Truth Or Dare!

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A/N: Hello beautiful world! Here's another oneshot for you! This one is pretty fluffy, so I hope it'll be good because fluff isn't usually my style. It's also like a group of fourth grader girls having a sleepover. Anyway, happy reading!

Tw: There's playful yelling, a few almost swears, and empty threats, plus light injury (no descriptions) but other than that there's none this time! It's lighthearted and crack is taken seriously! (Not the drug!)


"Truth or dare... Doni!" Quiff shouted, pointing at the brown owl.

Heads turned towards him as he thought. "Dare!" He answered confidently, smirking.

 Quiff thought for a moment, before Bionic whispered something in his ear. Eyes sparkling, Quiff raised his head and pointed at Doni, a mischievous smile making its way onto his face as he declared, "I dare you to give Lynix a kiss!"

A shrill scream was heard as Doni gasped, dramatically putting a hand over his heart and standing. "Fine then! I will!" But, instead of going over to Lynix like the group expected, he marched forward towards his sleeping bag, pulling out a few items they couldn't make out and using a random crafting table.

As Doni came towards Lynix, the people there noted how he squirmed nervously, messing with his tie.

Dramatically bowing down, Doni held out a taloned hand to Lynix. "Lynix, here is a kiss." Turning his hand around, he presented the blonde with a chocolate candy.

Hesitating, Lynix took it, putting the silver wrapped treat in his pocket and saying a quiet, "Thank you, Doni." The British owl replied easily, "You're welcome, Lynix!"

Liger was giggling in the corner while Rage looked upon it, a permanent poker face plastered on as chaos unfolded with the next round.

"Kiply, truth or dare!" Doni loudly asked, looking at the purple girl as she answered, "Truth!" Doni said, "Is it true you and Quiff might get married?!"

Gasps and yelps of glee at the question echoed across the previously quiet room, a book being thrown and hitting Liger in the face, who fell over and lay still.

Not paying him any attention, people leaned towards Kiply and Quiff, demanding the truth. Stuttering, Kiply replied, "W- well, maybe if- if he wanted t-to..." Quiff's face blossomed red, mirroring what Kiply must look like under her blindfold.

"Y-yeah, I guess...!" Quiff answered, sounding strained. His eyes were constantly darting towards the door, as if thinking of an escape.

"Good answer!" Doni declared, sitting down again and folding his wings comfortably against his back after smacking Bionic in the face.

Quiff looked around at the faces and said, "Rage, truth or dare?" There was an instant reply of, "Dare."

"I DARE YOU TO CUT SOMEONE'S SHOES OFF!" Quiff yelled, seeming satisfied and hiding a smile.

"Okay, sure. Not mine, anyway." Rage calmly said, heading towards a unconscious Liger and pulling a pair of shears out of thin air. Crouching down, he began cutting the bottoms off, leaving the top and a thin piece connecting the remains to the yellow man's foot.

Once he was done, he headed into the bathroom and came back with a bucket of cold water.

Before anyone could do anything, the water was dumped on Liger, who jolted up with, "WHO THE FLIP JUST DID THAT!"

Rage shrugged, tossing the bucket. "I thought you might want to be awake for this. Besides, you live under a bridge. Don't you get wet all the time anyway?"

Liger just let out a small growl, muttering as Rage turned and walked away, "You'll pay in tenfold!" Either Rage didn't hear him or simply didn't care, because he sat down and said, "Lynix, truth or dare?"

"Truth, please!" Lynix piped up, straightening from his previously hunched over position on the couch.

"Do you have any secret crushes?" Rage asked, smirking.

It was so quiet a pin drop could be heard as Lynix struggled for an answer. However, it erupted into sound when he slid a glance at a certain duck.

"I KNEW IT!" Kiply and Bionic yelled in unison, the others snickering while Doni stared at Lynix with a blank- but slightly confused- expression.

Before a war was caused and Doni had to back up the server, Lynix cleared his throat and said, "Skiddzie, truth or dare!"

"Umm- dare." The man with sunglasses said, slightly twisting his fingers around.

"I dare you to..." Lynix started. "Make a dramatic scene!"

The next moment passed in a blur. If you were to ask everyone what they saw, they'd say they had seen a suited man jumping across the room and throwing Doni and Rage at the same time.

And oh yeah, a table. That too.

The table went flying across the open space, fast and unstoppable. Kiply, who was in it's path, was saved by Quiff, who bravely pushed her out of the way only to get hit in the face himself.

The table didn't slow as Quiff fell, instead choosing a bookcase as it's next target.

With a loud slam, the table hit the books, leaning against them before sliding to the ground and returning to a normal table once again.

There was a loud silence, and then a few gasps of relief as the tension in the air eased.

Until the bookcase started rocking back and forth.


The bookcase tipped over, landing on another shorter one nearby and causing a domino pattern to be created.

And it was heading right towards Bionic.

Dust and debris exploded around the room, the sound of a screeching cat ringing out and destroying everyone's eardrums as Batman leaped away from his falling perch as it landed on the robot.

Breaths were held in as silence once again overcame the room, the only sound being a rustle of feathers as Doni stood up.

"Bionic...?" He asked, heading towards the fallen bookcase.

The sound of movement followed the name, and the next moment a hand burst through the books and gave him a thumbs-up.

"Fine!" Bionic yelled, pushing the bookcase off with his inhuman strength. He was smiling.

Lynix turned to Skiddzie. "Well, that sure was dramatic."

The room burst into laughter as they continued to play the game all night.


A/N: Hello! I tried my best at making this funny, so I hope it is. Also, don't worry! Everyone is fine! Including Batman! This was actually pretty easy and fast to write, and I enjoyed it. Requests welcomed as always! Have a great day/night! Bye, guys!

Words: 1084

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