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A/N: Hello people and other beautiful things! This was requested by the wonderful Nay590! This is purely platonic, they have a sister and brother bond as I've said before. I'm so, so sorry to have taken this long to write. I was waiting until school was over, had to go to my Dad's house for a week, and then got grounded from devices for another week. I started writing this the day I was ungrounded, and I think it turned out pretty okay! I will try to get all of the requests out as soon as possible, no matter how much motivation tries to slam me into a wall. How are you all doing? I hope good! I think I'm getting sick. Anyway, fluff and no angst time! Happy reading!

Tw: None, just playfighting!


Doni leapt, bowling over the invader as they jumped backwards with surprise, arms flinging out in front of them and hands gripping to anything they could find as they both fell backwards. A shocked squeal came from under the owl as the person landed on their back, the Brit scrambling to pin them down as they tried pushing their body back up from the soft carpeted ground.

Turning his head to look his enemy in the eyes, Doni narrowed his playfully.


She had tried to push him off his spot on the couch after he had lightheartedly teased her for her bad cake decoration, the icing seeming to meld into random shapes instead of all the players of the SMP standing together at Spawn.

Finally managing to stand, Kiply waved in place back and forth in place, trying to gain balance as Doni continued to hold onto her back, flapping his wings so that he didn't fall.

Trying to twist around and grab him, Kiply threatened with no real bite, "Get off of me you giant lump, or I'll throw you into the lake!" Instantly the hybrid dropped back down, not wanting to see if she'd carry through with her word.

Striding to get in front of her, Doni was startled when he got tackled back, the both of them flipping over and over from the living room to the kitchen, where they bumped into the table.

Tugging gently on the owl-hybrid's wing, Kiply giggled, "I know I caused it, but get off again! You're too heavy, you'll break my back!" Instead of complying, Doni just flopped down more, stretching his feathered appendages and arms out, knocking them into the stone walls. 

Trying and failing to wriggle out from under him, Kiply lowered her body back, groaning. "Just let me go alreadyyyy..." Doni shifted slightly to get her face in his line of vision, opening his mouth to say, "I'll only do that if you say I'm the best at playfighting! Those exact words!"

Kiply groaned again, lowering her head to instead appear to accept defeat. When he didn't move, however, she raised it again, looking him in the eye and asking, "Fine, I'll say it, but you got to tell me what to say."

Looking entirely too pleased with himself and the situation, Doni chirped happily before answering, "Okay, repeat after me! I, Kiply, admit that Doni is the best at fighting, and nothing will change that!"

Kiply repeated, "I, Kiply, admit that Doni is the best at fighting, and nothing will change that." Starting to struggle again, she spoke, "Now get off me, I said what you wanted!"

Instead of moving, Doni's expression just got even more mischievous and gleeful. "I'm not done! I want to to say more! Repeat after me again! Say this: I think Doni is the most handsome, greatest, kindest person in the whole SMP! No, wait, make that Minecraft too!" 

Kiply snorted at his words, especially the 'kindest' part. Knowing she had to say it or spend the rest of her days trapped on the floor, she grumbled, "I think Doni is the most handsome, greatest... kindest person in the whole SMP and Minecraft." She looked at Doni, who was grinning and seemed happy.

"Why would you make me lie like that?" Kiply complained, standing up and stretching her legs and arms. Doni protested, "It's not a lie! I really am! And you already said I am all those things! Besides, I got a video!" The owl pulled his phone out of his hoodie pocket, showing her where it said a minute long recording had been taken while keeping it out of reach incase she tried to grab it.

Kiply sighed again, knowing that it would end up on their discord server with all their friends. Maybe she could try to bribe him for it.

"I'll make you some cupcakes or a cake or some cookies for that video!" Kiply practically begged, getting down on her knees with her hands clasped together toward the hybrid. He smirked.

"Nah, I don't think so! I want to keep it! Maybe share it with a few friends." The glint in his eyes seemed to shine brighter.

Kiply knew it was no use, instead standing and giving him a obviously fake angry look. "If you don't give it to me, I'll take your kneecap privileges! Or your ankles!"

Chasing after the laughing hybrid, Kiply smiled to herself, determined to get that video.


A/N: That majorly sucked. But I am not spending another second on this, it has already been four hours at least. This was requested by Nay590, and I hope you liked it! I really tried to slow it down a bit so the ending wasn't as rushed as the others, but I imagine you can pretty clearly see where I messed that up. But it's written, and published, so now I'm going to go do something that requires no brain power, since I have even less than my 5% that I usually have. Remember you are all beautiful! Would you guys like to see a book with pictures of my animals? I have a handsome male cat named Tesla, a bitchy little female parakeet named Haha, and a chill male rabbit named Mr Butters who looks like he has a mustache. Please let me know! Hope you liked the oneshot! Have a great day/night! Love you all!

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