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A/N: Hello! I hope everyone is having a great day/night! Geez, this is part 20 and the book's close to two hours! Thank you all for the support, I really appreciate it! Okay, now back to the normal stuff! Thank you to starshadow_13 for the request and being so patient! This is centered around Kiply and Quiff for a change. Do know that you can ask for other people! Happy reading!

TW: Kinda non-graphic minor injures (sprained ankle and scratches from a bush), and one very small curse. Just some hurt and comfort!


Stepping back from her build, Kiply admired the way the smooth wood contrasted against the cobbled stone in her walls, enveloping her furniture and belongings in a shell with a door in the center. 

Entering her new house, she looked around, finding she liked how the home had a cozy vibe to it. Maybe if she added some plants here, and some vines there, it'd look a bit more detailed. Not that it needed it, with the amount of work she had done. Kiply just hoped a certain owl wouldn't blow it up before the night even arrived.

Climbing up a ladder to the roof, she positioned herself at the edge once she was up top, observing how the fire in the chimney was letting out smoke as it gradually rose.

Wondering if the smoke might be collecting too thickly, a hazard for her lungs and a potential house fire, she stepped back, peering at the top of the chimney to see just how much was escaping. She might need to change it's design, or get rid of it altogether if nothing else worked.

Kiply, who had taken one step too far, realized she had forgotten to make fences so no one fell off.

Which she just did.


Now, as she free fell, she tried to twist to face the ground, hoping maybe she could throw a pearl before she made contact. Unluckily for her, however, Kiply had only managed to get her feet under her before there was grass and pain, a electrifying bolt searing her senses and causing her vision to go bright white for just a moment.

When Kiply had calmed down enough, she looked around, finding that she was sitting near the side of her base. A bush had broken her fall, even if it left her with a few shallow scratches.

Trying to drag herself away from it, she gasped as the pain started again, immediately stilling before she made it worse. Digging in her pockets, she had to regretfully admit to herself that she didn't have a health potion, which just made this so much worse. It wasn't life threatening, of course, players broke or sprained bones all the time! It was just a hassle to deal with until it healed or the next respawn.

Sighing, she wondered what to do before a splotch of red in the corner of her eye caught her attention, making her look up. 

Kiply's boyfriend, Quiff, was coming towards here from the direction of the main hub, eyes and expression concerned as he approached, a diamond sword gleaming from it's place on his belt.

"Kiply? Are you okay?" The words were soft spoken and quiet as he tilted his head, studying her for something. Kiply nodded, speaking, "Yeah, I'm all good. Just sprained my ankle. At least it was after I finished building." They both glanced at the base, Quiff's eyes holding a admiration like Kiply's had.

Reaching out a hand towards her, he came closer, crouching a bit to avoid a branch close to his head. "Need help? I think I have a health potion in my chest." Taking the offered hand gratefully, Kiply stood up, keeping the weight off her ankle the best she could. It was now just a dull ache, but that could change at any sudden movements.

"Yes, please. Thanks, I don't know what I was going to do." Quiff smiled at her before taking out his enderchest, placing it on the ground and opening the lid to rummage through the contents.

When he pulled back, he held a shining health potion, it's vibrant color gleaming in the sunlight as he gave it to her. Leaning forward a little from where she was pressed against a tree, she took it with another grateful look, popping off the cork and tilting her head back as she drank. While she emptied the bottle Quiff was mining his enderchest, restoring it to his inventory. He turned around right as she finished, taking the bottle and throwing it in the garbage can Kiply had in her backyard.

Quiff spoke, "Want to come to my house or go in yours? I have some movies we could watch, and I'm pretty sure I've got popcorn."

Considering it, Kiply reasoned she didn't want to walk all the way to the other's house, even if the potion had calmed her ankle significantly. "Lets go to mine. I have some ice cream?" Kiply gestured at her base entrance, watching Quiff.

Nodding, he came closer, bending down a bit to pick her up to her surprise. Holding back a yelp, she instead just glared playfully at him, no real heat behind the stare.

Taking her inside, he complimented her base, finding the living room and seting her down on the couch before they picked out a movie to watch. By the time it was halfway through they were snuggling, big bowls of ice cream in their hands and lights dimmed to further the comfy feeling they felt.

Turning her head slightly to look at Quiff, Kiply smiled, noting how he returned it before kissing her on the cheek and holding her closer. Even if nothing had gone right today, Kiply knew:

She wouldn't change a thing.


A/N: Hello again! Thanks for reading! Again, this was requested by starshadow_13! This was fun to write, and went relatively quickly! I'm going to be camping for a week tomorrow for scouts, so no updates until I get back. I'm  really excited  to do a certain merit badge, because I get to build a shelter and sleep outside with a bunch of my troop! Hope it was good, have a great day/night and know you are loved!

Words: 1023

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