Dazai... didn't forget?

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Chuuya's Birthday Special

Ship - Soukoku

Timeline - Before Dazai and Chuuya met again in season one

Includes - fluff and little angst

~Chuuya's POV~

I woke up this morning early and got ready and went straight to work to my office so I could get all of my paperwork done, today I had a training session with Akutagawa, since Dazai left I took Akutagawa under my wing in training him like how Ane-San did for me when I joined the Port Mafia.

Chuuya : Akutagawa try to focus on making Rashomon stronger on the one part of your arm while you're using Tenma Tekngai (Demon Armor)

Akutagawa : I'm trying, it's just hard to keep it after so many hits *cough*

Kouyou Ozaki : Hello boys, how's the training going?

Chuuya : Oh hello Ane-San

Akutagawa : Hello Kouyou-San

Kouyou Ozaki : How long have you both been training?

Chuuya : I don't know maybe an hour or so?

Kouyou Ozaki : Well Chuuya, Mori wants you and I can take over for you if you want?

Chuuya : That would be nice Ane-San, me and Akutagawa were working on him using Tenma Tekngai (Demon Armor).

Kouyou Ozaki : Alright we'll keep working on that.

I gave Akutagawa a smile then left to the bosses office as I arrived I could hear the boss begging to someone who I guess was Elise about something as I knocked on the door, after a few seconds boss welcomed me in "Come on in Nakahara" as I walked in I saw the boss sitting in his chair and saw Elise coloring on the floor but I didn't question it and just walked to boss and bowed "Yes boss, Ane-San said you called for me?" as I looked up I saw the boss smiling.

Mori : Oh Chuuya I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and Elise wanted to give you a card~

I stood up and looked over to see Elise with a card in her hand handing it to me with a smile on her face "Thank you Elise" I took the card from her and opened it seeing a drawing with me holding a single Tsubaki Camellias which are the same kind of flowers that have been showing up at my office at work, outside my apartment door or somehow have shown up on my apartment table in a vase every year on my birthday since I was 18 but they never say who send them or put them there.

^ The flowers that Chuuya is talking about are down below/The Tsubaki Camellias flowers ^

^ The flowers that Chuuya is talking about are down below/The Tsubaki Camellias flowers ^

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Chuuya : It's a very good drawing Elise and I love the card.

Elise : I knew you would!

Elise went back to drawing while I talked to my boss again "Is that all boss?" after I asked that Mori stood up and walked over to me patting me on the head "Yes that was all, You may go now Chuuya" I hated when people touch me but since it was my boss I couldn't say anything "thank you Sir" I bowed one last time to my boss and waved goodbye at Elise before I left back to the training room where Ane-San and Akutagawa were.

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