Can I have this dance?~

20 0 0

Ship - Soukoku

Timeline - Future

Includes - Fluff, Smut And Soft Chuuya

~Chuuya's POV~

After a long day at work I went home taking off my coat hanging it on the coat rack, after looking around the house I saw that Dazai wasn't home yet from the Agency, I decided to take a hot bath since I haven't done one in a while, I went to my closet and got me a change of clothes and got me a towel from the hallway closet, after grabbing the things I needed I turned on the hot water watching to tub fill up, after a while the tub was full so I turned off the water.

I locked the bathroom door and stripped from my work clothes getting into the tub letting my sore body relax as I layed in the tub, after a while I leaned over picking up my phone from the floor, I checked my messages making sure Dazai hasn't tried to contact me, after being in the tub for half an hour I decided to get out and figure out what to cook for dinner tonight, after changing my clothes I went into the kitchen looking to see what we had.

After a while I decided on Sukiyaki for dinner since that's something that Dazai will eat and not complain about it, after getting out the ingredients I started cooking, after a while it started to get darker outside as I cooked, after a while I heard the front door handle click and Dazai's foot steps "Chibi I'm home!!" God I hated when he called me that, but I've gotten used to it at this point "Welcome home Dazai!" I saw Dazai peak his head into the kitchen as I was at the stove cooking "Oo Sukiyaki!" Dazai smiled as he saw what I was making "Figured you would be tired of Soba since that's all you ate for the past few days since I've been working until late most nights this week" Dazai smiled as he rubbed his neck.

After eating Dinner I forced Dazai to take a shower since he had a few missions today at work (and because he smelled) while Dazai was in the shower I sat on the couch flipping through the channels on the TV trying to find something to watch, after not finding anything I just started playing some music as I started cleaning the living room.

~Dazai's POV~

After exiting the shower I went to mine and Chuuya's room to get changed into casual clothes, after getting changed I could hear Chuuya start playing music in the living room, as I was leaving the bedroom I could hear Chuuya start to sing, Chuuya always has had an angel like voice so when he sings it's always beautiful, I quietly opened the door sneaking into the living room.

As I sneaked into the living room I saw Chuuya cleaning up the living room as he dances and sang happily as he did, it was things like this that made me fall for Chuuya in the first place, he is always the light in my life and the thing that keeps me going.

In the silence of the night,
I dream of you, and hold on tight.
We're two sides of the same coin,
In this twisted love, we're conjoined.

The more Chuuya sang the more drawn I was into his voice, I soon showed myself showing that I was in the room, after Chuuya saw me he stopped singing and blushed embarrassed that I was watching "H..How much did you see?" I smiled as I walked up to Chuuya taking his hand, I pulled Chuuya closer and twirled him around and started dancing with him around the living room.

In this world of crime and chaos, I found a light,
A partner in the shadows, our bond tight.
You with your rage, me with my schemes,
Together, we're unstoppable, or so it seems.

Chuuya soon understood and started dancing with me as I sang to him I spun him and twirled him around the living room as I continued to sing to him.

Through the darkness, through the pain,
Our fates are intertwined, we're the same.
Every battle, every fight,
I'll stand by you, through the night.

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