Most Likely To

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A/N: Hello dear readers! I should get a better name for you guys. I'll think about it. This oneshot is a bit like 'Truth Or Dare!'. This features Doni, Lynix, Rage, Quiff, Bionic, Liger, Skiddzie, and Kiply! I really tried to make this funny, but I miserably failed. Hope you enjoy! Happy reading!

Tw: Similar to the other game oneshot! Caps and mention of a bad sleep schedule. Also being forgotten about.


A hat sat between them, paper and pencils spread on the ground in front of each player.

They were playing the intense game of Most Likely To.

Reaching out a feathery hand Doni spun the wheel, waiting as eyes followed its path. Finally, it stopped and landed on red. It read:

'Most likely to go to jail first.'

Picking up the pencil Doni began writing, folding a shred of paper and flicking it into the hat in the middle of the room.

Glances were cast at each other, some biting their lips as they thought.

When Skiddzie had placed his in, the hat was spilled and papers opened, being read and placed in messy but organized piles.

"We have one for Rage, two for Liger, and four for Doni!" Kiply announced, putting the papers in a recycling bin.

"Why do you think I'm going to jail first??" Doni spluttered, cocking his head slightly in confusion.

"Because of all the times you prank us!" Bionic said, Rage adding, "And I know you've committed a few crimes."

"Well... I am banned from Russia."


"HEY, IT WAS FOR A GOOD CAUSE!" Doni defended, wings slightly flaring out behind him.

"Do we even want to know?" Lynix asked, the blonde fixing an amused expression on the owl across from him.

"No..." The Brit answered, reaching over and dragging a hand over the multicolored wheel again.

Turning away, they all watched as the wheel stopped on blue, reading it out as one. "Who is most likely to forget their own birthday?"

Papers were quick to be scribbled on, being thrown into the gray hat.

"Two for Rage and five for Lynix!" Quiff said.

Rage just nodded his head, his poker face not letting any emotion shine through. Lynix, however, had a confused expression.

"Why am I being voted the most? I'm not that forgetful! Okay, sure, I might have forgotten the earth is round BUT THAT WAS ONE TIME- "

A ranting Lynix was cut off by a hard pat on his back coming from Skiddzie. "Don't worry about it, man! Everyone forgets things sometimes! I mean, not as much as you do, and I don't understand how you could forget common knowledge, but-" He cut himself off before he could continue rambling, instead just giving a remorseful smile and turning back as the wheel was spun.

It read, 'Who would get so invested in a project that they don't sleep for days?'

Everyone- and I mean EVERYONE- turned towards Doni.

The owl took a moment to notice, seemingly thinking, before turning to the others and seeing their gazes on him. He raised his hands in a defensive gesture and said," Why am I being targeted?? This stupid game doesn't have any good questions. And it doesn't ever get that bad!" He blocked out his memories of when it had, in fact, gotten that bad.

Not bothering to write Doni spun the wheel, refusing to look at the people behind him as the rotation slowed until it eventually stopped.

'Who is most likely to be forgotten about?'

Looking around the room, people thought, a few putting their pencils to their paper and starting to write their answers down.

Writing Skiddzie's name, Doni carefully folded the note, putting the paper in just as the last few SMP members finished.

"Quiff got one, Bionic two, and Skiddzie got four." Rage declared, reading in a plain voice.

"Why am I the forgotten one?" Skiddzie asked, confused and just a bit hurt.

"You're the new guy, that's why!" Doni said. Skiddzie answered," But I joined months ago!"

"Well, still the newest." Kiply shrugged. "Don't worry, once someone else join they'll take your forgotten position! Nothing personal!"

"Looks like I'm not the only one with problems related to memory." Lynix commented, a rare smirk playing on the edge of his lips. Skiddzie just shook his head.

The wheel was spun once more, landing on a yellow piece that read:

'Who's most likely to jump out of a plane?'

Notes were written, pencils sharpened, and eyes roamed.

Once everyone had finished with their answer the hat was dumped.

"Two for Doni, two for Rage, and three for Liger." Came the announcement from the living robot Bionic.

"YEAH I WOULD!" Liger said, bouncing on his feet.

"Eh, I'm fine not jumping from thousands of feet in the air." Rage said, sounding bored.

"Well, I've got my wings so if worst came to worst I could use them." Doni spoke, turning and spreading his brown owl wings to their full length.

"Yeah yeah yeah, stop showing off!" Quiff said jokingly.

Turning back Doni spun the round device having started the game, waiting until it slowly landed on a blue triangle with black letters.

'Who's most likely to be a famous stand-up comedian?'

There was no questions from anyone as they wrote, comparing and finding out they had all wroten Rage's name.

All he had to say was "Hm.".

The torturous cycle continued as the wheel landed on purple, reading the following words:

'Who's most likely to go famous on Social Media after a single post?'

The round ended in a tie after everyone wrote and saw they had all voted themselves.

The wheel spun one last time and they read aloud together:

'Who is most likely to suddenly get a green thumb?'

In the end they voted for Kiply, ending the game.


A/N: I am really being dragged down right now from writer's block, but it's fine. I need to get out at least one more before I take a break. This is definitely not my best work... but it's fine. I'm just glad I didn't cut it halfway short, which I was very close to doing. Anyway, bye! Have a great day/night!

Words: 1037

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