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A/N: Hello people/other things! I hope you're having a great day/night! This one has some g/t content, so be prepared for that! Nay590 did a great oneshot with tiny Doni, so I recommend reading that! Also, tags make it look worse than it actually is. I think. Still, be careful! Happy reading!

Wow, this got to be 3k words!

Tw: Collapsing from exhaustion, dehumanization (Being treated like a pet), kidnapping, being rough, not caring, slight blood, injury, being hunted, caps, swearing, fear, helplessness, hopelessness, stress, anxiety, insomnia, sh (To be knocked out, not trying to harm), dizziness, stalking, neglect, cold, death, death loop, being caged, taunting, starvation, thirst, vomiting, torture (?), yelling, broken bones, tension, panic attack, crying, trauma, shock.


5 days.

For five days, Doni hasn't slept.

He blames his owl side and his insomnia.

Also stress.

That was a big one.

Why was everything spinning?

Doni staggered, barely managing to catch himself before slamming into a tree.

Only to fall into a mud puddle.

Giving up, Doni laid limply, face turned away from the dirty water to breathe in the stinking air. Brown rainwater soaked into his wings, reaching between the soft feathers and grasping his hollow bones in a cold grip.

Closing his eyes, Doni finally rested.

If he was still awake, he would've seen a black person-shaped shadow slinking out of the shadows, coming to his side to crouch and pull out a potion bottle. And he would've seen the potion dumped and a slightly insane grin.


Doni shivered, curling into himself more. His limbs trembled as he shook, knees to his chest and wings curled tightly around himself like a cocoon.

Why was he so cold?

He felt... weird.

The same, but different.

And he was laying on something soft.

Doni opened his eyes.


Doni was on a pile of what looked like... bedding? Like from a pet store. And he could see bars.

Was he in a fucking cage?

Struggling to his feet- which was hard with how tired he was, having not slept in five days minus however long he was unconscious- he stood, looking confusedly around him.

He was in a fucking cage!

And it was small, too.

Studying his surroundings more closely, Doni took it all in: A pile of pet store bedding seemed to make up a nest, the thing definitely made by someone inexperienced. He was on the top of the cage while still being inside, the nest balanced on a wooden ledge jutting out the short distance to the opposite wall.

Small ledges of sticks and wood sprouted all across the cage, making it easy to hop across them but near impossible to fly.

Dishes were at the bottle of the cage, one filled with water and the other... bird food?

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