You're... You're the new...

46 0 0


Ship - Soukoku

Timeline - Future

Includes - You'll figure it out once you read... it's a secret

~Atsushi's POV~

After the whole vampire attack that happened in Yokohama... Dazai suddenly just disappeared without a trace, no note, no phone call, no nothing, we've tried his place but it looked like it was abandoned, tried his phone... nothing ... even Ranpo couldn't use his ability to see where he was, we tried everything but nothing even gave us a clue to where he could possibly have gone.

It's been a year now and Kunikida is now the president of the Armed Detective Agency since Fukuzawa retired, Fukuzawa still hangs around here making sure things still get done and checks on Ranpo and Yosano every now and then, not a lot of things have changed besides it being less chaotic and us getting more work done sooner, we also still have missions with the Port Mafia as much as we use to, speaking of the Port Mafia we have a meeting with them today.

The others don't really talk about Dazai a lot but I really miss him, I still try to call him to no answer back, I tried talking to Akutagawa to see where he thinks Dazai would go and all he gave me was a grave and a bar that Dazai use to go to back when he was younger but every time I have checked he hasn't been there either.

Kunikida : Atsushi?

Atsushi : Oh, hi Kunikida, what is it?

Kunikida : I was wondering if you'd want to go with me to the meeting with the Port Mafia today?

Atsushi : Oh, sure why not.

Kunikida : Well go ahead and get your work done because we leave in an hour.

Atsushi : Alright, I'll finish these three documents I have left to do.

Kunikida : Alright.

After Kunikida left back to his new office I finished the three documents I needed to do and turned them in, I then went to Kunikida's office to tell him that I was done and ready to go with him to the meeting with the Port Mafia.

Atsushi : Ready to go Kunikida?

Kunikida : Yes Atsushi, I was just getting the documents I needed before leaving to come find you.

Atsushi : Well I'm here and ready to go.

Kunikida : Alright well let's get going.

After leaving the Armed Detective Agency we went straight to the Port Mafia building, once we got there, there were guards with guns at the entrance which didn't really surprise me and Kunikida since after the attack on our bosses we boosted both of our securities. me and Kunikida recognized the group that came out, it was Gin, Tachihara and Hirotsu The Leader of the Black Lizards, the Port Mafia's squad of hitman.

Hirotsu : Ah I suppose you both are here for the meeting with the Boss?

Kunikida : Yes we are.

Hirotsu : Alright well Kouyou will be here soon to escort you to the boss.

Kunikida : Of course, thank you.

Kouyou : Welcome Detective Agency I'll escort you to the Boss, follow me.

As Kouyou escorted us to the Port Mafia Boss we passed Higuchi and Akutagawa on the way and of course Akutagawa death glared me until I was out of his sight just like always, Kouyou eventually took us to a dark and gloomy room then left.

Kunikida : Are you ready our meeting with the Port Mafia Boss?

As Kunikida looked at me I shook my head, Kunikida then opened the door to the room where the Port Mafia Bosses office would be for the meeting, as we walked in we spotted a desk with a black chair with it's back turned to us and Chuuya Nakahara.

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