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A/N: Hello readers! Really sorry it took so long, but it will hopefully be out soon after I start writing it! This was requested by the one and only Nay590, so thank you for it! Also, running on little sleep right now and I know nothing about seizures, so this might be a bit inaccurate. But I'll try my best! Please tell me if I miss anything! Happy reading!

Tw: Caps, swearing, worry, dehydration, shaking, seizure, ER (Mentioned, and briefly), dizziness, trouble hearing, being overwhelmed, one bite, concern, twitching, exhaustion, increased heartbeat.

More information (Source from Google):

What is a seizure?

A seizure is a medical condition where you have a temporary, unstoppable surge of electrical activity in your brain. When that happens, the affected brain cells uncontrollably fire signals to others around them. This kind of electrical activity overloads the affected areas of your brain.

That overload can cause a wide range of symptoms or effects. The possible symptoms include abnormal sensations, passing out and uncontrolled muscle movements. Treatment options, depending on seizure type, include medications, surgeries and special diet changes.

The term "seizure" comes from the ancient belief in multiple cultures that seizures were a sign of possession by an evil spirit or demon. But modern medicine has uncovered the truth: Everyone can have seizures, and some people can have them more easily than others.


Doni shook his wings out, listening to the music of the forest: the river babbling from the bank, leaping in sparkling crystal droplets as it rushed past, providing support and a feeling of safety like a old friend. Leaves rustled way overhead, casting rippling shadows as they danced and pranced as the essence of a forgotten song. Bird cries rang out, echoing slightly in the condensed darkness and light under the treetops.

Footsteps crunched loudly against twigs, causing Doni to whirl around with his feathers puffed defensively, calming down as he saw Kiply emerge from the bushes. Just that slight movement of had him slouching in tiredness, something he tried to shake off as the blindfolded woman approached.

"Hey, Doni! I was looking for you." Kiply said, stopping in front of him. The owl responded, his voice raspy from days of little water and even longer of sleepless nights, "Hi, Kiply. What can I do for you?"

Seeming concerned, Kiply asked him, "Are you okay? You sound like you need a drink. Really badly." Doni made a offended expression, wings fluffing back out indignantly as he said, "I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be? I've just been working on server bugs, and they look okay too now."

His wings twitched uncontrollably, but barely enough to gain attention. Kiply took notice anyway. "Hey, you're shaking. You need to take a break." Doni hesitated, taking a glance around as if trying to find a escape route. Kiply saw his taloned hands as they shook, practically shaking hands with nothing but air.

"What... I feel weird." Doni commented, swaying a little on his feet before he decided that sitting was better right now and doing just that. Kiply gave him a worried look. "What kind of weird?"

"Like... like I feel like this has happened before. But it hasn't..." Doni plucked a daisy from the grass, twirling it in his increasingly shaking talons as Kiply thought. She was quiet for a moment before asking, "Do you mean Deja Vu? Is that how you feel?"

Doni took a moment to answer, seemingly processing the question before it finally stuck. He hummed, "Mhm."

Not knowing what that meant, Kiply stood there, watching as Doni began weaving grass stems, becoming frustrated by how hard his body was starting to tremble. His heartbeat felt really fast, pulsing loudly in his ears and blocking outside sounds almost completely. Was that normal? The thought was pushed away as quickly as it'd came. He was sure it was fine.

However, as he collapsed onto his side, he wasn't as quick to ignore. He could hear muffled shouts, then a hand was suddenly on his shoulder. Taken by surprise, he lashed out instinctively, claws missing their target but sharp teeth digging into her arm.

Their was a quiet shriek- more surprised than pained, he thinks- before the hand was gone and he was left alone. At least, he thinks so. His ears working on 30% didn't really help him figure out if that was true.

A rising feeling on anxiety seemed to take his breath away, his now jerking limbs thrashing even harder as he tried to get up, as if being further from the dirt would help. 

Kiply, meanwhile, was panicking. What was she supposed to do?? She'd heard of seizures- which seemed to be what this was- but she didn't know much on how to handle them! Did she need to calm him? Hold his limbs down? Force him to stop? She didn't know!

However, a quick Google search a few seconds later provided Kiply with some basic knowledge of what to do. Still holding her phone- and keeping it far away from his almost frantically beating wings- she crouched down next to him, trying to get his attention before giving up as her words fell on deaf ears.

 Swiftly moving, she flipped his light- almost concerningly so- body over, avoiding his feeble attacks. Once on his side, she waved a hand in his face. His eyes were a bit glazed, slitted in the sunlight, but after a moment they focused enough for Kiply to be satisfied.

"Doni, look at me. I need you to breathe." The blindfolded woman took a deep, exaggerated breath, waiting the long moment it took for the Brit to mimic her.

They stayed there for a few minutes, past the time it took for Doni's shaking to stop and his eyes to return to normal. Still, Kiply breathed with him, just in case the seizure decided to come back for a second round.

By the time they finished, almost half a hour had passed as they sat in the lush foliage of the forest. When they were both extremely calm, Kiply held out a hand to Doni's no longer trembling one, helping his to his feet. She'd read that you should go to the ER right after a seizure.

So they did.


A/N: Hello, dear friends! Okay, so I know nothing about seizures, but I tried. Hope this is at least mostly accurate! That ending was really bad, so I apologize for that. Also, I need hearing children screaming occasionally and then going dead silent. Right outside. I'm in my pitch black room, at 11:00,  making a oneshot. I'm scared, if I don't write again you know what happened. Anyway, bye! Have a great day/night!

Words: 1094

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