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A/N: Hello guys! So for this I'm using a random headcanon I was thinking about using: Doni can see ghosts! So on hardcore worlds he can see his dead friends, and they can communicate and stuff, but the living can't see the dead. He also hides it because he's embarrassed. His friends don't know he can see dead people. So I'll see where I take this as I write! Enjoy the oneshot!

Tw: Death (falling), death mention, ghosts, name calling, small threats, swears, caps, yelling. Not too bad, don't worry!


Doni scratched his long talons over the rough bark of his tree, marking it with his claws. He stood back in satisfaction, admiring the long scrapes in the tree made by his own hands, showing it was his and his only.

A voice had his feathers bristling, wings fluffing up. "Hmm. Wonder what this idiot is doing."

Trying to pretend he hadn't heard anything, Doni ignored the voice who he was pretty sure belonged to Bionic, moving to a different side of the tree and marking it with long grooves in the wood.

"Why is he scratching the tree?" Quiff's voice asked.

Hiding a slight jump, Doni crouched, studying the brown owl feathers littering the ground and further proving it was his. He sat, turning his left wing a bit so he could reach it, not looking at the nearly transparent players in his sight.

Gently combing his fingers through his feathers Doni preened, picking dirt specks and grass stems from his wings.

"I don't know, but now he's preening. I think." Bionic said.

Once his wings were mostly shiny and gleaming, the debris gone, Doni began plucking feathers, taking the damaged and beyond repair ones and piling them beside him.

Quiff's outline floated closer, looking at the heap of feathers. Bionic followed close behind.

When Bionic reached out a hand towards the feathers- even though it would have just gone through them- Doni flapped his wings, the ghosts flinching back at the sudden movement.

Gathering the feathers quickly, the brown owl padded to his tree, leaping up to enter the tree.

Dropping the feathers in his nest, Doni shook himself, feathers ruffling and then smoothing down as the ghosts phased through the tree like nothing.

Getting annoyed, Doni fought the urge to tell them to get out. He didn't want them to know his secret. He could be made fun of.

A loud creak from somewhere above sent his guard up, out of the tree in an instant and onto the ground. Looking up, he could see Liger.

The bridge troll was climbing across the branches, TNT in his hand.

"LIGER! DON'T YOU DARE SET THAT OFF!" Doni yelled, crouching to jump into a branch. Flying up, he was just in time to see Liger stumble, falling.




A new death message appeared, and Doni groaned, dreading a new phantom possibly following him around.

The yellow man's blurry figure had appeared below where he'd fallen, studying his new, weightless body.

Letting himself soar down to the grass, Doni avoided the pile of items and left, hearing the three ghosts' voices chatting as they followed closely behind him.

Cold hovered over his wing and Doni flinched, yanking his wing away from Liger's clear hand as a chill overcame him.

Praying to Hades that they hadn't seen, Doni hurriedly continued walking.

"Did he feel you?? He flinched! I think he did!" Bionic said.

Quiff added, "Well, there definitely seems to have been a reaction."

"I think my brother felt me! Hold on, imma try something else!" Liger excitedly replied.

Walking even faster, almost running, Doni tried to escape the ghosts without being obvious, dodging and darting through trees and bushes. A invisible shadow made him halt, nearly slamming into nothing.

"HOLD UP! I THINK HE CAN SEE ME!" Liger shouted, waving a hand in front of Doni's face.

"WILL YOU MOVE YOU TROLL?!" Doni hissed, giving up on hiding the secret he'd kept so long.

"YOU CAN SEE US??" Bionic yelled in shock, quickly floating up to him. Doni replied, "Yes, you morons! Can you stop following me?? It's creepy!"

Turning sharply around Doni spread his wings, ready to fly off.

A hand on his wing yet again stopped Doni, twisting back and lashing a taloned hand at the ghost of Quiff, which just went through the invisible body uselessly. "DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!" Doni yelled, snapping his beak at them in threat.

"Or what? You'll kill us?" Bionic asked jokingly, looking at the other two dead players beside him.

Giving up on escaping Doni sat, watching as the others did their equivalent of it as well. He tucked his wings close to his body out of reach, looking at the phantoms staring back at him.

"Okay, what do you want?" Doni asked impatiently.

"Huh?" Bionic asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Well, you're stalking me around like creeps! What do you want from me!" Doni answered, feathers fluffing a bit in anger before flattening again after taking a deep breath.

"Uh... I don't know, brother. We're bored." Liger said, his figure floating up a inch before lowering back to the ground.

"Please just leave me alone. I need to finish my work, and I don't want you three to see what I do while no one's there! All my pranks will be ruined! And I already finished all my smaller stuff, so now what am I supposed to do with you guys following me around like hawks??" Doni said, finishing his rant with an inhale of air.

"You could revive us." Quiff suggested, gesturing at his other dead friends.

"Fine." Doni grumbled, opening his admin panels to do just that.

Doni spent the rest of the day in peace.


A/N: Hi again! Thanks for reading! Requests are, as always, open! I didn't know how to end this, but I hope it's at least halfway decent. Thank you guys so much for supporting this book! Love you! Have a great day/night!

Words: 1004

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