Visiting Akutagawa...

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Ship - Shin Soukoku

Timeline - Season 5

Includes - Fluff, mentions of Ranpoe and Soukoku

~Atsushi's POV~

It's been a long day at the Detective Agency dealing with Dazai-San's antics and Kunikida's yelling, all I wanted to do was get my work done and leave.

Kunikida : Atsushi I need those documents about the mission's for next week.

Atsushi : Huh! but I thought Ranpo was doing those?

Kunikida : He was going to but he-

Yosano : He left to have a date with Poe.

Kenji : Ranpo is dating someone?

Junichiro : Isn't Poe that guy from the Guild?

Yosano : Yep!

Kunikida : Does the President know that they're dating?

Dazai : Ranpo and Poe have been dating for the past three years.

Kunikida : Really?

Dazai : How do I know this and you do not know Kunikida?~

Kunikida : Well Ranpo's relationship isn't my business.

Kenji : Yosano do you have any pictures of Ranpo and Poe together?

Yosano : Of course I do!! Do you guys want to see!?

Kyoka : Sure.

Kenji : Yes!

Naomi : Yes yes yes!

Yosano : "goes to her photos and shows them a photo of Ranpo and Poe on their first date"

Kenji : Yes!Naomi : Yes yes yes!Yosano : "goes to her photos and shows them a photo of Ranpo and Poe on their first date"

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Kenji : Aw they look so cute!

Kyoka : Are they at a park?

Yosano : Yeah, they went on a picnic for their first date.

Naomi : That's so cute!!

Junichiro : But wouldn't the President hate for us to date people from other organizations? Like the Port Mafia and the Guild even.

Yosano : The President did a whole talk with Poe and a background check on him and he even lets him come here to see Ranpo so I think that the President is okay with Ranpo dating Poe and Ranpo and Poe have known each other for six years.

Kunikida : You see how we go on missions with the Port Mafia sometimes, Poe helps us with things as well.

Atsushi : So does Lucy when she isn't working at the Cafe.

Kunikida : That too.

Junichiro : I still don't trust them after what happened with Naomi.

Naomi : Brother I'm okay now thanks to Yosano so you don't have to worry about it.

Junichiro : I still don't trust them, Heck Akutagawa keeps cutting off Atsushi's limbs even when all he does is speak to him!

Atsushi : Hehe, but I also have regeneration so it doesn't really matter and that's just how Akutagawa is.

Dazai : It's true, Akutagawa has always been that way since he first started in the Port Mafia, people don't call him the Mafia's Mad Dog for nothing you know and besides, I know Akutagawa and he wouldn't actually want to hurt Atsushi on purpose unless necessary.

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