Masquerade Mission

16 0 0

Ship - Shin Soukoku

Timeline - Season 4

Includes -  Fluff, Smut, Maybe out of character

The bustling city of Yokohama sparkled under the twilight sky as a lavish masquerade ball was in full swing at the grandiose Mori Estate. Inside, laughter, music and the sound of clinking glasses filled the air, while elegantly dressed guests danced and mingled. Hidden among the crowd were two unlikely partners on a secret masquerade mission together.

Atsushi Nakajima adjusted the silver mask covering the upper half of his face, feeling slightly uncomfortable in his formal suit. He scanned the room, searching for any sign of their target. Beside him, Akutagawa Ryunosuke stood stiffly in a black tuxedo and his black mask. Despite their usual animosity and bickering, they had been paired together for this mission due to their combined skills and abilities.

"We need to find the informant and get the information and then leave without drawing attention to ourselves," Atsushi reminded Akutagawa, trying to ease the tension.

"Don't state the obvious Jinko," Akutagawa snapped, his eyes narrowing. "Just focus on finding our target."

The informant they were looking for was said to be wearing a red rose pin on their lapel. Atsushi and Akutagawa split up, weaving through the crowd and scanning the attire of all the guests. The elegant ballroom, filled with beautiful decorations and twinkling chandeliers, made it challenging to focus solely on their mission.

Atsushi carefully observed a group of guests near the bar, engaging in light conversation. None of them wore the red rose pin they were looking for. Frustration began to bubble within him as he moved on to another cluster of partygoers. Meanwhile, Akutagawa silently stalked the edges of the ballroom, his sharp eyes catching every detail.

As Atsushi moved through the room, he spotted a figure standing by a large window, partially hidden behind a heavy curtain. The person was dressed in a sleek black suit, and the telltale red rose pin gleamed on their lapel. Atsushi discreetly signaled Akutagawa, who made his way over.

Without drawing attention, Atsushi approached the informant and whispered, "We need to talk. It's important."

The informant nodded subtly and began to move toward a quieter corner of the room. Atsushi and Akutagawa followed closely, blending in with the crowd to avoid suspicion. They slipped into a small antechamber, where the music and noise of the party were muffled.

"What do you have for us?" Akutagawa demanded, his voice low but firm.

The informant handed them a small, encrypted flash drive. "This contains the information you need. Be careful—it's heavily guarded."

Atsushi took the flash drive, his expression serious. "Thank you. We'll make sure it gets to the right hands."

Before they could leave, the door to the antechamber swung open, and a group of masked security personnel stormed in. "There they are! Don't let them escape with that flash drive!"

Atsushi and Akutagawa exchanged a quick glance, their instincts kicking in. Atsushi transformed, his tiger claws at the ready, while Akutagawa summoned his ability, Rashomon, the black tendrils emerging from his coat.

In a flurry of movement, they fought off the security personnel with precise strikes and coordinated attacks. Despite their usual differences, they moved seamlessly together, each covering the other's weaknesses.

Once the last of the security guards was subdued, Atsushi and Akutagawa made their way back to the main ballroom, blending in with the crowd once more. They exchanged a nod, acknowledging their success and cooperation.

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