25. Leaving the Predictable Route of Friendship Induced Euphoria

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Charlotte, who has been enjoying Liam’s good behaviour and positive moods, partly due to some friendship love induced euphoria, has a bad surprise when she comes to pick Anna up that weekend. She could not know that Liam had gained courage through his exchanges with Eve. 

When the tone rises between her and Liam, he meanly tells her that she is a manipulative whore. He impulsively adds “It was no surprise that Dan was never able to leave someone like Eve.” Feeling new courage, he continues his insults. “However, it’s true that man cannot resist the draw of the royal fellatio by a woman with bad in her in exchange for false kindness.” He knows, he never had been able to resist himself. 

He is actually proud of coming up with the words to say such a thing. He had to admit he had practiced it a few times. He immediately regrets being so rude, but resists his urge to apologize profusely. These words knock the wind out of Charlotte, for she had known only restraint or explosive unkind words from Liam followed by predictable unrelenting requests for forgiveness.

Liam, who suddenly seems taller than Charlotte remembers, grins at her. 

So Charlotte, with nothing to say to defend herself, drops her own bomb. “Jake is going to move in with me.”

Liam does not react as she expected. “Well, you’ll have to explain that to Anna. Good luck to him!” This, he says calmly and with only a hint of sarcasm. 

Her words had not made a dent. How is it that Liam hardly seems affected by her happiness and her new life? Since when did he no longer give a fuck? He could hardly know whether Eve is good. Dan described her as critical and cold. Where did all these words about Eve come from? Was it possible they are still talking to each other? And worse, was what he said true? That she had whored herself out for Dan’s niceness and then he would go home to marital bliss? Had Dan known all along that their affair would never go beyond being a sideline? Had she been used? 

Sadness and emptiness await her in her life aside the distraction of her daughter who she does truly love. Really, it could not be said that she does not try to be a good parent. 

She had long ago ceased to think that she had no bad in her, so that part of the comment slipped away from her. She knows by now that she is a liar, proof of so as recent as her claim that Jake is moving in with her. Actually, the truth is that he seems to be moving away from her despite her best royal fellatio. 

Her period is late though, so there is some hope.

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