Happy birthday... Jinko

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Atsushi's Birthday Special

Ship - Shin Soukoku

Atsushi - 22 turning 23

Akutagawa - 24

Timeline - Future

Includes - Fluff

~Atsushi's POV~

I woke up early this morning to get ready for work to find out that Akutagawa called the Agency and told them I was sick today and that I couldn't go in, Akutagawa wanted me to have a day off for my birthday so we could have the day together, but since it was so early I went back to bed so I could get more sleep.

"Later In The Morning"

Akutagawa : Jinko.. "shakes Atsushi's shoulder gently"

Atsushi : Hmm~ I don't wanna get up~

Akutagawa : Jinko you have to get up, I know I said I'd let you go back to sleep for a little while longer but now you have to get up.

Atsushi : Hm fine "sits up stretching"

Atsushi : Morning Ryu~

Akutagawa : Hmm morning Jinko "kisses Atsushi's forehead"

Akutagawa : Now get up we got stuff to do today.

Atsushi : Hm what do we have planned today?

Akutagawa : Get up and you'll find out Jinko.

Atsushi : Alright.

I decided to get up and get freshened up, after getting changed I could smell what I guessed was breakfast in the living room made by Akutagawa this morning, I left our bedroom entering the living room finding Akutagawa fixing two plates of food "hey" Akutagawa turned around hearing my voice and gave a small smile "hey, go ahead and sit down and I'll bring you your plate" I sat down at the table and waited for Akutagawa to bring me my plate, as I waited I got some text messages from my coworkers but the one that stood out to me was the one from Dazai-San "Happy birthday Atsushi! Have fun with Akutagawa today~" by Dazai's message I could tell he knew I was with Akutagawa.

As I finished responding to my coworkers happy birthday messages I saw Akutagawa bringing over our plates and our mugs of what I guessed was coffee "Thank you Ryu" as I thanked Akutagawa I could see a small blush on his face which made me happy that he finally was opening up to me when it came to his emotions "Your welcome, now hurry up and eat Jinko" as we ate I asked what our plans for today was but Ryu wouldn't budge and tell me saying it was a "surprise".

After we finished eating Akutagawa put our dishes away and went back to our bedroom and came back with a card and a gift box wrapped in black wrapping paper handing them to me "Ryu, you didn't have to get me anything" I was shocked that Akutagawa got me anything since we normally don't get each other things that much unless for special reasons "Just open it already Jinko" as I opened the card and read what Ryu wrote I smiled reading what he wrote "Happy birthday Jinko, be happy I let you live to see 23" I laughed a bit before putting the card down "Thanks for letting me see my 23rd" we both laughed for a bit until Akutagawa spoke "Open your gift already Jinko" I picked up the gift unwrapping it finding a smaller box inside.

I picked up the box opened it and found two matching rings, one silver and one black, I was shocked I looked at Akutagawa wondering what the rings were for. "Ryu what are these for?" Akutagawa took the box from my hands and took out the two rings and showed me that our names were engraved in the band of the rings "These are promise rings, the black one has my name engraved in the band and the singer one has your name engraved in the band" I was shocked that someone like Akutagawa would buy a gift like this "So the black one is mine?"

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