Sickness Mission

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Hello everyone! today's one-shot was inspired by an idea I got from Jojokoo142 on A03, I hope you guys like it because I had a really fun time writing it!

Ship - Shin Soukoku, Soukoku

Timeline - Future

Includes - Sick Atsushi (the poor baby)

Atsushi Nakajima trudged through the rain-soaked streets of Yokohama, the echo of sirens and the distant rumble of thunder filling the air. He had been on this mission for days now, tracking a particularly elusive gifted who had been causing chaos in the city. His team consisted of Akutagawa, Chuuya, and Dazai, a combination that was as volatile as it was powerful.

"How much further Jinko?," Akutagawa's sharp voice cut through the storm, impatience clear in his tone.

"Not far, Akutagawa," Atsushi replied, suppressing a cough. He had felt the creeping signs of illness for a while now, but he couldn't afford to show any weakness In front of his team. Not with Akutagawa's disdain, Chuuya's skepticism, and of course Dazai's unpredictable nature.

Once they arrived at a dilapidated hotel near the latest crime scene, they decided to regroup and plan their next move. The dim lighting and creaky floors did little to boost their morale. Atsushi slumped into a chair, his vision blurring momentarily as a wave of dizziness washed over him.

"You look like crap, Weretiger," Chuuya remarked, eyeing him with mild concern as he sat down on a chair nearby.

"I'm fine, I'm just a bit cold," Atsushi lied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dazai, ever observant, raised an eyebrow but said nothing, his attention seemingly elsewhere (cough Chuuya cough). Akutagawa, on the other hand, scoffed and turned away, muttering something under his breath.

As they discussed their next strategy, Atsushi's head throbbed as he sat and listened to his team talk, and it became increasingly difficult to focus on their words. He felt his strength slowly decreasing away, his body betraying him at the worst possible moment of time. He could see Dazai's eyes flicker toward him every now and then, a calculating look in his eyes.

"Alright, let's move out and get this mission over with already," Chuuya said, standing up from his seat. Atsushi tried to follow suit, but as he stood up from his chair the room spun violently around him. He reached out trying to grab onto the chair he stood up from, trying to steady himself, but his legs gave up.

As he fell to the ground he faintly heard Dazai call his name before darkness enveloped him.

Atsushi awoke in a bed, the unfamiliar ceiling of a hotel room coming into his focus. His body ached all over as he lay'd still, and he felt unbearably hot. He tried to sit up, but a gentle hand pushed him back down onto the bed.

"Stay put Idiot, you have a pretty bad fever" Chuuya's gruff voice instructed. "You're burning up and need to rest,"

Atsushi turned his head, seeing Chuuya sitting beside the bed, a look of genuine concern on his face. Dazai and Akutagawa stood nearby, both wearing expressions that were hard to decipher as Atsushi's vision was still a bit fuzzy.

"Why didn't you say anything about not feeling well Atsushi?," Dazai asked, his tone unusually serious unlike Dazai's normal tone.

"I didn't want to slow us down," Atsushi admitted, his voice weak.

"Moron," Akutagawa muttered, though his usual venom was surprisingly absent.

Atsushi's vision soon became clear, Chuuya got up and went to the bathroom grabbing a washcloth putting it under cold water, after he got rid of the access water he walked back over to Atsushi and put the washcloth on his forehead to try and lower his fever.

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