Akutagawa... come back to me!

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Ship - Shin Soukoku

Timeline - Season 5 and Future

Includes - Angst and Fluff

~Atsushi's POV~

After getting away from Fukuchi and getting back to the Detective Agency I still felt guilty for leaving Akutagawa behind after he told me to escape while I could, Akutagawa risked his life for me and protected me, why? why would he risk and waste his life like that? and for me of all people! I thought he wanted to kill me!? He can't kill me if he's dead!? No... I have to keep going.... for The Detective Agency!

After getting back to the battlefield I went to find the girl Ranpo-San told me about but as soon as I got there I saw who I didn't expect to be there-

Anya : Don't come up here! It's a trap-

As soon as she said that Akutagawa came out of nowhere swinging at me, he didn't seem like himself at all! "Akutagawa! It's me! Don't you remember!?" all Akutagawa did was swing at me and corner me making me fight him head on, I kicked his arm expecting his Dark Shadow to protect him but his arm broke! "Huh?" I pushed back putting distance between us as Akutagawa hissed in pain "Hissss"

Atsushi : His clothes didn't protect him...?!

As Akutagawa stood up he bit his hand drawing blood, as he drank his own blood his arm regenerated itself "Of course! The vampire power! so he doesn't need to protect himself because he can just regenerate...!? He won't stop unless he's killed!" Akutagawa soon started swinging at me again as I backed up and dodged his attacks.

Atsushi : Akutagawa! Stop it!! You're in there, Aren't you?!

Atsushi : I still didn't get an answer! Back then, Why did you...

"Why did you save me!?"

I activated my tiger arms and legs to get quicker dodging Akutagawa's attacks as he kept swinging "Damn it! He can't hear me! I have to try and get through to him! But how?!" as I kept dodging I came up with a plan "Wake up Akutagawa! Please I know you're in there!, Aren't you Akutagawa?! I know you are! After all, you..." Akutagawa started to hit even faster than before making me dodge faster "You.. didn't kill that little girl! Bram doesn't need any food!, and you were ordered to kill the others weren't you?! and yet you spared that girl! And I know why Akutagawa!" he has to remember... our promise! Akutagawa said so himself... he keeps his promises! "Because you promised! You promised not to kill anyone for six months! Well, six months aren't up yet! This isn't the time to try and kill each other!! Akutagawa, Not yet!!"

Akutagawa aimed a punch at my chest but I reacted by putting my arm in the way making it so he stayed in place, my arm catching him "Caught you!! Get ready!!" I jumped aiming a punch at his face before a memory popped into my head "He doesn't have his black robes protecting him... which means if I were to punch him his face would be..." I snapped out of it stopping my first before it hit his face.

Akutagawa stood still for a few seconds before he wrapped my arm and leg with Dark Shadow and lifted me up into the sky pulling at my arm and leg "Guh! No!" as Akutagawa slowly pulled at my arm and leg I tried getting into his head one more time "Wake up Akutagawa! You want to be strong, don't you?!" I saw Akutagawa flinch a bit when I said that so I kept going "True strength has nothing to do with opposing someone else... It's something that comes from within yourself!! That's the "true" strength Dazai-San is looking for inside you!!" I saw Akutagawa flinch again trying to fight the control the Vampire ability had on him, I heard Akutagawa speak in a whisper "Str... ...ength..." I smiled trying to get to him "Don't yield to yourself!! Akutagawa I know you're in there! Please come back to me!! Please!! I need you!!"

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