Bookstore Date

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Hey guys, sorry I didn't update on Tuesday but I promised I would update on Friday and here we are!Next Tuesday's update will be longer since I didn't update this Tuesday, I thought that would make it fair to you guys.

Ship - Ranpoe

Timeline - Future

Includes - Fluff

Ranpo Edogawa and Edgar Allan Poe had been going out as a couple for some time now, bonding over their mutual love of literature and mysteries. One sunny afternoon, they talked and decided to visit a quaint little bookstore tucked away in a quiet corner of the city for a little date since both of them were off from work.

The bookstore, named "The Enchanted Quill," was a charming and peaceful place with tall wooden shelves packed with books of all different genres. The smell of old pages and fresh ink filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere for guests. Ranpo, always his energetic and curious self, darted from shelf to shelf looking around at the different books the shelves had to offer, his eyes scanning the titles with excitement. Poe, on the other hand, moved more calmly and swiftly, his gaze lingering on the spines of classic novels and poetry collections.

"Ranpo, look at this," Poe called out to Ranpo, holding up a beautifully bound edition of Edgar Allan Poe's complete works.

Ranpo grinned and hurried over to Poe excited. "Your namesake! It looks amazing Ed."

Poe thanked Ranpo as he smiled now knowing his complete works were now in stores for people to buy.

They spent a few minutes exploring the bookstore, sharing their favorite passages and discovering new ones. Poe found a rare first edition of "The Tell-Tale Heart" and showed it to Ranpo, who marveled at the delicate print and aged pages. In return, Ranpo introduced Poe to some modern mystery novels that he thought Poe would enjoy, Ranpo has been trying to get Poe into other genres besides just gothic tales and horror novels.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow through the store's large windows, they settled into a cozy corner with a pile of books. Ranpo had a cup of hot chocolate, while Poe sipped on a cup of strong black coffee. They read in comfortable silence, occasionally sharing interesting lines or discussing intriguing plot twists.

After a while, Ranpo set his book aside and stretched lazily. He glanced over at Poe, who was still absorbed in his reading. A playful smile curled at the corners of Ranpo's lips as he looked at Poe.

"This has been wonderful," Poe said softly, looking over the rim of his cup at Ranpo. "I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed and content."

Ranpo smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, we should make this a regular thing then, we should go on a bookstore date every month. There's always more books to explore, and who better to do it with than a fellow literary enthusiast?,"

Poe chuckled, nodding in agreement. "I couldn't think of anyone better than you my dear Ranpo,"

A few more hours had passed and Ranpo was starting to get a bit bored, Ranpo set his book aside and stretched lazily. He glanced over at Poe, who was still absorbed in his reading. A playful smile curled at the corners of Ranpo's lips as he stood up and quietly made his way over to Poe.

"Poe," Ranpo whispered, leaning over the back of Poe's chair. Poe looked up, slightly startled but quickly relaxing when he saw Ranpo's mischievous grin. "You've been reading that book for the past two hours. Don't you think it's time for a break?,"

Poe blinked at Ranpo, his cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. "Oh, I suppose I got a bit carried away," he admitted shyly, closing the book and setting it aside.

Ranpo chuckled and took Poe's hand, gently pulling him up from the chair. "Come on, let's sit by the window," he suggested, leading Poe to a cozy nook with a cushioned bench. They sat down together, the sun outside creating a warm and cosy atmosphere.

Ranpo wrapped an arm around Poe's shoulders, pulling him closer. Poe, feeling a warm sense of contentment, rested his head on Ranpo's chest. They sat in comfortable silence for a while watching the sun setting slowly, the sound of birds chirping and the gentle rise and fall of their breaths the only noises in the room.

After a few moments, Ranpo tilted Poe's chin up, their eyes meeting. "You know Ed, I think you're the only mystery there that is worth solving for me," Ranpo murmured, his voice soft and sincere.

Poe's blush deepened, and he gave Ranpo a small, loving and affectionate smile. "And you're the only detective I trust to solve it, My dear Ranpo," he replied, his voice just as tender.

Ranpo leaned in, closing the distance between them, and pressed a gentle kiss to Poe's lips. It was a sweet, lingering kiss, filled with all the unspoken affection and love they had for each other. When they finally pulled away, they both had matching smiles, eyeing each other with so much love in their eyes for the other.

"Let's stay like this a while longer," Ranpo suggested, his voice barely above a whisper. Poe nodded, snuggling closer into Ranpo's embrace.

As the rain continued to fall outside, the two of them sat together, content in the warmth and comfort of each other's presence. In that little bookstore, amidst the scent of old books and the soothing sound of rain, they found a moment of perfect peace and happiness, wrapped up in love and each other.

As the sun continued to fall outside, the two of them sat together, content in the warmth and comfort of each other's presence. In that little bookstore, amidst the scent of old books and the cosy feeling of warmth, they found a moment of perfect peace and happiness, wrapped up in love and each other.

An hour or so has passed as they left the bookstore, the owner, a kindly old woman with a sweet smile, handed them a small, wrapped package. "A gift for the two of you, You two are welcomed back here anytime" she said. "A book that I think you'll both enjoy."

Ranpo and Poe thanked her and left, curious about the book inside. They walked side by side, the package held between them, ready to embark on another literary adventure together.

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