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A/N: Hi, any readers seeing this! This was requested by Moonlight_123343! Very fluffy! Really sorry it took so long, but it's done now! This is platonic as well; they see each other like siblings! Hope you enjoy the oneshot!

Tw: A few caps, but not shouting! Other than that, none! Pure fluff, enjoy it! :)


Delicate yet strong fingers wove through Doni's feathers, combing down the protective layer of brown fluff as he trilled, happy at the physical touch and the warm energy of one of his many nests.

Doni had nests in or around everyone's house, whether they knew it or not. In every other tree, cave, bush, even abandoned burrows- a nest was built. Of course, he had his main one in his favorite giant oak, but the extras were there just in case he tired after many sleepless days or just needed a moment to calm down for some reason or another.

Right now, he was getting his wings and feathers preened by Kiply, one of his best friends who was basically his sister.

Doni had tried to clean them himself, but he couldn't reach the ones in the back. But they were dirty and matted, uncomfortable to feel every time he flew or just jostled the feathered appendages. The unhealthy feathers were supposed to be plucked off, so that new, healthy ones could grow in their place.

The unhealthy feathers were ones that were broken, dull, peeling, bent, or just weird looking. He hadn't been able to properly preen in a long, long time, a bigger time than he'd like to admit. But now he had someone to help! And she was even good at it!

Doni was currently in Kiply's house, a built nest of twigs and grasses under him. The blindfolded SMP member had found him on her roof, trying to pick debris off after a bad fall had him land in a few bushes with mud hidden under them. He was dirty, but not hurt.

Kiply's hands were weaving between his feathers, carefully smoothing them down and gently pulling the damaged and bad ones off. Doni had gotten most of the wet dirt off himself, but the bits that had dried were picked off.

Feathers were straightened and righted, wings spread and shiny.

When there was no more mud, debris, or damaged feathers, Kiply's hands stopped looking through his wings and instead started petting them.

Letting out a sound that seemed suspiciously like a purr, Doni leaned into her side, content. A few clicks rang out around the room as he opened and closed his beak to make the smooth sound.

Turning his head, he nuzzled his cheek against her, then gently headbutted her chin. Laughing, Kiply continued to run her fingers through the soft feathers, happy he was being so affectionate.

As previously stated, they were in a nest, but the nest was in her storage room, a open space she wasn't using having been covered so it looked like it already had things placed there.

However, a certain owl has just been bored and eager to make a hiding place in Kiply's house, so a nest naturally had been made. He'd hidden it so it was never disturbed- he knew Kiply was always very messy and most likely would never touch anything in there again-, but it was worth giving up the secret location in the end.

Kiply was outside the nest. She knew from hearing other SMP players' experiences that you never, EVER got in a nest made by Doni without permission. And she wasn't about to give up on common sense, like many other of the crazy people here had.

Reaching out a hand, she took Doni's taloned one, studying it closely.

She tsked, still holding it as she looked Doni in the eyes. "Doni, your claws are looking dull. Want to paint them?" The owl in question just buried his head into her shirt, trying to curl up; to far into his instincts to respond.

But he did twitter, which Kiply took as a sign for yes.

Trying to stand up, her clothes were caught by something. Turning to look, she faced Doni, trying to hold her down. Gently removing his claws from the shirt, she told him, "Don't worry Birdie, I'm just going to get nail polish. I'll be right back!"

Doni reluctantly letting her go, Kiply rose, passing him and going to her bedroom. She opened some dressers, and after her third one, found a container with the colored paste inside. Reading it, she couldn't find anything saying 'Non-Toxic For Pets', so she moved on. She didn't know if Doni actually would be affected, but better safe than sorry.

Opening the closet, she looked through a chest. Finding what she was looking for, she took it, double checking the label before heading back down.

When she walked down the last step she could see Doni curled up in his nest, wings covering him. At the found of her footsteps, he seemed to shoot up, making grabby hands towards her.

Smiling, she took his hand, just to be surprised as she was pulled into the owl's nest. Even happier, she held out the nail polish, which Doni chirped at. He seemed to like the pink color, nuzzling it and then her.

Opening the small bottle, Kiply held his talons flat and straight. The covered brush swept over them, perfect in every way.

Finishing on one hand, she moved to the other, watching Doni out of the corner of her vision as he curiously gazed at the bright color. He shifted a bit and Kiply held him still again, finishing on the last claw.

Closing the last bottle, she smiled at his yet again, watching fondly as he inspected each and every talon before letting out a series of happy chirps and trills.

Pushing her down, he laid on top of her, closing his eyes as his breathing slowed. Giving up to her fate, Kiply made herself comfortable, following Doni closely behind to the dream world.


A/N: Hello again, anyone here! Thank you to Moonlight_123343 for requesting! Feel free to do so as well! Hoping this doesn't get taken down as well! I'm still so angry about that-

Also, thank you so much for the cover Nay590! I love it a lot! Mwah! Thank you again!

Words: 1062

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