Mission : Rivales united

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Ship - Shin Soukoku

Timeline - Season 3

Includes - Little Angst and Fluff

Akutagawa Ryunosuke glared at the rising sun, as its rays spilled over the rooftops of Yokohama like a golden tidewave. He hated mornings almost as much as he hated Atsushi Nakajima or as he calls him the Weretiger, who, predictably, was the reason he was up at such an ungodly hour in the morning, Akutagawa was instructed by the Port Mafia Boss to help the Detective Agency with a mission later in the morning with the help of Atsushi, Dazai at sometime gave Atsushi, Akutagawa's number so the two of them texted this morning to plan where to meet up.

"Come on, Akutagawa, it's a beautiful day out today!" Atsushi's voice was annoyingly cheerful as always as it rang out from behind him. Akutagawa turned to see his rival striding towards him with a smile on his face that made Akutagawa's teeth clench in anger.

"You dragged me out here for what reason exactly, Weretiger?, Our mission isn't until later in the day, so why am I here?" Akutagawa's voice was icy, each word clipped.

Atsushi chuckled a bit as he started scratching the back of his head. "I thought we could use a break from trying to kill each other. Maybe actually talk for once."

Akutagawa's eyes narrowed. "Talk? You think a chat will solve anything between us?"

Atsushi's smile on his face faltered a bit but didn't disappear. "Maybe not solve, but understand. We keep fighting, but we never really know why the other is fighting. I want to get to know you, Akutagawa."

For a moment, Akutagawa was stunned into silence. The sincerity in Atsushi's eyes was disarming to him. He had never considered that Atsushi might have reasons beyond mere survival for their battles.

"Fine, I guess" Akutagawa said finally, though his voice lacked its usual venom. "But don't expect me to share any sob stories with you."

Atsushi smiled a bit as he pulled Akutagawa as they found a secluded spot in a nearby park, the morning dew still glistening on the grass. They sat on in an awkward silence for a few minutes, the chirping of birds was the only sound between them as they sat.

Until Atsushi broke the silence first with a question "Akutagawa, Why do you follow Dazai-san so blindly?"

Akutagawa looked at Atsushi as his gaze hardened. "He saved me from the darkness. He gave me purpose. I owe him everything for that."

Atsushi nodded slowly as Akutagawa told him how Dazai-san was the one who took him into the Port Mafia. "I understand that. Dazai-san saved me too. But... don't you think there's more to life than just following Dazai-san's orders?"

Akutagawa glared at Atsushi as he snorted. "Life is survival. Orders give structure to that survival, that's what I was taught by Dazai-san."

Atsushi sighed at Akutagawa. "But there's also friendship, dreams... love, things worth fighting for beyond just survival, you know."

Akutagawa looked away from Atsushi as the words striking a chord of thought he didn't want to acknowledge, Akutagawa looked back at Atsushi gearing at him. "I don't have the luxury of such ideals, Weretiger."

Atsushi looked at Akutagawa with determination "But you could," Atsushi said softly. "If you let yourself. that is"

Silence fell between them again, but this time it was less oppressive. Akutagawa didn't want to admit it, but maybe Atsushi's words had planted a seed of doubt in his mind. Could he really aspire to something more than just being Dazai's sword?

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