27. An Impossible Trajectory

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Just being is a difficult if not impossible task. Eve tells her friend Lisa that she feels like every once in a while, the incredible hulk emerges from within her, never fully developing before it recedes. She moves forward in life with an ever present nausea of varying intensity, on the verge of losing control (of what, is unknown). There is some sense of stability settling in on the (fake) Stepford side of her life, while her inner world filled with hurt and anger, rich in neuronal connections and adrenal overdrive, rages on. The explosive potential occurring when these two worlds cross over an invisible boundary remains, but the contacts are becoming fewer and farther apart. This is a big thing to say when you consider that duration of peace between the two worlds is only a question of a week or two, attesting to the turbulence that relentlessly inhabits her, for stability is usually metered in months and years. 

A couple of weeks are all it takes for the immeasurable pressure to build up in Eve’s interior world. There being no room for the intensity of the pressure within her to express itself within Stepford world, I suppose it is not surprising that a mere spark could create the Molotov cocktail that would strip Eve of all rationality and project her into that parallel world where thoughts and feelings did not need to be censured. 

It could be said in her defense, it was no spark, but a roaring hot flame that charred any hint of inhibition in Eve and triggered a quest for the satisfaction of her own whims and desires, all the while thinking “well fuck the consequences”. It did come to mind that Dan may have himself crossed a similar line between restrained temptation within suburban values and resignation to his desires (parallel world) in the face of intense relational frustration (inner world) while pretending to carry on (Stepford world) as though neither the inner or parallel world existed. 

As per the pattern that can be discerned through Eve and Liam’s story, the “crossover” into parallel world moment speaks loudly of Dan’s personal story and relieves Eve of some of her resentment towards him, as she herself appears to be following a similar path. It also lightens some of her guilt about crossing over (and wanting to cross over), seeing as it somehow seems justified that she should do so. 

Before I explain the explosive moment that triggered this most recent crossover, please do not get any big ideas here about its extent and nature. You may be disappointed, for at this point you might be cheering Eve on to setting up a date at a fancy restaurant that concludes with carnal pleasures first in Liam’s car, then in his bedroom while listening to intense brooding music, interspersed by sips of rum and coke, and followed by frantic efforts when preparing to get home before Dan suspects anything, to make sure she doesn’t smell like Charlotte might have when she left her house while living with Liam. You may also be judging Eve, considering her to be above such things as doing as she condemns or falling into such a trap. She is perhaps construed as being a better person than Charlotte and Dan - she could not possibly be lured into causing similar damage she herself has suffered. The crossover in this situation has great potential in a story such as this and could make the difference between a publishable and unpublishable (referring to the quality of the story if the writing is exceptional, which is likely not the case in this particular novel). 

I’m going to presume though that if you have read thus far, the crossover will be what it will be, and you will read on anyway. But in the meantime, Eve’s friend Sarah is saying the words that ignite the toxic pressure building up in Eve and causing a rift in the barrier separating Eve’s inner world rich in hidden thoughts and feelings and the parallel world where she is free to acknowledge and act upon them. 

"I know you're probably not the most appropriate person to talk to about it, but I can't hold it in any longer! I’m having an affair!" Sarah is practically squealing in delight.

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