SIU (2)

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A/N: Hello beautiful readers! I hope you're having a great day/night! I have come today with another oneshot! Refreshed my memory and started writing! This was requested by ZorkaDamballaFenriz! Thanks for the request! I will take requests for part twos, but do know that they will be shorter than the first part (like 500 words). I'll spare you the rant of why this took so long to get out. How has your day (or night, and you better go to sleep soon!) been? Happy reading!

Tw: Being told to 'Suck it up', being made fun of, getting mocked, yelling, caps, swears, self-hate, unhappy ending, rejection of saying no, anger, near panic attack, mention of possible permadeath. Most of this is mentioned from the first part.


Wings carried Doni high above the clouds, the wind in his face rushing through his feathers and soothing his nerves. Angling towards his lab, he gave a giant flap, letting himself dive straight towards the area with eyes blurred with frustrated tears.

It wasn't enough.

He tried so, so hard every single fucking day.

And it wasn't enough.

When the scientist's evil laboratory came into view, he started to slow his fall, swerving to glide straight towards it so he wouldn't crash from his momentum.

Doni lowered himself to the ground once he was in front of the door, reaching a taloned hand to twist the doorknob and let himself in. Ignoring his shoes, he strided to his planning room, intending to just sit in the corner until he could see straight and he didn't feel like he was going to collapse at any moment.

However, when he got there and had unlocked the room with the key he kept hidden in a nearby bookshelf, Doni paused. 

Crying would do nothing. It would just leave him with a headache worse than what he already had. Self-pity wouldn't achieve anything. He would just feel even more sad and angry.

No, none of that would help. But revenge would.

Treading to the giant spruce table in the middle, he lowered himself to a sitting position in front of a large book, ready to spend hours until he found the right mod. He didn't have to wait long, though, because less than a hour later he stumbled upon the exact thing he wanted.

The mod would turn the world into ice, slowly freezing the core of the server before creeping up to the surface. Eventually, everything and everyone would be frozen, until the very sun turned to a frosty ball in the sky. There had been multiple cases of glitches making respawns impossible, resulting in permanent deaths. But Doni didn't care about that.

You know what they say, after all: Revenge is a dish best served cold.


A/N: Hello guys! Pretty happy with this one, actually! Once again, this was requested by ZorkaDamballaFenriz, so thank you for that! It was fun to write! I hope the ending was good, I personally really like it. I love you all /p! Thank you so much for reading, and have a great day/night!

Words: 500

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