is approaching and tries to use her insatiable curiosity as a lure. But her “?” is quickly followed by her announcement that a goodbye letter would soon follow. 

“I wanted to make sure I spoke to you before I sent it. Sending it without warning would have been cheap.” 

Are there tears in Liam’s eyes? Hell yes! What is that all about? It makes no sense. But maybe it does when you think that only a few nights ago he declared love for her. But not THAT kind of love! Still, it is increasingly clear to everyone, including you the reader, that he wants her to be in his life in some way, although in what way is much blurrier. “I don’t want to lose you,” he types. 

Oh God! Things are getting cornier with every heartfelt word, but it is the truth, and as the loser, he has nothing to lose! 

She asks him again if he wants her goodbye letter. She will only send it if he says yes. 

Liam writes a few words out of desperation. “We are silent lovers! Sad!”  

Now that captures Eve’s attention! Were they? What did he mean by that? Impossible!! But not. Even if it is not in the romantic sense but rather something of an attachment between two inexplicably (yet not so inexplicable) linked souls who found each other (or were rather introduced to each other) in the midst of emotional chaos. 

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