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A/N: Hello beautiful readers! I still need a name for you guys. Anyway, this oneshot was requested by Jordyn--rose! Hope you enjoy! Don't worry, it has comfort! Happy reading!

Tw: Mental abuse, crying, mocking, panic attack, hurtful words, broken glass, swearing, caps, past injury (concussion), being laughed at, self-hate, past panic attacks, feeling like you can't breathe, passing out.


Doni dived, his body as graceful as a fish in water as he crashed straight through Rage's window, causing broken glass to fly everywhere. Pulling his body into a roll, Doni slid a few feet across the ground before coming to a stop, stretching his uninjured wings.

"I was right! There was a window!" The owl cheered, looking towards the slightly disoriented square of nothing going outside. He'd only learned about glass recently, when Rage had built his entire roof with the stuff, causing Doni to fly full speed into it. He'd ended up with a concussion.

A voice startled him. "DONI! WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" Spinning on the heel of his foot, Doni turned to Rage, feathers smoothing out from their barely bristling state as he smiled at the stoic man.

"Oh, hello Rage! I didn't know you'd be home!" Glancing around, Doni noticed a few new plants, and... were those two new swords? Hm. Hopefully just for hunting.

Rage's angry tone pulled his thoughts and gaze back to him as he said, "Just get out of here! Why don't you mess with someone else?" Well, messing with people was simply how Doni showed his affection. He knew Rage wouldn't understand, though.

When all he was met with was silence, Rage let out a long, tired sigh. "Doni, go away. I don't want you in my house. All you do is make trouble and plan it. Nothing else. You need to go, before I get really angry."

Doni's wings flared out instinctively as he became upset, nearly knocking a few books off a nearby shelf as he spat furiously, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I DO NOTHING ELSE? I store backups! I fix code! I make sure everyone stays friends! I KEEP TRYING TO PRETEND EVERYTHING'S FINE!"

Rage blinked, surprised at Doni's outburst. What did he mean, he pretends everything is fine? Probably just being dramatic, as always. 

Scoffing, he shot back, "What, everything an Admin does too hard for you? Maybe you should be replaced, then. You're bad at the job. Everyone agrees, their just too nice to say it to your face." That was a lie. All the players knew being an Admin was a tough role. Doni didn't need to know this, however.

The shot hit home, even if Rage couldn't see it. Doni was now holding back tears, forcing his voice to be steady as he returned, "Oh yeah? How about you try being Admin for one day? YOU'D BREAK UNDER THE PRESSURE!"

Rage smugly replied, "Sure, nice of you to offer. I would be way better at it then you. The server might even decide to make me Admin, instead. I can imagine it already!" He chuckled at the thought.

Doni, the lump in his throat too big to form proper words, just hissed at him, the sound fierce and... Hurt. That was obviously a trap to guilt trip Rage. He wouldn't fall for it.

"Oh, now you're trying to make me feel bad? Pathetic, really. I can see right through your trickery. You need to do better."  

A tear fought against Doni's attempts not to cry, dripping down his cheek as he furiously rubbed at the spot, trying to control his emotions. Rage was right. He really was pathetic. He wouldn't- couldn't, even- be better. Not ever.

Confident it was an act, Rage laughed, turning away. Doni would have to deal with it himself.

Before he could leave, a quiet thump stopped him, making him turn in the dim room to see Doni on the floor, wings huddled around him while he rocked on his knees. He was sobbing.

Less sure now, Rage slowly approached. He hoped it was fake. He might have said some mean things, but he didn't truly mean them. Though Doni had no way of knowing that. Geez, Rage was a horrible friend. Shaking off that thought, he hurried over to the crying hybrid.

"...Doni? Are you okay?" He reached out a hand, intending on putting it on the owl's shoulder before Doni flinched away, his cries growing louder. God, Rage really messed up.

Settling down at a respectful distance, Rage calmly asked, "Doni, can you hear me? If you can, you need to answer." He knew what was happening. Doni was having a panic attack. He just had to hope he could help.

Besides the twitch of a wing, leaning further away from him, the Brit didn't answer, knees hiding his face as he fought a suffocating tightening in his throat. Why couldn't he breathe? He'd had similar panic attacks, sure, but this one was particularly bad. He couldn't get enough air into his lungs before a shuddering sob forced it out.

Rage sighed, hoping he could hear before he spoke. "Doni, I need you to take a deep breath in. You need to hold it, okay?"

Through a fog of despair and confusion, Doni could faintly make out a voice, the words distorted and weird, like they were coming from underwater. He could hear directions, the words not making any sense to him as he was. But he decided to follow them, because maybe they'd help. He didn't want to feel like this anymore. 

A choking inhale was heard, the owl's chest stiffening at the strain of holding the breath before he let it go, returning to sobbing and tears as Rage said, "That was very good, Doni. You did well. But you need to do it again. In and out." He was fairly sure Doni could hear him.

The cries continued for a few more moments before Doni finally tried again, getting a full breath in and almost making the full time of breathing out. 

The progressed through it, tears starting to slow and sobs fading to hiccups.

When the panic attack was over, Doni's wings wrapped tighter around himself, as if sensing it before he fell onto his side, passing out.

Rage watched over him, practicing an apology as he waited for Doni to wake up. 


A/N: Hello again! Hope you enjoyed! Don't worry, Doni did get that apology and he forgave Rage. Have a great day/night! See you guys! Bye!

Words: 1064

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