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A/N: Hello readers! This one is kinda gory, so be careful about that. I can't think of anything else to say, so let's get on with the book!

Tw: Death, gore, blood, screaming, begging, caps, fear, angst, torture, burns, swearing, drowning, falling, descriptions of injury, broken bones, suffocation, murder, death loop, acceptance of death. Please tell me if I missed anything!


Lynix opened his eyes at a sharp pain coming from his elbow. Sitting up, he examined it, looking at a fresh burn mark.

He let out a confused noise before realizing something- this wasn't his house.

Where was he?

Looking around, he could tell he was in some kind of glass dome, like he was a animal at a zoo to be watched constantly.

The whole fucking thing was glass, besides Lynix and his bed that had somehow gotten here.

And, well, the black person-shaped shadow besides him.

Wait, what?

Turning towards it, Lynix didn't expect to be basically thrown as lightning zipped out of a rod the mysterious new person was holding. Straight at him.

Electricity took over his body, muscles stretching and relaxing at the same time while his bones trembled, eyes flashing and a expression of deep physical pain crossing the Blonde's face.

"PLEASE! PLEASE, STOP!" He shouted. The thing just laughed at him and his misery.

When the agony slowed and Lynix was able to form intelligence thoughts, he opened his eyes- when had he closed them?- and blinked. They were wet with tears.

His eyes were immediately shut tightly again as pure pain washed over him, reaching deep and wrenching her nerves until they seemed to become tangled knots. His hair stood on end, his shoes beginning to gain black scorch marks.

He screeched, begging them to stop, to help him, for it to be over.

They only laughed.

That's the last thing Lynix heard before the light took him.


Stretching, Liger packed his supplies for the day. He'd need a few pickaxes, because he was mining later. A few apples were tossed in, as well as a saddle in case his horse died. They always did, for some reason or another.

Picking up his backpack and throwing it around his shoulder, Liger crawled out from under his bridge. Deciding to take the quickest route, which was by swimming across the lake, Liger headed the few feet between it and him before diving and started to swim.

Cold water was quick to wake him up, clearing his tired vision. The water was clear and bright, the sky above casting down a golden glow.

As he swam, the burst of energy he'd first felt began to leave him.

Not even halfway across, Liger struggled, trying his best to keep a steady rhythm and not make any frantic movements.

Water bubbled into his nose, seaweed clogging his fur and wearing him down.

When he dipped below, he finally let desperation take over, kicking his tired and heavy limbs towards the surface.

He broke it, only for gravity to push him back under after a small gasp of air.

Trying to keep swimming to the land that was impossibly far away now that he had realized how tired he was, Liger kicked and pushed through the water. A fish appeared in front of him for a moment, studying him curiously with a beady eye before disappearing with a flash of sunlight from above.

No matter how hard he tried, Liger continued to fall deeper and deeper. And when he could barely move anymore, he switched over onto his back to look up.

The contrast of the blazing bright swirls of sunlight from above mixing with the deep blues that faded into the black shadows taking his life was beautiful.

And, in his last moments, he could've sworn he was watching the scene like a movie.

Not his own eyes.


Quiff carefully maneuvered his way between steep boulders, ducking under low-hanging branches and jumping over smooth stones in his path.

He was exploring the land behind his base, trying to find any possible building sites to work on. Maybe he could build a pig farm, or a machine of some sort.

A crow's cry above had him flinching, stumbling a few steps back and looking up fearfully from the sudden noise.

The fear tripled in size when he realized there was nothing under his feet.

And he fell.




The sound of his own bones breaking sickened him, limbs limp and numb. Blood poured from his house, the jaw injured.

He was bleeding out.

As he laid there, feeling nothing but fire licking at his wounds, he closed his eyes, readying himself for a respawn.

The next moment, a puff of white smoke appeared.

And Quiff was gone.


Kiply struggled, trying to pull against the heavy pillow being pressed to her face.

The black figure just pressed harder, trapping her against her bed. Desperately turning and twisting, she couldn't escape, confined as he world started fading to black.

Kiply tried to scream, to beg, to cry out for help. But it was fruitless, too late anyway.

Her movements slowed, no longer thrashing as she shook, her body trying to get oxygen to fill her lungs.

The last bit of precious air she had been holding was let out as she laid still, no longer trying to live.

She kept her eyes closed when she respawned, dreading the death loop to come.


Bionic brushed his hair, taking care not to scratch the metal around his robotic eye.

Putting the comb down, he smoothed the fuzzy bits and left, heading to his living room. He made it to a chair before static overtook him, making him tremble.

This had been happening for a while now. He'd achieved some kind of virus after his charging station had been partly blown up by someone (He had a general idea of who it was). Having been working all day and needing to recharge soon, he'd done a quick and crappy job at fixing it.

Somehow, a virus had made it's way into his code, causing him to randomly get staticky and shaky, often a bit pained as his very code wrestled with the virus, it's enemy.

As the moments passed, he could feel his systems began shutting down. His fans whirled slowly before turning off, dull pain in his chest making itself known.

After a while, the virus won, his code ripped and garbled.

With one last staticky light, he shut down.


A/N: Hi! Okay, I know that Bionic's isn't really a death, but I didn't have any ideas left. I'm starting to feel burned out. Whatever. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the oneshot! Open to requests! Have a great day/night!

Words: 1127

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