Snapped (2)

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A/N: Hello! This oneshot was requested by ZorkaDamballaFenriz! This will be shorter, since it's a two part, as seen by the title! Glad I got it out before I possibly die tomorrow. Happy reading!

Tw: Fight, feather pulling, guilt, anxiety, bad mental health, stress, blood, broken wing, swearing, passing out, caps, torture. Most of this is being referenced from the first part.


When Doni came to, he felt terrible. Not physically, no, but mentally and emotionally.

Managing to crack his eyes open with more effort than he'd like to admit, he noticed his vision was a little blurry, and he could feel hot tracks on his cheeks. Reaching a hand up, he swiped it below his left eye, pulling back to look. It was wet. He'd been crying.

Now more alert, he cautiously looked around, taking note of where he was. Large oak walls surrounded him, coated in bark and grass from the nest he currently was laying in. He remembered having a mod made to have bonemeal have many times it's original power, using it on this oak when it was a sapling before deleting the mod. 

Feathers rustled as he sat up, slightly muggy air surrounding him in a warm hug as the scent of home washed all his worries away.

He remembered now. His dream. He also knew what he'd been doing to cause it to happen.

Lynix had decided to kidnap everyone on the server, locking them in his basement. Why, Doni didn't know. What he did was that it had hurt.

The other players had been made to watch as Doni was tortured, axe swings bruising his body and breaking his wings just for the cycle to repeat after a thrown health or regeneration potion.

He'd been in so much pain he'd blacked out, later waking to find that the others weren't in their cells anymore and that the ropes binding him to a chair had been cut.

He could still remember his pained stagger, away from the wretched building built like a damn jail and to spawn, following a trail to his tree. He had collapsed in his nest as soon as his instincts let him, calming down their cries of hurt betrayed bad pain sad.

 Now, he could feel the phantom pains, seeming to dig deep into his muscles and existing in the very marrow of his bones.

He could remember the taunting voice, the tang of blood and pricks of pain as feathers were pulled in flashes, words and scenes dancing forward to throw themselves at him only to back away when he'd tried to reach for his concentration.

Now, in the comfort of his nest and feelings stabbed anew, he buried his face in his wings and sobbed.


A/N: Hello again! Thanks for the request, I hope it turned out decent. The next request will be out soon too, that is if I don't die first. I'm going to a friend's birthday party tomorrow, and my mom has to sign all these wavers saying that if I or my sister die/get seriously injured, then we can't sue. Turns out that motivation hits hard when there's a chance of death! Have a great day/night, love you all!

Words: 545

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