Happy Birthday Suicidal Maniac

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Dazai's Birthday Special

Ship - Soukoku

Timeline - Season 5

Includes - Fluff

Chuuya Nakahara was not one for grand gestures, especially when they involved Osamu Dazai. The two of them had a history filled with bitterness, sarcasm, and a peculiar sort of camaraderie that no one else seemed to understand but them. Yet, as Dazai's birthday approached, Chuuya found himself in an uncharacteristic predicament, this year he wanted to do something special for his old partner.

It had been years since they had worked together as part of the Port Mafia Double Black duo, but some bonds, no matter how frayed, never truly break. Chuuya had heard through the grapevine that Dazai's friends at the Agency didn't know that Dazai's birthday was coming up and, despite his better judgment, he decided to plan a small celebration. After all, it was not every day that the suicidal maniac turned a year older without succeeding in one of his death-defying stunts.

Chuuya stood in the center of his apartment, surveying the decorations with a critical eye. Streamers of blue and silver hung from the ceiling, a chocolate cake sat on the table, and a single bottle of wine, "a particularly fine vintage" waited to be uncorked. Chuuya had gone to great lengths to ensure everything was perfect, even though he knew Dazai would most likely make some snide comment about his efforts.

"Why am I doing this?" Chuuya muttered to himself as he paced back and forth and adjusted the position of a balloon for the umpteenth time. "The idiot probably won't even appreciate all of this work I put into it."

Just as he was about to convince himself to call the whole thing off, there was a knock at the door. Chuuya took a deep breath, steeling himself for the inevitable confrontation, and opened the door to reveal Dazai standing there, a familiar lazy grin on his face.

"Chuuya! I knew you couldn't resist seeing me on my birthday," Dazai said, stepping inside without waiting for an invitation.

"Don't flatter yourself, Dazai. I just didn't want to hear you whining about how no one cares about you," Chuuya shot back, though the hint of a smile played at his lips.

Dazai's eyes widened as he took in all of the decorations. "You really went all out, didn't you? I'm kind of touched, Chuuya."

Chuuya rolled his eyes, grabbing the bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. "Just shut up and sit down. Let's get this over with."

They settled at the table, and Chuuya poured the wine, handing a glass to Dazai. For a moment, they sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Dazai raised his glass, his expression uncharacteristically sincere.

"To us, Chuuya. For surviving another year."

Chuuya clinked his glass against Dazai's, feeling a pang of nostalgia. "To us. And may you live to annoy me for many more Dazai."

The evening passed in a blur of reminiscence and banter. They reminisced about their time in the Port Mafia together, argued over whose fault it was that certain missions went wrong, and laughed about the absurdity of their shared history. For a few hours, it was as if they were partners again, fighting side by side against a world that didn't understand them like how they understood each other.

As the night wore on, Chuuya found himself relaxing in Dazai's presence in a way he hadn't in years. There was something comforting about their dynamic, a sense of familiarity that transcended their differences.

Eventually, the conversation turned quieter, the wine having worked its magic. Dazai leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look in his eyes.

"You know, Chuuya," he said softly, "I've missed this. Us."

Chuuya looked at him, surprised by the admission, but he understood what Dazai meant. "Yeah, me too, Dazai. Me too."

As the clock struck midnight, Chuuya realized that the birthday celebration had been a success. Not because of the decorations or the cake, but because, for one night, they had been able to put aside their past and simply enjoy each other's company.

"Happy birthday, Dazai," Chuuya said, a genuine smile on his face.

Dazai returned the smile, his eyes warm as he looked into Chuuya's eyes. "Thanks, Chuuya. This was the best birthday I've had in a long time."

And for that night, amidst the laughter and memories, it felt like old wounds had begun to heal, and the bond between them had been strengthened, just a little bit more.

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