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What could be said about the bond that was forged between these two strangers through that moment? The day after Eve said goodbye, she overheard Dan explain the notion of the butterfly effect to the boys. He tried to describe it to them in the hopes that they will be more inclined to think about the effects of different actions they take, like swinging a Jedi sword around the kitchen table, of not putting the milk back in the fridge, of not washing their hair before going to school. He brings it up to illustrate the indirect effects of these actions or the absence of actions - the potential collateral damage. 

The winning conditions of a train wreck. 

The damage that had been set into motion the moment of the initial betrayal is well known and it is so easy for our attention to be drawn to the painful things. 

But what about the collateral beauty? 

Upon hearing him speak, Eve thinks of the how things unfolded following Dan’s admission, of the suffering incurred, the more caring relationship that emerged between her and Dan, and the emergence of a strange virtual and positively charged relationship with Liam. Eve reflects that had known through a means other than Dan himself, she likely would have left him and the possibility that she may have met Liam (on purpose) would have significantly increased. She likes to think that they would have met. Then who knows what would have come of that? Certainly a trip to a restaurant, possibly his arms around her to console her, but a trip south or to the backseat of a car would have been unlikely. There would have been damage and beauty in this scenario as well.

That night, Eve dreams she is walking downtown with some friends. They are laughing, talking loudly, and having a lot of fun together. At some point, she finds herself standing on a small perch attached to a 5-6 story high building. She is unsure of how she got there, but she is certain that she will eventually fall from the perch. Clearly the perch could not support her weight for long. She faces certain death, for she can see no way to extricate herself from the situation. Her friends are looking up at her, silent and powerless. Then a gesture from a stranger who appears from a place more solidly supported on the building - a balcony or a window perhaps. The stranger climbs onto the small perch with Eve and puts his arms around her while whispering reassuring words into her ear. She detects a small trace of fear in his voice. 

Eve, somewhat reassured by his presence, is still fearful. The weight of this second person on the perch will surely precipitate the fall. Indeed it is a matter of seconds before the inevitable occurs. The fall takes only a terrifying instant, but Eve is surprised to find herself still intact on the ground. She looks at the other person and sees that it is Liam and that he too is intact. 

The thought crosses her mind that choosing to fall with her in order to mutually absorb the shock was a generous and selfless gesture. She is overwhelmed by an intense sensation of gratitude and relief. They had both survived and were physically intact, but the memory of that instant of falling and its associated distress is now engraved in their hearts. 

Eve woke up sobbing. She has stopped crying since then, but she forever carries her gratitude within her. 

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