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A/N: Hello! This focuses on Trypophobia, though it doesn't have any really descriptive words about holes. If you have it, you might want to wait for more updates as I'm taking a short break until writing doesn't seem like a chore. I'll be back soon, though! Nay590, my beautiful, kind wife, made a oneshot similar to this. I couldn't ask permission to make this though because I haven't had a way to communicate, but if you want this deleted, it will be immediately. Anyway, have a good time reading!

Tw: Trypophobia, panic attack plus the symptoms, harmful prank, mention of collapsing plus being unconscious, very slight self-hate (Not for long though!), dizziness, one swear, and just a few caps. Be careful!


Doni shook out his wings, brushing his feathers down and making himself presentable before squeezing out of the hole in his giant oak tree.

Boy, was that a mistake.

Sponge blocks were EVERYWHERE.

They were seen in people's windows, in the grass, in giant towers of the stuff, and- Doni noticed with disgust and horror- on and around his home.

Taking a step back from his place on the grass Doni felt a wet, squishy feeling and saw a sponge. Dizziness was beginning to take over him as he franticly flapped his wings up, spreading them the best he could while staying as far from the sponges as possible.

Managing to get back into the air, Doni flew up a bit, looking around the server.

It was even worse than he thought. Sponges were scattered like pumpkins and melons, crops replaced with the scratchy, dry stuff. Everyone's homes had the blocks filled with holes across their bases, some being covered until they were barely recognizable.

It was terrifying.

Diving back to his tree, Doni fought the panic starting to cloud his vision, sending his fight or flight instincts into overdrive.

Making it to his base he plummeted, pulling up at the last second and smoothly landing in his nest where he huddled, holding a small cactus plush that he'd gotten as an anonymous gift from someone. To be truthful, he didn't even think they were a player.

Tucking a dark colored blanket over the entrance and exit of his tree Doni breathed more easily, taking relief in the black space.

The owl tried to shove away the memories of the holes and sponges, but they wouldn't leave his mind. Breathing was becoming hard, his air seeming to leave his lungs just as quickly as it came, black that wasn't from the shadows starting to rim his vision.

Shaking from fear Doni curled into himself, wishing the sponges would be gone the next time he looked. If they weren't, he was content to stay here all day. Or week. Even year. He really wasn't picky.

His feathers were puffed to try to keep his warm as shivers wracked his body, horrible chills skimming across his skin. At the same time, he was hot, slightly panting from the anxiety of his solution.

He was trapped here until those wretched things with holes were gone. He hated the fact that someone had done this- and he deserved it. He'd pranked people with some of their fears, sure, but he hadn't ever gone THIS far.

Their fears were small, not things that could cause a whole panic attack like the one he could feel taking over right now. But he did, however, probably deserve this mental torture, nonetheless.

The sound of footsteps against the ground outside jolted Doni out of his thoughts. "Doni?"

The owl's head shot up at Lynix's voice, ear tufts flicking lightly before he returned to huddling into his own body heat, still squeezing the cactus stuffie.

The blanket he'd quickly thrown over the hole to cover the sun was pushed to the side, the Blonde who went by Lynix peeking through, having climbed up a little to see in.

With the light shining into his nest Doni could see the sponges past the human blocking his way, causing him to shield his eyes with his wings and to tuck his knees tighter. He let out a low, threatening hiss when the blanket fell to the ground.

Though the British hybrid couldn't see him, Doni knew that the other had a concerned face when he said, "Doni, are you okay? I'm sorry, it was a prank. But we cleaned it up when we saw you looking like you were about to black out."

Doni just crawled further back into his nest of twigs and grasses, not trusting that the sponges were gone.

A sigh greeted his actions, and Doni felt a sinking feeling in his chest. Did they hate him right now? He really made a mess of things. He shouldn't have overreacted like that, even if he'd kept to himself.

The heavy blocking sensation was back, clogging his throat and making it near impossible to breathe. Holding a hand to his neck, he coughed, trying to get air.

A shadow fell across him and he heard shuffling before a heavily worried asked him- sounding just a bit desperate- "Doni, you need to breathe. Come on, take big breaths with me." The sound of an exaggerated inhale followed.

What did he think he was trying to fucking do?

Pushing down his irritation and fear he obeyed, taking a wheezing breath in. He tried to hold it but failed halfway through, returning to his quick pants.

"Doni, you need to keep trying. Try again, do what I do." Lynix's instructions seemed simple enough so he continued straining for oxygen, feeling the invisible block starting to fade as he calmed down. He managed to get all the way through a inhale and exhale before needing to pause.

Slowly they practiced, until the lengths between gasps was almost non-existent.

And they stopped.


A/N: I know that was really bad, I just can't figure out how to end it and have literally two minutes. I will be back hopefully soon! Requests are open! Bye, have a great day/night!

Words: 1006

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