White Powder

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A/N: Hi you guys! This request was by 108283! I hope you enjoy it, really sorry it's out so late! Now on to the chapter!

Tw: Drugs, swearing, side effects, passing out, caps.


Doni headed through his house, feeding his purring cat Bagel and getting ready for the day.


Arriving at his front door, he opened it, stepping outside. A fresh brisk breeze flowed through the owl hybrid's feathers, making his feathers fluff out. The sun was rising, soon to chase the early morning chill away.

Shutting the door, Doni headed out to Rage's house for some sugar. He wanted to make a cake or something. Maybe cupcakes.

When he got there, Doni knocked, waiting impatiently. After a few long moments, the door opened, revealing a tired looking Rage with a cup of steaming coffee in his hand. He raised a brow at Doni and asked, "What are you doing here this early in the morning?"

Bouncing on his taloned feet, Doni replied, "I was wondering if you had any sugar I could use? I want to bake something."

Rage raised the other eyebrow and said, "Is this another prank of yours? Is it going to grow a hundred times in size and then crash into the world? Or eat everyone on the server after tracking us down? Or blow up in our faces and explode the entire world?"

Doni sighed in what could be disappointment. "No, Rage. No pranks today, and besides, it's too early." Rage grunted, "hmm. We'll see about that. Don't you dare try anything."

After being studied for an uncomfortably long time, Rage moved aside a bit, inviting him inside the warm house. Good, his feet were about to freeze off. He was also relieved his fluff hadn't been commented on.

Walking inside, Rage followed him and closed the heavy wooden door, a creak sounding throughout the giant dome. Rage turned to him, and Doni tilted his head curiously like a cat.

Rage looked at him for a moment before leaving, heading through a long hall to what Doni assumed was the kitchen. Or maybe a kitchen, this place was so big Doni wouldn't be that surprised.

Some clattering sounded, and a loud crash that Doni winced at, even louder to him with his owl hearing. He still listened intently, trying to make out what was happening. Another two sounds of something falling had Doni ready to come over and see what was happening.

However, he didn't get the chance to, as Rage came back holding a clear plastic baggie. His hot cup of coffee was gone, probably on the kitchen counter. Rage's gruff voice pulled Doni back from his thoughts as he spoke. "I don't have any sugar, but I have this. What do you think?"

Doni cocked his head, regarding the white powder inside with a hint of caution. "What is it?" Doni asked.

Rage snorted in amusement, looking a bit surprised. "It's cocaine, obviously. Never seen it before? Why am I not shocked?"

Doni bristled his feathers at the insult. "Well, what does it do? Is it for cooking?" Rage replied, "No, you shithead. It's a drug. But some do use it in food."

Doni curiously but cautiously reached for the bag. He hesitated, but Rage didn't pull back or take it away, so he snatched it, looking closely. Nothing new, still just white powder.

But his instincts still screamed at him that it was his, no one else's. Listening to it, Doni held the bag close, then looked back up at Rage. He was pulling out a second bag from his pocket. He held it up. "Want to try some drugs?" He asked with a grin.

"Fuck yes!" Doni cheered. "But um... how?" Rage answered," Smoke it." He set up a plate, put the drug on, and promptly set it on fire. "Now, we wait." A few minutes passed, and Doni started noticing changes.

His already heightened senses were stronger, and his heartbeat seemed louder in his ears. Colors seemed brighter, and his pupils dilated. His body felt heated, and Doni panted.

Rage was just staring into space. Well, he was, until he face-planted onto the table and passed the fuck out. He's sure it's fine.

Sudden energy overtook Doni, and he leapt up, doing his best to ignore the overwhelming dizziness that followed. He flapped his wings, cooling his body down a bit more. He relished the feeling.

Jumping onto a chair, Doni looked around, his body tensed and playful like a cat that just got catnip.

A beam of sunlight shone through the window, the trees outside causing warm ripples of shadow to dance around the wood floor.

Diving at it, his talons skidding, Doni attacked the shadows, reaching and pouncing for them as they waved and twisted around. He clawed the air, grasping an old paper ball he found and throwing it up, only to hop up for it and roll across the floor, letting out a few happy trills and chirps.

The sun's warmth suddenly seemed to attack him, leaving him panting furiously on the floor with his paper ball. The curtain was shut as quickly as he could go.

Restless overtook him again, and he swished his wings as his muscles twitched. His mind seemed to be going faster than his body, causing him to fall as he walked on all fours. He didn't want to risk standing, because he didn't need to pass out like Rage- HOLY FUCK RAGE'S HAIR WAS ON FIRE!

Doni tried to pick up the coffee cup, failing a few times before he managed to grasp it and throw it on Rage's head. He didn't stir. The restless energy and heightened senses seemed to fade away. As well as the smoke in the room, dizziness and black spots dotted his vision.

Giving up, Doni laid on the floor, letting his wings sprawl out by his sides, picking up the paper ball, and closing his eyes before he promptly also passed out.

Doni would deal with it all tomorrow.


A/N: Hello! Hope it's good, I didn't have a lot of time to write. This was requested by 108283! Thanks for requesting, and again so sorry it took so long to write! Hope your arm feels better! I invented a new head canon of Doni acting like a cat on catnip when using drugs, and no one can change my mind. I hope everyone is having a great year, and not too much drama! Bye, have a great day/night!

Word Count: 1069.

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