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A/N: Hello! This was requested by Mapleshade45! I hope you enjoy it! Tried to get it out early, and I have an hour, so hope it's not too rushed.

Tw: Passing out, capture, bruises, chains, a few swears, being laughed at, slight blood, little injury, panic, caps, sadness, leaving, desperation.


Doni stood up from his nest, bits of twigs and dry grass sticking to his stiff feathers as he stretched and opened his beak in a small yawn. He ran it through his left wing a few times before deciding he was good enough.

Flapping his wings a few times, Doni flew through the small hole in his tree and onto the ground below, using his wings to slow his fall.

Looking around, Doni noted all the different features of nature around him. The autumn sun cast a weak light through the sky, which seemed to make the few leaves left from the summer glow. A few white mushrooms poked above the ground, and Doni noted in the back of his mind that those certain ones were pricy and could get a few good bucks. He made a mental reminder to grow more of them, to hopefully make up for some of his worse pranks.

A chilly wind blew around Doni, making him shiver as he wrapped his wings around himself tightly. Maybe he should get a jacket. But they were so uncomfortable... no, he was okay.

Turning towards the hub, Doni had started taking a step when he heard a click. Oh no. Looking down, he saw a pressure plate, and particles filled his entire vision at the same time the noise of glass breaking sounded across the field, loud to his sensitive hybrid hearing.

Black spots, varying in shape and size, blew up into his eyes until they massed together, covering his entire vision in time for him to think 'Weakness potion...' before his body fell, eyes closed as he lost consciousness.

*A black figure stepped up to Doni, hands reaching for his wings before it all cuts to black*

Waking up was not something Doni wanted to do, for as soon as he did and opened his eyes, the now bright and hot sun shined directly into his face, momentarily blinding him.

"Ow..." Doni whispered. "What happened...?" After a few moments, he was able to shake off his shock and dizziness enough to feel around. Okay, so his hands weren't tied. That's good. But his mouth was. At least he could still breath, and see if the sun still poking through proved anything.

He managed to eventually figure out he was on a wooden platform, in a sitting position. His hands were chained to something, probably a wall. His feet too. At least he still had enough room to feel around and stand up, but that was about it.

As he sat there, wondering what he was supposed to do, a cold lap of something liquid hit him in the flank. Doni yelped in shock, immediately jerking away from it. Only to jerk back, because, apparently, they'd put a chained collar around his neck. Fuck.

Trying to ignore his ever-growing panic, Doni struggled to open his eyes against the hot and still air from the sun. When he finally could, he immediately looked down, eyes only half open as he got used to the light.

Finally, the heat seemed to fade a bit to a ache in his head enough for him to fully look around and explore with his sight.

At his right, he could suddenly see bright blue waves surging gently over some kind of floating wooden platform he was seated on. So that's what the chill was. Hmm.

Turning around the best he could in his limited space, Doni could see a plain wooden oak floor and wall, and speaking- well, thinking- of which, he was attached to the latter, just as he'd thought. Today really wasn't a great day so far.

Straining his ears for sound, he could hear nothing human- no footsteps, sudden rustles, loud breathing only a human would be foolish enough to do, or talking. Nothing.

So he was stuck here, no way out of the chains, miles out in the lake. Well, that's just wonderful, wasn't it?

Panic came back full force, and he forced himself to take a few deep breaths and closing his eyes. Who would do this to him? Well, he definitely deserved it, he's not saying he didn't. He's just surprised someone would be brave enough to. Strange.

A laugh had him jumping, limited by the chains as he whipped around the best he could to see Rage.

Rage was wiping a tear from his eye as he laughed, his boat stilled as he stopped rowing. He tried to get out some words- probably a nasty, sarcastic comment- but eventually gave up from his lack of air and his laughing stopping him. Thank the gods, he couldn't deal with that right now.

Turning his boat around, Rage headed away, still chuckling and trying to breathe correctly.

When he had disappeared from sight, Doni continued to glare in the direction he'd gone for a few seconds before turning away a bit and yelling out, "IS ANYONE THERE? PLEASE HELP, YOU'LL GET A PRANK PASS FOR A WHOLE WEEK! A WEEK! THINK ABOUT IT!" He stopped, listening. A minute passed, then two. Nothing happened.

Just when he was about to shout again, a flying shape high above him casting its shadow on him caught Doni's attention. Lynix!

"Lynix! Lynix!" Doni cried out, thrashing his wings instinctively as if that'd help. The movement only made him hurt worse, chains prodding at bruises he hadn't even known was there.

The dark figure swerved suddenly, as if trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. A moment later, a firework boomed, and Lynix was standing by Doni, narrowly avoiding falling. "Doni? What are you- what-" Doni cut him off. "Lynix, please help me! I don't know what happened, I just woke up here and I'm chained and can't get out! Please!" Lynix just studied him for a few moments, suspicion obvious in his expression and body language.

When Lynix began slowly edging away from him, Doni cried out, "Lynix! Please! I promise it isn't a trap!" Pulling against his chains, he reached out for the Blonde, talons stretching.

In his panic and desperation, not wanting to be stuck there all day, Doni accidentally nicked Lynix with his sharp claws, drawing a startled and slightly pained yelp from him. A little bit of blood quickly covered the scratch, a single drop falling onto the wood.

With that, Lynix was gone, launching into the air and disappearing before Doni could say another word or even apologize.

Sitting there all day, in the hot sun heat that the chill of fall couldn't tame, Doni panted, trying to fan himself with his wings. He eventually gave up yelling, too tired, thirsty, and hungry to do anything.

When the sun was setting, a startled gasp came from his right, and Doni slowly opened his eyes and looked.

Kiply was there. That's all he saw before being bombarded with questions and words, which was too much for him.

Eventually, the chains were gone and he was helped into a boat before he slowly fell asleep, freed.

Kiply was a great friend.


A/N: Hello! This was requested by Mapleshade45! I hope you enjoy it! Tried to get it out early, and I have an hour, so hope it's not too rushed.

Words: 1260

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