Suck It Up

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A/N: Hello beautiful readers! I hope you're having a great day/night! I have come today with the offering of another oneshot! This was requested by my kindhearted wife Nay590! Quick warning, I might wait to write anything else until school is out, just so you know. I'll say if it's official! This is just hurt, so if you like happy endings, it's probably best to steer clear of this! Happy reading!

Tw: Being told to 'Suck it up', being made fun of, getting mocked, yelling, caps, swears, self-hate, unhappy ending, rejection of saying no, anger.


Doni kept a poker face as he looked at the group of his friends, posture bored, and eyes slightly zoned out as he thought. What did they want from him? He hadn't pranked since yesterday, either!

In the awkward silence, Doni shifted his gaze from Rage to Quiff to Lynix and all the others in turn. They were just standing there. Staring at him. It was making him uncomfortable. He cleared his throat, hoping that it'd break the silence enough for them to speak and say why they were here. Just... looking.

Thankfully, Lynix stepped forward, expression seeming annoyed. Why would he be annoyed? Nothing had happened all day.

"We were thinking. We want you to hand over your position as admin. Preferably, to me." There were shouts of "No, me!" "I want it!" and also "Yeah!". Doni barely heard them, buried in shock at the hurtful words. Why? And why now? Sure, they'd hinted that someone else would be better at the job (they had no idea how much work and pressure was put on you), but they had never outright said it! And why LYNIX, of all people?!

Opening his mouth, he said two simple words. "Fuck you."

Shocked faces greeted the statement, jaws hanging wide open. As if he'd just hand over the role to them! That's what they most likely expected. Morons. Idiots. He needed a stronger word. But right now, he was furious. And rightfully so.

"Do you really just expect me to do that? After years of training? Years of improving? I don't think so, you bitches! Go to hell!" Doni raked them all with a venomous glare, breath coming short and fast. He was surprised it wasn't smoke.

Closing his mouth with an audible click, Rage stood forward as well, half a step ahead of Lynix. "We do. It's been long enough of having an awful admin. It's time for a new leader. Like me." He lifted his chin ignorantly.

"No. And nothing you say will change my mind. Suck it up." Doni's words got angry glares. Especially from Lynix, Rage, and Liger. The latter stepped up as well, shoulder to shoulder with Rage and just in front of Lynix.

"I should be the new admin. I'm the smartest and most handsome, after all!" Doni snorted, amused at the false claim. He spoke again.

"For your information, I am the smartest, greatest, handsomest, admirable, cleverest, nicest, magnificent, swiftest, respectable, good looking, sweetest, funniest, funest, strongest, charming, kindest, bravest, courageous, daring, bolding, coolest, interesting, inspiring, thoughtful, intelligent, creative, awsomest, helpfulest, thankful, reliable, luckiest, thoughtfulest, graceful, gifted, incredible, perfectest and humble person slash owl admin ever."

Blinks and scattered, awkward laughs greeted his words. "Yeah, VERY humble!" Bionic commented, the robot having listened with a tilted head the entire time. Doni was surprised that no one had cut him off before he finished.

"We don't care about any of your nonsense. So use your weird- admin magic or whatever, and give me the role!" Quiff snapped, eyes narrowed in aggression. Doni answered, "No. Suck it up."

"You barely do anything anyway! If I was admin, this server would be a much better place." Skiddzie's voice rang out clearly from the back, and Doni blinked in surprise, having not known he was there. Why was he invited to this SMP again?

"I do barely anything? Is that what you all think?" Doni's anger had slowly faded, dulling to a lifeless spirit of what it had been, but now it sprang up, roaring at how insolent they were as he glared, barely holding himself back. If looks could kill....

Blank faces and nods answered him as he took a deep, shuddering breath, torn between throwing them to the Void or curling into a ball and letting his overwhelming feelings out. He chose neither, voice raised as he shouted. "YOU ASSHOLES DON'T KNOW JUST HOW HARD IT IS TO BE ME! IF YOU WERE ADMIN FOR EVEN A WEEK, YOU WOULD BE BEGGING ME TO TAKE IT BACK! YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HANDLE ALL THE STRESS AND SLEEPLESS NIGHTS! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE ENVIED YOU ALL, AND YOUR CAREFREE LIVES? YOU WOULD CRACK UNDER ALL THE FUCKING PRESSURE! FUCK YOU!"

Startled, the others processed what he said slowly, going over each word and taking their time. Confused and angry eyes met his, and he smiled, grim and humorless. It was the smile of someone who had been broken time and time again, clinging to a thread as life threw rocks at them repeatedly. It was a sad, hopeless and bitter grin.

Liger spoke up, raising his head. "You're just exaggerating. Anyone could do it. Like me!"

Doni's dark stare met his, and he unhurriedly shook his head, shoulders sagging under a invisible weight. "I already said no. Just suck it up already and leave me alone."

With the beating of wings, Doni rose into the sky, a smudge of brown against the sky as he flew further and further away.

He didn't know if he'd be coming back.


A/N: Oof, sad. Okay, well, guess it ends here! I'm halfway satisfied with that ending. But I think this one turned out okay! Hope you guys enjoyed! Also, real quickly, what have been your guys favorite oneshot? I'd be interested to know! I'm going to go take a test now, so bye! Have a great day/night! Remember you are loved! 

Words: 1000

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